
Lucas – United In Oneness We Are – 24 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 10/24/2012 - 07:03


Lucas – United In Oneness We Are – 24 October 2012

I am that I AM. I see and observe.  I  speak of  EGO and EGO disguised as spiritual teachers, gurus, channelers and writers.  I see the EGO getting in the way of unity and unconditional love.  The words spoken are polluted with sentences of attacks against those calling the EGO out. The sentences of division and hatred, the sentences of denying and ridiculing, and so on, all those  sentences  show EGO will  react to that what seems to touch and hurt it.

I observe people using other channelers, others writings or writers to proof things they say are right as their EGO needs that acknowledgment and has not enough power on its own. The weakness of EGO shows as unconditional Love does not have this and is powerful on its own.  I see people interpreting and giving messages the wanted explanation for their own benefits and purposes.


Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 10/21/2012 - 15:46


by XdavidRananda Spears on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 12:12pm ·
Each of the higher chakras; Heart; Throat and Third Eye, have a higher aspect. These are;- Higher Heart; Higher Throat and Fourth Eye chakras

Lucas – Be One, Be Love, Be The Inspiriation, Be Free – 20 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 06:02


Lucas – Be One, Be Love, Be The Inspiriation, Be Free – 20 October 2012

It is we all have our days we ponder on things happening without judgement just seeing what it is that is.  It is feeling the anxiousness for change and the worries it will not happen by some. It is for many wanting to be free and even using means for that freedom to accomplish that are not wanted anymore.

I see those still not awakened and those who already have and those who have falling asleep again. I see teachers become pupils again and renowned becoming the common. They are just observations of mine.   The shift is taking place. People need to address their issues and come into their heart and being oneness with all and in all in unconditional love.

Lucas – Real Unity In Unconditional Love – 19 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 10/19/2012 - 00:36


Lucas – Real Unity In Unconditional Love – 19 October 2012

My heart is longing for peace and harmony as  still ego and division is preached or hold on to. There is no unity in duality. When do you step over your shadow?  When do you step out of this is my way and group and we know what is best or better said. When do you stop  the competition of actions,  explanations, words, beliefs, patterns.  We make a stand for unity between the lightworkers around the world as we have only one common goal:  ending the old duality system and bringing the new paradigm as a blue-print online.

Lucas – Breaking Through The Barriers Finding Eternal Bliss In Your Heart – 16 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 01:44


Lucas – Breaking Through The Barriers Finding Eternal Bliss In Your Heart – 16 October 2012

The change coming and more and more people awakening in this new wave is astonishing to see. Also remarkable is the observation that a group of people still seem to create new or reinforce  their barriers. They have trouble giving in to the feminine site and the vulnerable site of an unconditional loving being.

This makes that people can not shift from the head into the heart. The thinking of being loving or even the best in their class of being meditating, etc., gets in the way of feeling love. For some reason people still keep up their fences and do not give in to surrendering full to the source being and feeling One in unconditional love. Males have problems with this and go into old belief systems, patterns and society conditioned thinking of alleged called being a sissy or  called un- manly  if you express your vulnerable or feminine site.

Lucas – I Got A Feeling – 11 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 09:28


Lucas – I Got A Feeling – 11 October 2012

It  is a great day for me.  I got a feeling. I feel laughing and smiling all day long, just remembering all is Now and is Now changing.  No more waiting.  I see it all going on. Talking with friends over what is going on.  Seeing more and more the things as they are. Even a radio interview scheduled for a second time did not go through without notice, but  I do not care, I am still smiling and seeing all is just like it is and it is fine.

Lucas – Love The Greatest Gift Of All – Energy Of Oneness

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 13:36


Lucas – Love The Greatest Gift Of All – Energy Of Oneness – 30 September 2012

I am grateful I have found so much love surrounding me. It is bringing all there is into light and  full understanding. There is no secret anymore as all is already revealed. It is, just see it. Love is what you think of as  magical and mystic but it is really the biggest gift of all you ever dreamed of receiving. It is already in your possession.

You can feel the power in seeing love in those just being your mirror. You can feel love in all that is not loving as it is just also a lesson of love. You can see love in just being love and being you. It is enough to be. Love expects nothing, it is unconditional.  Love will even overcome the grandest fear and ego that is blocking your path.

Lucas – Love Through Your Eyes – A Bedtime Poem! – 28 September 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 00:53


Lucas – Love Through Your Eyes – A Bedtime Poem! – 28 September 2012

I saw love through your eyes. I saw your hearts visualisation  of all that love could imagine in an abundance of energies appearing als floating colours.

I saw love through your eyes. I saw your hearts  visualisation of you smiling the love into existence like a breath of air that makes all tree leaves vibrate.

I saw love through your eyes. I saw your hearts visualisation of all that beauty you acknowledge to be surrounding all and being one with us all.

Lucas – A Strange Awareness Of Coming Changes – 15 September 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 13:52


Lucas – A Strange Awareness Of Coming Changes – 15 September 2012

Being split in two worlds feeling the 3D world knocking on my door to let go of the last stuff and the 5D world letting me know all is coming and happening in the now.  I feel the dominant themes of my earthly life  fighting my scissors cutting their ties to me. It is feeling been torn back and forth. The incoming energies that keep building up till the end of the year are not making it not easier on me and all of you.  It is though like it is.

I feel sick in my 3D world  with flu-like symptoms while my heart says I am not sick but changing and I feel well in that other world connected to my heart and source.  In that partial way of being morphed between my light body and world and the old 3D is where my mind has to fill in the blanks it sometimes can not as it is forgetting due to the energies sometimes what things are called or what I just was doing a minute a go. All is part of the changes.

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