
Lucas – Class Of 2012 – Graduation Duality School

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 00:35


Lucas – Class Of 2012 – Graduation Duality School – 28 August 2012

It is not long anymore for all of you will return to their homes, their families and friends from a far or near. The time spent on this earth’s school of duality is in the finalizing phase. We see our different classes we took and timelines we saw and explored all coming together now. We have grown out of our roles played in this play.

The new exiting future is what we still are guessing at.  We also have to let go of our positive and negative experiences and leave them as a faint memories behind at our school.  We can go there if we want back with our class year books as all that knowledge is still for all available only it will not be hurting or be overly exciting you. It is past that is future but all Now.

Lucas – In Sync – 26 August 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 07:21


Lucas – In Sync – 26 August 2012

A great experience is in the making for all. We are getting more and more in our lives the feeling of being in sync with others, with events, with dimensional or extra-dimensional happenings.  It is a great way seeing around you popping up what you need at the same time as it is  needed. You see things happen or experience them with  others at the exact same time.  You see master numbers flying around giving you messages and  clocks drawing your attention.

We see also  events that are not from this positive time-line working against the decreed ending of duality  and wanting it become out of sync. They are clearly loosing their  advantage. The shift is taking place even if they are not wanting it. We need to focus further on being the light of our source showing and being the change ourselves.   If you change within it will be adding up to the masses of light already shining. We have to think with our hearts in manifesting the new earth for all.

Lucas - The Beautiful World Of Tomorrow Is Manifested Today - 22 August 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 09:38


Lucas - The Beautiful World Of Tomorrow Is Manifested Today - 22 August 2012


By Lucas - Posted on 22 August 2012

A great feeling of bliss and happiness I feel when the streams of life to source where acknowledged and the world of manifesting everything in unconditional love and in all for the best of all is reaching out to me. 

It is a struggle to set aside all you know, your beliefs, your (false) thrusts and things you are confident in, to abandon all you have  learned and your parents or guardians said to be right not to be needed anymore. It is truly unveiling the layers of the onion. First you get the part of crying and then get to the taste of the real thing that is pure and pleasant.  (Maybe not for all of us, in this analogy).

Lucas – The Way To Go – 8 August 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 22:58


Lucas – The Way To Go – 8 August 2012

The way to go is like a  bottle of heaven falling on your canvas, splashes of rainbow and crystals lighting up  geometric figures dancing in the picture.

The way to go is like remembering your deepest feeling of gratitude and love towards all living on this beautiful creature Gaia that provides our home.  

The way to go is experiencing unconditional love that turns your heart and being in a radiant star that shines your laughing  joyous being in all its glory.

The way to go is  dreaming the world you always wanted to have and being surprised you have manifested it by just doing so.

Lucas – Living Outside The Unveiled Matrix – 6 August 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 08:20


Lucas – Living Outside The Unveiled Matrix – 6 August 2012

We entered a difficult period for all those awakening and even those awakened who laps back to the old paradigm of 3D.  It is truly the duality playing its last cards before the game ends.

We see a lot happening. From lightworkers, self pronounced freedom fighters and prominent authors and channelers in putting dates out when things happen even if they say that it is a probable date and getting people anxious on what will be happening even when nothing happens at all.  No arrest, No landings! They even get accusing each other of being disinfo agents and other things when they use those tactics themselves.  Is that not mirroring or are they really working for somebody else in doing this!?

We see others disrespect, ignoring, hurting and accusing  their readers and people  interested in their knowledge, info and thoughts. Also they do this towards groups of people so they can use the divide and conquer tactics.  The winning of souls for their own causes has begun people. They even have the courage  to tell us we have to unite and instead put out a message of ridicule, disrespect and separation themselves.  So far no Oneness is found amongst all of them. Even if the common goal of freedom and peace in  harmony and abundance is the same.

They want proof from each other but give themselves when asked no proof of things they have been promising. They hide behind the secrecy that should be needed for protection and  or tactical/strategical reasons and behind formalities or sudden impossibilities.  Oh yes, that is all well, as long as you do not tell this story again and again after promises not coming true. You are yourselves nothing better than the accusations you put out there and show also no proof.

Lucas – Feeling Misguided Or Disappointed. Feeling Disinfo Thriving. What About Unity And Finding Unconditional Love Within

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:15


Lucas – Feeling Misguided Or Disappointed. Feeling Disinfo Thriving. What About Unity And Finding Unconditional Love Within – 1 August 2012

It is time to follow your hearts knowledge and not some dates, timelines or other promises from writers, channelers and disinfo agents about things happening if you only just wait or other convenient coincidences about things not being able to happen due to some other things not happening, etc.  Did you hear all the bold statements  made? You will have read it or not in a lot of articles and channelings and heard it on radio shows said lately.

Yes a few times in a couple of years now virtually the same happened again and again . It has become clear that people still do not see that help has come but not in a way we want it or expect it. We see it our task still to look  outside ourselves for the solutions in being referred to a saviour, a guru, authority, politician, priest,  who will lead us and guide us astray.

I see people following people who cunningly tell us to believe them. Those people tell us to get us to trust them by putting some real truth out there mixed with disinfo and directions to bring you away from the real issue that is you having the power within to change and manifest and make your free will choice.

Lucas – Disclosure, Timelines And Right Or Wrong – Forget Duality, Here Comes Oneness

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 05:22

Lucas – Disclosure, Timelines And Right Or Wrong – Forget Duality, Here Comes Oneness – 31 July 2012


Dear ones,

I have told you before about the shift that took place in the balance for the light forces that make the end of our timelines  imminent as all is spiralling down the vortex of rebirth or reset to its origin again. We are going back to oneness even if we think or experience being on another road toward that goal. Duality and all the different timelines, multi or inter-dimensional, parallel or not are coming to the endpoint or better said new beginning as One.  All need for discussions and commentaries and negative ambiguities will end if you see this this way.

Lucas – The Many Levels Of Truth On The Road To Ascension

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 03:06


Lucas – The Many Levels Of Truth On The Road To Ascension – 21 July 2012

It is still difficult for us to let our spirit and heart guide us to the truth that is the truth from your perspective and level in the spiraling vortex of energetic growth and expansion. What is yours is still yours but also is One with that what is of the greater picture and beholds all views, opinions, information as it all.

Lucas – Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 07/19/2012 - 12:26


Lucas – Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest – 19 July 2012

Amongst the beginning to awaken  and awakened people the longing for things to change and happen is strongly felt. Energies creep in places you never imagined. They bring you the  incentives for change within and the start of your inner change. It opens for some also the for long still closed vaults of darkness of the own self.  All needs to transform and things that not suit your new energy signature anymore  have to let go of. 

Lucas – Still Not Believing Your Not Having A Say In Your Democracy?

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 06:21


Lucas – Still Not Believing Your Not Having A Say In Your Democracy? – 18 July 2012

After the Citizens United court case the unlimited spending by the corporations and wealthy is now sanctioned. People in USA do not see the real for what it is. Your democracy is ruled by capitalism and greed, lobbyist and corporations and not “We The People” and the real things that should be addressed.  You see corruption, interests entanglement, lobbying,  senators and congressmen and campaigning for funds for re-election as less time is  spent on Capitol Hill for the duties they are elected for and in keeping their oaths of office. Approximately 2 till 3 days they spent on the Hill. Reading the bills and amendments they should pass they do not.  Yes unread they vote on and pass bills that limit and steal the rights you have as sovereign beings. You should ask them what they voted on. You’d be surprised! 

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