Tina Van Leuven ~ When The Shift Hits The Fan ~ 22 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 08:43

Tina Van Leuven ~ When The Shift Hits The Fan ~ 22 June 2012

you just have to laugh;) Yet what to do when this does not come naturally?…
I was having a great conversation with a dear friend yesterday and the topic came up of how people are managing the shifts and changes, and the speed with which it is all occurring, when they might not have any awareness of what is happening from an energy perspective.

Turns out she had just had this conversation with her husband and he mentioned that he had read an article about the costs of pharmaceuticals for health insurance companies. Apparently the most prescribed drugs in the Netherlands are… anti-depressants. In a country with a population of just over 16 million, the statistics were showing 1 million people use anti-depressants.
I was flabbergasted! And yet, on the other hand, not really surprised.

In a world where outer appearance has been running the show, isn’t it tragic that in order to keep up appearances, it has become ‘normal’ to pop some pills to be happy?

Message from the Sentinals~The Cleansing and Clearing of Energies~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 08:39

We come to guide those who are now moving closer and closer to TRUTH in their hearts. From the outside the planet earth may appear to be in chaos but inside of YOU there is a restructuring that is being done from cellular level outwards. We are the Sentinels and we come to guide as more and more prepare to move to the new world that has been born.


Our role is one of guide and not of leader, for that serves no one. We sit on the outer edge of your vision, guiding, whispering and nudging for we can SEE in ways that YOU are now only beginning to imagine. For those who are now restructuring SELF this is a challenging time but it is also an expansion of SELF, it is a growing, a reconnecting and a SOUL growth.


We sit as gatekeepers to the portals of new worlds, our role is one of emissary, we are not here to make rules and regulations to prevent the entering of the new world, on the contrary we are here to help you shed that which no longer serves in order to gain access to the new world.

Blink and You’ll Miss It: Total Reassurance for Those Subterranean Fears

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 08:23

Blink and You’ll Miss It: Total Reassurance for Those Subterranean Fears


by Steve Beckow

I think what Saul said yesterday (1) is so important that I need to lend it emphasis by metaphorically drawing a line under it.


He begins by telling us that “the old established order” or Illuminati, by whatever name you wish to use, “has ruled life in the illusion for so long – under different names, different disguises, and with seemingly different agendas.”


He tells us it is “crumbling and cannot be restored, repaired, or rescued. Its time is past.” Very reassuring.


But then he reminds us that, even though the old order is falling, “that [crumbling] is causing some alarm. ”


People are worried, he says, that “as it crumbles it will destroy all the services and organizations that are presently seen as essential to life on Earth.”

Our wish is that you continue on your present course. ~ Michael through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 08:09

Spanish      Portuguese

We greet you on this first day after your solstice.  As always, many are wondering what all the fuss was about, while others are amazed at the new energies they find themselves in.  You have entered a field of much increased frequencies of love.  You are all in this field, my friends.  Some can see a difference, some can feel it, some see new colors, some see energies that they have not seen before, and some do not yet notice any change.  Do not judge yourselves for being where you are.  You are exactly where you need to be at this moment.  If you have chosen to be on the path to ascension, you are where you can be of the most benefit for yourselves and the all.


All around you now, you are seeing a crescendo of events that is leading to a massive change in your outside world.  As above, so below, yes?  As within, so without.  What you are about to witness is the evidence of the massive change that has occurred, and continues to occur in the hearts of humanity.

Excellent Interview~Geoff West and Steve Beckow Look at Peace

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 07:56

Geoff West and Steve Beckow Look at Peace

2012 June 22

On this week’s An Hour with an Angel, Geoff West and I examined peace, Linda Dillon having been called to the hospital to attend to a neighbor. Geoff is a graduate of the UN-mandated University for Peace and I participated in the establishment of the Peace Foundation and wrote its vision statement in perhaps 1991.


Next week Linda will be back and Serapis Bey and El Morya, two ascended masters who have had much to do with Earth’s occult history, Serapis Bey with what has become known as NESARA and El Morya with groups like Theosophy, will return and give the higher-dimensional view of the same subject. Many thanks to Ellen for producing a transcript.


Lisa Gawlas: …Becoming Something Beautiful: Our Heavenly Bodies.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 07:01


I remember when I first started this path, hanging on for dear life as my own belief system was busted wide open, my body and life were changing rapidly and still in deep disbelief that any of what is happening within meditation could possibly be true.  A dear friend at the time told me a story about her friend having been killed by a drunk driver and she just wanted to know he was OK where ever he was.  She asked him to send her the message that he was OK thru the color yellow.  She started receiving so many yellow things.

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