This Is It!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 23:26

Some of you may have noticed a deep fluttering of energy moving through The Universe.  As it moves through your physical world, you are being guided to look within, to feel into your body and soul and explore the possibilities existing there.  This type of energy is the catalyst for manifestations and great change…and it is just the beginning! (Smiling) You have reached a critical point in your evolution, dearest one.  Now is the time to act on your deepest desires and most treasured dreams.  If ever you were waiting for a signal or sign…this is it! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 3, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 23:25

The way you behave is a reflection of your level of attainment and personal evolution. It is the outward expression of your internal state.

This means you cannot control what another does by telling them what to do or how to behave, or forcing teachings upon them, because they must find their own readiness and energetic alignment to change from within. Any changes they may make in an effort to please you will likely not last because they are not supported by their own energetic foundation.

You create the most change through your own unique expression of self. You are the most powerful teacher by example. As you embody your beingness, others will notice and will naturally seek you out when they are ready to move forward with their own evolution.

Be the love. Be the safe person for people to approach. Accept people wherever they are on their journey. Offer your wisdom when asked but understand you are planting seeds that will grow whenever it is the right time for them, as each person’s awakening has its own pace. It is a divine unfoldment, and just as flowers grow at their own speed and bloom when they are ready, the result is always perfect and beautiful. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

You Create…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 23:12

It may be challenging to see beauty on a planet where it seems so many horrible things are happening.  It may be challenging to see fairness in a society that appears to be imbalanced.  It may be challenging to see love in a world that seems to spend most of its time on the defensive.  But, my darling child, all these things do exist.  If you open your heart and allow The Universe to help, you and others can (and are) creating what your Earth needs in this moment.  Amazing things often start with the smallest thoughts and acts of kindness.  What do you choose to manifest today? ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 2, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 23:11

What words of love can you speak to yourself today? What loving song can you sing to yourself today? What energy can you wrap yourself up in today that allows you to feel your own tender care and nurturing? You are the expert on you and as such are the best one to know exactly what you need to move forward with the most comfort, ease, and support possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 20:35

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


Happy Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse!! Happy 4th of July in a couple days!! In the chart of the United States of America…the Sun is in Cancer…..and this powerful Cancer New Moon is sitting right on the United States Cancer Sun activating it! Making this a powerful time to make intentions and manifest for Peace and an honoring of everyone throughout the World!! Using the Cancer energies of…. Love, Nurturing, Caring and Protection. For ourselves, humanity, the Earth the World and the United States itself! What a powerful statement from the Universe on this (2 days away) anniversary of the birth of the United States!

These intense, chaotic energies that can bring in the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted at times…have been building for several weeks and has intensified since the Full Sagittarius Moon on June 17th and will continue through the month of July plus. We puts us at a turning point! Being aware of this is the beauty of Astrology. When you can understand about the energies that are affecting everyone in the World…it gives you the ability to work with them to your highest good. It gives you the ability to navigate them better. It is not a time to go into anxiety….but a time to be aware and navigate….with the help of your guidance.

Be Prepared

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 07/01/2019 - 23:43

Just a little more quiet time, a touch more tranquility before the heavy work begins.  Yes, it is again time to tie down anything you do not want to lose and don your safety gear. (Smiling) The next round is coming and will be much different from the last few waves that have come through.  The vibrations of your world are rising exponentially, and you will be receiving the tools and knowledge to put this new vibration into play.

The primary goal of the next few days is to help you become as comfortable as possible with the upcoming work.  The Universe will never leave you unprepared.  Just focus and breathe…all will be well. ~ Creator

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