Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 07:20

We find it fascinating that so many human beings will go to such extremes to avoid sitting with their feelings. They distract themselves endlessly, filling every moment of each day with busyness, electronics, consuming themselves with other people’s behaviour, and various ways to numb themselves through substance abuse. As the emotions get louder and louder in their desire to be heard, the effort required to drown them out gets bigger and bigger. Over time, these people end up exhausted and ill, creating some kind of crisis in their lives that requires them to finally slow down.

Dear Ones, your emotions are not to be feared! They are wonderful indicators of what honours you, what you truly require, and who you really are. Why on earth would you want to deny the very things that allow you to express your delightful humanity? Your resistance to the emotions is what is causing you the discomfort, not the emotions themselves. Most emotions, just like you, are desiring to be heard and acknowledged, and then are happy to go on their merry way.

11 Tips To Eliminate Your Daily Stress

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 17:54

Stress is something that I’d say we’ve all had to deal with at various points in our life. Some of us more than others, depending on a variety of different factors, with our reaction to it often being a predominant one. If left untreated, stress can actually develop into of a number of challenges within the body, including an overall burnt out feeling.

Luckily, stress is something that can be managed and eliminated if dealt with properly. Check out the list below for some effective ways I’ve found to reduce or eliminate stress from your life:

1. Meditate

This seems obvious, but the benefits of regular meditation are outstanding! The great thing about meditation is that it can pretty much be practiced anytime, anywhere, and it is an instant stress reliever. If you are able to get into a regular routine with meditating daily, it is very likely that your stress levels won’t only lower, but you’ll find that things that would normally stress you out don’t even bother you. Check out How To Meditate: 6 Methods That Can Get Anyone Meditating.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

You Are God's Beloved

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 17:51

God said:

To think, what life would be if you could live without regret. As it is, you pile up your regrets. You trip over them.

There is a secret to being without regrets. The secret is to get out of the past. Let go of the past, and you will no longer be crowded with remorse. A sense of guilt is something you impose upon yourself. Imposing upon yourself is not a wonderful thing to do.

Regret, remorse, repentance are not noble or heroic. Insights are good. Have an insight, and then be done with it. Letting go is a great secret in life. Holding on is hanging on to the past.

You are not your past. The idea that you are holds you back. You are not even your present, dear one. That is not who you are. Who you are is your Being. Who you are is what you are. Your Being is something sweet and to be glad of, if only you would accept this.

I am your inheritance. I am your offering, and I am totally Being. It is not a myth that you inherit Me. From before your inception in this life, I have been yours. I am your hold on Reality. I am the Essence of you. You are My beloved.

The past, as you see it, is like a wolf who clutches you. The wolf is a proponent of your past. Don’t go there. Your past could be beautiful if you didn't let the past get caught in your craw and pull you down.

Electrifying the Sky: 10 Things You Should Know About Geoengineering

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 15:43

Sattelite Attack

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor
Waking Times

Geoengineering, often referred to as weather modification, is one of the most important issues of our time that almost no one is willing to talk about. No matter how much information is publicly released about government and corporate sponsored projects that tamper with our skies, mainstream media will not support any investigation into the matter, and any coverage of this issue frames concerned citizens as paranoid or irrational. Yet some are unwilling to ignore this issue.

Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, is a courageous man who has taken on an all out herculean effort to make people aware that geoengineering is real, and that is affecting our weather, our environment, and our health. His website has become the leading independent online database of information on atmospheric aerosol spraying, weather modification projects, air, soils and water samples, and other scientific data documenting this taboo crime against humanity.

Your Spiritual Toolbox

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 10:20

In your spiritual learning and growth, it is important to remember that you never have to ‘go it alone’. Reach out to those that resonate with your heart. It is not necessary to limit yourself to one person, one school of thought or one way of thinking. The Universe has given you so many to choose from and learn. Take what you feel is best from each, build your spiritual toolbox and grow! ~ Creator


The Evolutionary & Ecological Importance Of Psychedelic Plants

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 09:19

Source: www.collective-evolution.com | Original Post Date: May 12, 2015 –

…it is almost as if the vegetal world assigned certain plants to be the diplomats and teachers to our young confused species, to help put us on a different path than the one we have chosen, racing to ecological decimation and self-extinction. How else to explain the consistent messages received in mushroom, ayahuasca, iboga, and peyote visions of a world out of balance, of the need to take responsibility, of the vast empathic sentience of the Gaian Mind? …In the same way that we garden plants, teacher plants like ayahuasca seem to garden us when we digest them” [1]

That our indigenous ancestors were more connected to the earth than we are is not up for debate. Also up for little debate is that the destruction of our environment is increasing at an alarming rate, threatening the premature extinction of our species, due to the modern way of life in which humans live more on nature than with it. When we started believing we could control life, we in many ways lost touch with the innate wildness within ourselves and the world around us. Simply put, we became less human.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 09:04

Source: www.myscienceacademy.org | Original Post Date: December 11, 2014 –


The more I ponder about life, the more I come to one solid realisation: The biggest curse and predicament of modern Man is forgetfulness. Like a creeping malaise, forgetfulness has seeped through all of Man’s being and doing. Individually, collectively, historically or culturally, we are spellbound to forget.

We haven’t only forgot our past but also our place in the present and our responsibility of the future. On a personal level, our ego-based state of consciousness is on a mission to keep us in this state of forgetfulness – to break the link to our being as a whole and to the interconnected web of life and universal consciousness. On a collective level, this forgetfulness is perpetuated and reinforced by social and cultural means – mainly by being tranced into a reality of unconscious consumerism, inauthentic lifestyles and a materialistic mindset.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

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