Gingko Biloba: Boost Memory, Regenerate Neurons with This Ancient Plant

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 08:26

By Sayer Ji
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The world’s most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as far as promoting brain health and longevity goes.

Considering the fact that gingko biloba is the oldest known tree in existence (deemed for this reason a “living fossil“), isn’t it poetic how this plant has also been used to promote long life as both a food and medicine in traditional cultures as well?

Clearly, this plant has figured out a way to optimize longevity in face of many of the same adversities humans face, e.g. predators, infections, fluctuations in nutrient availability and climate, etc. And so, by consuming that plant, could it not lend some of its power and (phytochemical) wisdom to those imbibing it, as was commonly believed by ‘pre-scientific’ cultures throughout the world who considered plants their “allies”?

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Rapid land sinking threatens premises in California

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 08:23

The extensive groundwater pumping, in response to a historical drought that has dried out the grounds of California, has caused the the land to sink, the Department of Water Resources announced on August 19, 2015. The San Joaquin Valley is now sinking at an extremely fast pace, as the groundwater levels in the state have reached a record low.

Widespread drought across the state of California has caused the residents to increase the groundwater pumping. As there is no end in sight for the dry conditions, the extensive pumping is now threatening to sink the land. A new NASA's report, released by the Department of Water Resources claims the land in the San Joaquin Valley is currently sinking at a rate of 5 cm per month (about 2 inches per month).

Total subsidence in California's San Joaquin Valley, for the period May 3, 2014 to January 22, 2015, measured by Radarsat-2 Canada's satellite. Two large subsidence bowls are centered on Corcoran and south of El Nido. Image credit: Canadian Space Agency/NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 30, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 08:20

Just like as you walk through the same path in the forest over and again, the path becomes clearer and easier to navigate, so it is with connecting with spirit. The more you make the conscious effort to align with the intention to receive guidance, the easier it is for you to move into that energetic space the next time, and so it goes, until it becomes a comfortable and familiar route.

And just as the path in the forest doesn’t grow completely over if you don’t travel down it for a while, your connection with us is always available to you. We are always here, with open arms, to accept, love and support you. All you need to do is to choose to journey in our direction. ~Archangel Gabriel

Day 102: Return to Tribe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 20:31

RETURN TO TRIBE   Take time today and begin to dream big. What do you want your life to look like? What are your passions and how can you fit them into your life? Begin to create what you wish to accomplish through clear visualizations. If you can see it in your mind, you can create it in your reality. Allow yourself to be the person you wish to be. Work through issues that leave you feeling as though you have little worth or self-esteem. Know you are a magnificent Being of light, here on Earth for a moment’s experience with plans to return to the Source from whence you came.

Once you can accomplish these goals, you will be able to unite as One on Earth. Erase any feelings of separation and embrace each other as brothers and sisters. Remove any thoughts of racial or intelligence domination. Release any judgment against them and any feelings of inferiority or superiority over them. Make a heart connection with each. All are One, no matter what culture you come from, no matter what belief codes you choose, no matter how you behave toward others.

In the Land of Time and Space

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 19:11

God said:

Whatever is going on in your life is going on within you, and this too shall pass.

Consider life like terrain you pass by. Here are smooth rolling hills coming up. Here are rocks and tundra. Here are beautiful waters. Here are mud-holes. Whatever you may be passing by, you are still you, and you are still My beloved.

You are not the scenery you pass by. The scenery is the scenery. You are the passerby. You will get past the scenery. You do get past it. The scenery is a movie reel. You are not the movie reel. Just don’t take passing things too seriously which is the same as taking yourself too seriously!

So you get wet. So a little mud splashes on you. So you expect too much or not enough. Regardless, you do not make yourself a victim of what you happen to be passing by.

The sun does shine on you. I am in Heaven, and I do not pull switch and bait with you. I love and draw you to Me. What matter the crowds? What matter the rapscallions? What matter the considerate or the inconsiderate? What matter your moods except that they are yours to choose or not? Forget moods.

Go on your merry way. You are not stuck unless you say you are. What matters this incident or that one? What matters others’ wisdom or their ignorance? What is the importance of your moods except that you may pile them up and carry them around? They are cantankerous, your moods. Let go of them. They are not here to stay. They will mosey along soon enough. They are not so important to you. You do not have to keep them.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 17:28

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

With this very dreamy Piscean Super Full Moon…. we find ourselves in a very watery state of being, as Neptune (that rules Pisces) is sitting right with this Pisces Super Full Moon… magnifying the energies…and connecting us to the magic of unseen worlds.  This is a very spiritual and intuitive Super Full Moon.  If you have the luxury of being able to take some time today (and the next couple days) to sit and relax….connect with your guidance, meditate and dream… will be gifted with guidance and abilities that can help you receive a shift in consciousness….. that you might have otherwise failed to acknowledge.

This Full Moon is also a Super Full Moon, and often called a Perigee Moon…which is when the Moon comes within 90% of its closest approach to earth.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants including ourselves and our psychic! Accelerating shifts in consciousness.   Remember that this powerful Super Moon last a day and half (or 2 days as some are now saying) on each side of the peak.  This Super Piscean full Moon is the first of three Super full Moons in a row.

All Full Moons light up the paths in your life…. so you can see if you are on the right track or not… and if you might need to make some course adjustments. Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life. 

Day 101: Random Acts of Kindness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 15:54

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS   Kindness and mercy are the two greatest gifts you can give to yourself and others. In so doing, all other gifts are naturally bestowed. Without kindness, there can be no compassion, without compassion, there can be no mercy and without mercy, there can be no true love. Kindness comes from the heart, when you give to others without expecting anything in return. Kindness is the act of looking at the needs of others and filling those needs in ways that empower the receiver.

When you respond to someone kindly, your words and actions ripple across the Universe. On a level that is deeper than the ocean, these acts are felt by all Beings on a subconscious level. Plan ways you can show kindness to others. As you go through your day, look and listen as others interact with you. When they share things that are pressing on their heart, support them in ways that will help them along their Path.

Developing friendships with others also has the ability to create networks of helpers when someone is in need. Perhaps when another shares his burdens with you, it may not be you who can assist personally, but perhaps you know of someone who might be able to help. You can clean the energies of the Earth as you become more mindful of your thoughts, words, deeds and emotions.

10 Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening We All Go Through

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 11:36

Source: | Original Post Date: April 14, 2015 –

If you are reading this, then you are well on your way on a path of Awakening. Although, everyone experiences their own unique and individual paths of awakening, there are many common elements we all share…

We all begin to see the World differently than we did before. As we start to seek for the truth, we see through the veils of illusion in our society, governments and mainstream institutions. The downfalls of consumerism and materialism become glaringly obvious and we realize we must take responsibility for the lives we live, the choice becomes clear.

Awakening often comes with profound spiritual implications, as we have undeniable experiences of connection to our Universal intelligence. Signs, symbols and synchronicities show up in our lives more and more, altering our course forever. In the process, there are some Universal changes we must make on the path for our own growth and evolution.

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New Scientific Study Confirms Contamination From Climate Engineering

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/29/2015 - 11:34

By Dane Wigington
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The “International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health” has just published an in-depth research report, authored by Dr. Marvin Herndon, that directly implicates with 99% certainty the use of highly toxic coal fly ash as a base material in ongoing climate/geoengineering programs.

With the release of this study, which is published below in its entirety, the curtain of lethal deception continues to be pulled back, exposing the total tyranny of those in power. While they claim to be attempting to clean up our air, all available evidence makes clear the fact that highly toxic materials have been intentionally and continuously sprayed into our atmosphere as part of decades-long climate engineering experimentation programs. The newly published study is a very important breakthrough in the ongoing effort to expose the weather warfare assault on humanity.

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