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Others may be inclined to carry preconceived notions, judge or hurt you because they have been subjected to the same behavior. Take some time, get over the ‘shock value’ of it all and see it for what is really is; someone attempting to relieve their own pain. This does not make them any less lovable….if anything, they need your love more than ever. ~ Creator
Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that when you embrace the unfoldment, you are activating the path of ease because you are choosing to move with what is fully supported for your highest good in your present moment. This is exactly how you shift out of efforting through unsupportive energies into harnessing the full blessings, guidance, and wisdom of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As you stand on the leading edge of the next shift, remember to keep breathing. There may be a few things you do not understand…yet… and that is okay. (Smiling) Take a few moments out of your day and listen quietly; you will be given the information you need. If a situation or experience begins to make you uncomfortable, allow yourself step back, look at it from another angle and ask for help if needed. Caring for yourself and your emotional health at this time is paramount! As always, you are always loved and protected throughout. ~ Creator
Consistency is how you demonstrate your preferences. It is making a point of incorporating a new element as part of your energetics. It is how you shift from dabbling with something to making it a more dominant aspect in your life. There is great power in consistency, for it is a declaration of who you are and what you consciously choose as part of your experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It has been said before and it bears repeating as often as it takes; The Universe is offering support and Unconditional Love through this great time of change and growth. It is imperative to remember that you are guided and supported throughout. It may be challenging to release attachments to those acting out of character, saying hurtful things or moving in their own personal victim loops. The greatest thing you can do for yourself and others, my dear sweet child, is to send love and know all are being taken care of in the highest and best way. ~ Creator
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