Find Your When

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/07/2020 - 23:12

Taking responsibility for yourself and your energy, especially after a lifetime of projecting and deflecting, can be a very challenging thing to do.  There are three things needed to begin the process:  where to start, how to change the thinking and finding the when.  If you are unwilling to accept responsibility for the role you have played, the rebuilding may be delayed.  When you are fully ready…The Universe will be waiting with as much Unconditional Love and assistance as you need. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 7, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/07/2020 - 23:11

Every mindful decision you make from a space of wisdom, alignment, and presence is an act of love for your future self. It is those highest choices that are made one now moment at a time that quickly accumulate and pre-pave the way for far greater comfort and satisfaction in your future. It is exactly how your actions start to match your truest desires and support the unfoldment into your greatest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Keep Your Faith

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 20:43

The Universe often hears your musings on why you experience what you do. What appears to be a let-down or challenging situation can certainly knock you back on your heels!  But if you look closely enough you will notice things falling into place just as they should.  Remember your faith, dearest one and know all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday January 6, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 20:42

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the Divine Combination that allows you to move forward in the new energies like never before. It is the supported navigation system of the New Earth.

Many of you have attempted the individual elements and had limited success not realizing they must be employed together, like an alchemical formula, in order for the magic to occur. Surrender without flow simply cannot take you far because willing movement is essential for results. Surrender and flow without faith and trust won’t have an opportunity to get to your highest options because you will knock yourself out of the system before it has a chance to deliver to you.

Another common misbelief is that surrender somehow makes things worse. This belief occurs when people initially try the Divine Combination only to have it bring them right up against what they perceive to be their greatest obstacle. What we want you to understand should that occur, is that it is the system leading you right up to that challenge to take you up, over, around, or through it to the solutions that exist for you that you haven’t been able to discover thus far. If you don’t panic and stay in the system, things will begin to open up and unfold for you in the most incredible ways.

Take A Break

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/05/2020 - 22:00

The Universe knows it can be very challenging to be ‘in the know’. Experiencing things that most humans do not may fray your nerves and exhaust you. But you have also been given the gift of Unconditional Love; a constant flow that fills every fiber of your being, all day, every day.

Today, take a break and use your gift to find your center. The closer you become to who you really are will alleviate the drain on your systems. Trust that The Universe will help you find your tribe…those who will support you as you move through your Earth plane existence. You are worthy and deserving of this, allow yourself to receive! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 5, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/05/2020 - 21:59

Today’s daily message came back into my awareness thanks to Mary Josephine Hession. I feel like it did because it is important information that wanted to be shared again, so here it is. :)

Dear Ones, there are multiple timelines that hold a multitude of experiences that you can access at any given time.

If you have a deep longing or yearning for an experience, there is always a corresponding timeline that holds that experience. The fact that you have a desire lets you know that the potential exists.

You shift onto timelines through your focus, intention, surrender, and flow. This is why you cannot create what you want through negative focus or fear. Your energetic engagement with what was unwanted would keep you firmly planted on the timeline that holds that energy.

Your soul knows exactly how to move onto the timeline that will lead you into what you intend to experience. Your intention is like setting your internal GPS and your surrender and flow with faith and trust allows your energy to move into the energetic stream that takes you to your next greatest experience. It is that simple.

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