Comprehensive Studies Show That Cannabis Cures Migraines

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 10:17

Many of us suffer from headaches, unfortunately, conventional medicine helps in only a few cases and only if the medication is consumed immediately following the first signs of a headache. It is important to note, however, that all of these various medicaments are accompanied by side effects or harmful consequences. Luckily, according to numerous research efforts, there is a universal and harmless cure that is a product of nature itself – cannabis.

The latest work of Dr. Eric P. Baron from the Headache Center in Cleveland is a review of randomized, controlled researches that estimate the role of cannabinoids in pain management. Moreover, the study point out that cannabis is potentially therapeutic in healing headaches.

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What to Do, When You Don’t Know What to Do…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 10:10

Are you afraid to make a move because you’re unsure of the outcome? Maybe you are waiting for a guarantee before you make your next move.

I hear folks say, “I want to quit my job, but I don’t know if it will work out,” “I want to start dating again, but only if I meet my soul mate” or “I really want to travel, but I don’t have enough money.”

So many of us have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish, and we think, “If only I knew how it would work out, then I could move forward.” We don’t really know what to do because we are unsure of the outcome.

Many of us fail to act or move forward because the thought of making a wrong move feels catastrophic. Our thoughts turn negative when we perceive that our next step will put us into a permanent position we can’t get out of. Think about it. Think about a situation where you accepted a new job, or got involved with a new relationship, whether romantically or a new business venture; what were your thoughts? Most people don’t start things by focusing on the end, because we don’t want a promising situation to end. We start new relationships, new diets, new jobs, and make new friends because we want them to work out. We want them to, in essence, be permanent things, because if they work out, that means we are happy, right?

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Quantum information successfully teleported using optical fiber over a record breaking distance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 09:47

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have conducted an experiment confirming that quantum communication over long distances is possible. Research team has successfully "teleported" quantum information carried in light particles over 100 km (62 miles) of optical fiber, breaking a previous record by four times.

The term quantum teleportation involves the transfer, or remote reconstruction, of information encoded in quantum states of matter or light. Teleportation has the potential of offering new possibilities such as unbreakable encryption and advanced code-breaking techniques.

The basic method for quantum teleportation was first proposed over 20 years ago. Different research groups have been successful in teleporting quantum information over even longer distances, however, these experiments have been conducted in free space, while the ability to perform teleportation over conventional optical fiber is far more flexible solution for network designs. 

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 28, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 09:05

When you have an attachment to things looking a certain way, you are already planning for anything else to be wrong. You are infusing a situation with a pre-planned lack of acceptance, a rigidity, that is quite contrary to the flow of creation. When you lack acceptance for anything other than a certain result, you make it difficult for the universe to serve you your highest outcome, which is almost always far beyond anything you could ever imagine for yourself.

So, yes, Dear Ones, get clear about what you would like to create, but also allow it to be malleable, to be open and flowing, to be the start of a masterpiece that universe can tweak and improve upon, in ways that will best serve the whole and surprise and amaze you. Hand it off to the universe for the greatest good, with room to be even better than your wildest dreams, and you will be utilizing the the power of co-creation.

So often when things aren’t happening for you in terms of manifestation, it is because you are not making room for even better to occur, and that is what would be your true energetic match. Metaphorically, are you asking for glass when the universe is trying to bring you diamonds, because diamonds best reflect the true beauty of your soul? Allow room for you and the universe to joyfully participate in the sacred act of creation together, and you will be delighted with what is possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

Parallel Worlds Exist And Interact With Each Other, New Theory Says

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 08:22

Source: | Original Post Date: November 8, 2014 –

The idea of parallel worlds is one of the more favorite topics of science fiction writers, but also a popular subject of interest for many researchers. If you watched the Fringe series, you will remember that there were two simultaneously existing versions of the same world with slight differences between them. It seems that something like this could be possible, according to a new quantum theory.

A group of Australian and US physicists suggests that there may exist multiple versions of our universe, which can interact with each other on a quantum level. Dr. Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Hall of Griffith University in Australia, together with Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, published their so-called “Many Interacting Worlds” (MIW) theory in the journal Physical Review X.

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Chuen, Day Keeper of current Trecena

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 08:21

September 28 – October 10, 2015   This thirteen day period (trecena) is overseen by the Day Keeper, Chuen. Often symbolized as the monkey, Chuen is our reminder to spend time in nature and bring out the inner child for some fun activities. This is also a time to pay attention to details, perhaps putting the final touches on an artistic endeavor or finalizing a project.

As I am typing this, the radio hosts are talking about a wild monkey being sited in the area… Central Florida! Gotta love those synchronicities! I’m taking some play time today, how about you?

D11 Chuen

The Youngest Case Of Type 2 Diabetes Ever Recorded Shows Us An “Emerging Epidemic”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 08:19

It is no secret that there is an obesity and diabetes epidemic sweeping across North America. In fact, 1 in 10 adults in the United States over the age of 20 have been diagnosed with this disease. That is an alarming statistic. What is even more alarming is the drastic increase of children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Recently, a case study was presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Stockholm which detailed the youngest known case of diabetes — and the victim is a 3 year old child.

The girl, of Hispanic background, was presented to a paediatric endocrinology clinic and seen by Dr. Yafi for obesity evaluation. She was showing symptoms of excessive urination and thirst, both textbook symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Although both the girl’s parents are obese, there is no history of diabetes in her family.

What’s The Cause?

Upon review of the child’s diet it was found that the family practiced poor nutritional habits...

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Always Time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 06:35

It is never too late to open another door, change direction, move toward something you love or away from something that you choose not to be near.  There is always time to start a new life, dream a new dream or become something you always wanted to become.  The only limiting factor in the equation is you and your belief that you can do it. ~ Creator

I Sing You a Love Song

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/27/2015 - 20:22

God said:

I sing you a love song. Do you hear it? My song reverberates through every inch of you. From cell to cell, through your bloodstream, pulsed by your heart. The love song I sing pulsates through your heart along to the world, first from My heart to the heart you call yours. My heart bursts with love, and soon, very soon, you will also live fully the Oneness of Heart that We share.

The bursting of what We will still identify as your heart – bursting more than bubbling – will yet be quiet and calm. Your heart isn't flat, yet it will be calm. Your heart will be a silent opera. Oh, My, yes, your heart will be overcome with love shining through, yet your sense of your heart will be overcome - not with crescendo - but with silent waves of love. There will no longer be a contrast. Your heart will have ascended from which there is no departure, this, your heart in its natural state.

All the static and arguments and hurts will go. Now you will know what glory is, yet it will be no great fanfare. This Silence of Joy will clarify the pure stream of your heart. This is how butter is clarified into ghee, the impurities disappear, purity alone remains.

Purity is absence of what does not belong.

The fun is about to begin! It will be fun like how the Silent Sun rises in the morning. The Sun doesn’t jump up and down. It simply rises. The Sun does nothing but rise and shine. Whatever clouds do, no matter how clouds may shroud the Sun, the Sun does its thing. The Sun is imperturbable.

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