Daily Message ~ Friday October 2, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/02/2015 - 08:30

Using other people’s successes or abundance to amplify your feelings of lack amounts to holding your breath because you can see other people breathing. There is more than enough for everyone, Dear Ones, and if success is around you it is because it is aligning with you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel


Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 2, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 22:18

moon goddess A3 final water

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Sun in Libra moving forward in Venus’ airy sign forms a cardinal t-square with Uranus and Pluto this week, and Sun clashing with the two outer titans of change is only the beginning of the tense aspects in the heavens currently forming. Mars and Venus form tough squares to Saturn, and Mars-Venus and Jupiter also oppose the idealistic, illusory Neptune. The strain, effort, and work that the hard aspects (oppositions, squares) demand also suggest the greatest opportunities to productively move forward with various personal and professional goals.

Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Virgo this week, which is of interest in itself…and additionally the pair forms a strong trine to Mars’ overlord, Pluto, in Capricorn. Tangible, detail-oriented action describes Mars in Virgo, who receives a boost from his overlord, Pluto (energy flows well with raw power). Additionally, Jupiter expands the Mars-Pluto planetary pair. What a potent trio! Do all of the tense aspects in the heavens stand a chance of restraining the earthy force of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto combined? Sharp perspectives and competitive activity help to push objectives forward this week, particularly useful in expanding interests in work and career.

This Is Wisdom – to Laugh!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 22:16

God said:

Have you noticed that sometimes wisdom comes from those you might call fools? Being a fool is not always such an errant thing. Everyone should be a fool at sometime or another in his or her life. Be a fool, and laugh about it. This is wisdom.

Of course, everyone’s definition of fool is not the same. Someone who takes advantage of another thinks the one taken advantage of is the fool. I see it differently. There may be a fool in a particular situation, and there may be a fool who is a trickster in the whole range of his life. On whom would you rely? The identified fool or the clever one?

Everyone has been what is termed a fool in his life. Even saying the word fool tends to make you blush. Sometimes it seems you would rather be anything than a fool. What is so bad about being a fool? Most of the Great Ones were looked on as fools. Who is the fool? The one sneered at or the one who sneered?

How you are looked at isn’t to rule your day. Must the views of others be all that be so important to you? Look at yourself through My eyes. And be sure that you yourself look at others through My eyes as well.

Oh, yes, there are worse things than being a fool. In fact, there are wise fools. Simple is good. Simplicity gets right down to the basics. There is nothing pretentious about fools.

To worry about anything is foolish, yet worry keeps bobbing up on the surface of life. Once worry has you in its thrall, it holds you. Worry wouldn’t exist if it were not for you. Yet you may have the idea that it is wise to worry.

How Are You Affecting Others? – 16 Things You May Want To Stop Doing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 11:43

Land Art by Richard Shilling

Tools For Empaths’ is the most highly viewed and shared post on my blog. It seems that many of us(myself included) often feel that we are at the effect of other’s energies. However, nothing is a constant and nobody is one thing all the time. It is only fair to examine the other side of the coin and see if we may be impacting another in a less than positive manner.

For better or worse, our interactions shape each other. Energies(much like water trying to find its own level) tend to move in a way that achieves resonance and balance. When these shifts move us to a higher vibe, we describe it as harmony and flow. If we find ourselves moving to a more agitated state, the experience is unwelcome and off centring. While we tend to find harmony more easily with some and feel less resonant with others, it is best not to make this personal.

Contrary to popular articles, I don’t think that a great majority are narcissists, self-centred, or ‘energy vampires’ wishing to gain strength at the cost of another. The energy drain itself may feel real but is often unconscious and usually unintentional.

Read more... (serenereflection.wordpress.com)

Day 134 Release Time Constraints

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 11:38

RELEASE TIME CONSTRAINTS Many of you are feeling a quickening, as though there is no time to get things done, wondering where the hours went at the close of your day. There is a shattering of time as you begin to ascend to higher frequencies of vibration.

Time is relative to your interest in an activity, as well. All of you have experienced performing a chore that you disliked and it seemed to take forever. Yet, when you spent the same amount of time involved in a task that was of high interest, you exclaimed, “Where did the time go?” Each of you has within you the ability to warp time so it benefits you, without harming anyone else.

Many of you cannot wear watches, for they either stop or lose their ability to maintain correct time. When a person chooses to follow his intuition and allows himself to flow with what is happening around him, this belief code creates a higher frequency of love, which is the flow. What happens is that clocks and watches are jangled by this frequency and will not work properly. Have you noticed how those who live this way always seem to show up at places at the perfect time?

Whole Foods Will Stop Using Prison Labor In Response To Public Pressure

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 11:25

Source: www.usuncut.com | Original Post Date: September 30, 2015 –

Whole Foods has announced it will stop using their prison labor program after multiple protests around the country and a barrage of negative media coverage from national news outlets.

The company has promised to remove all artisan cheese and fish products previously produced as part of a Colorado inmate labor program by April 2016.

Michael Silverman, a Whole Foods spokesman, said they had originally sourced the products as a way to “help people get back on their feet and eventually become contributing members of society.”

But recent media scrutiny and protests in cities such as Houston, San Francisco, and St. Paul  has forced the company to end the practice because of the negative publicity.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

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