Daily Message ~ Friday July 26, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/26/2019 - 20:35

A very profound thing happens when you shift from your mind into your heart. Your comfort no longer comes from predictability but rather from freedom, and that is where your greatest discoveries can be made and your soul’s joyful purpose experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Cleansing For Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 07/25/2019 - 13:05

For those of you who did not receive the memo (Smiling): this current shift is all about cleansing.  The old, old stuff coming up for clearing now may make you very emotional and it is extremely important to treat yourself gently.  Allowing yourself the time and space to process properly and taking great care to be consciously aware that others may be doing the same.

Deep healing is occurring for humanity!  Make allowances for this to happen; know there is always a light to guide you through the darkness and, at the end, the peace you deserve. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday July 25, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 07/25/2019 - 13:04

So many of you want assurances. You want to know that your relationship will last, that your manifestation will take form, that your friendships are forever. Due to your deep attachment to outcome, you start to constrain the energy, to worry, to micro-manage, to control, and to be on high alert for what might be wrong.

By doing so, you are practicing negative focus which only keeps you energetically connected to what is unwanted.  Through your focus on externals you are turning your power away from the only thing that you do have control over, which is yourself.  Further, by being restrained you are never fully committing to anything, which is sabotaging your creations before they ever get started.

By attempting to control your outcomes, you are allowing fear to lead the way. Now you are navigating by the mind rather than the heart. This is a great disservice to both you and your creation for you are stunting it long before it has ever has a chance to become all it can be. You are denying it the true sustenance it requires which is love.

We understand it can be confusing when you receive advice to be clear about what you want and then hear not to be too controlling.  What we want you to understand is that having a broad intention of what you would like to experience and then surrendering into and trusting that flow of unfoldment is how you love and grow every single desire into its highest expression.

Is It Me?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 14:36

If someone using harsh words toward you, The Universe is asking that you step back, take a deep breath and think about what was just said.  Did your energy play a part or is the person experiencing something you are unaware of?  Most of the time, those who use hurtful words are expressing disappointment, anger, hurt or internal emotional distress.  It has absolutely nothing to do with you!  When you use this tool, you will begin to see what is really going on in the world around you.  Do not take it personally, my child, just send Unconditional Love.  That is what they need the most. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 24, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 14:36

We would like to offer you an analogy that will help you understand the difference between creating within what you already know vs expanding into manifesting from the vaster realm of potential and possibility that are not yet known to you.

Creating within the field of what you already know is much like doing all of your shopping from your corner store. While it offers a service to you, there is a limited selection of options. You can get by with what is at the corner store, if you are willing to settle for what is in stock there.

Creating through the broader realm of potentiality is like deciding to shop on the internet. By doing so you have opened yourself up to a much wider selection of options, many of which you may not have even realized existed! You expand into a far vaster field that can serve you and your specific needs, effortlessly exploring options until you discover what is the best match for you. Searching with your broad intention and being willing to explore what else is possible is what opens you to allowing the unknown matches to show up.

Please understand both the corner store and online shopping are options that seek to meet your needs, and allows others to be of service to you. Both have purpose in your lives. Our point is exploring the unknown does not have to be a scary venture, but rather a pleasurable one you can embrace, discovering options you never realized existed, and what can best support your unique needs and self expression. It is a skill you already have. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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