Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 15:41

~ AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel


Creation - Susanna Monette - site


Dear Ones,

When you deepen in the fire of pure awareness you create the circuitry that sparks the presence of Sacred Empowerment within you. This fire is that which is over and above all being, existing beyond consciousness, beaming forever as a sun rising in the truth of Divine Awakening.


Liberation of the rest of the world after the example of the US and the old Dutch Batavian Republic (or, “Good Things come from Goor”)

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 13:13

Liberation of the rest of the world after the example of the US and the old Dutch Batavian Republic (or, “Good Things come from Goor”)




Received this last night from Arend, in the Netherlands. I felt it was to go out this morning. As I do not have a photo of him, I attach a photo from my current location.


Some of you will “get” the message here, and will know what to do with it. To me it gives a path to a vision we are all carrying, which is “Peace and Freedom for this planet… NOW.” ~~~~~~~

Hi Kauilapele,

A Visit From My Dad; Update on the World Governments and How We Slide into Home Base

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:39

A Visit From My Dad; Update on the World Governments and How We Slide into Home Base ~ A Channeled message By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK June 19, 2012



June 19, 2012


[Hi Dad!! How are you?] Hi Suzy, I am well. Soon you will know this first hand, but universally you are in for a magnificent shift. People from the governments are waking up at a rapid rate. This is in part because certain leaders, who are wide awake, have spread the classified report of the time lines merging. The motivation for most of these government employees has been to follow orders. However now they are opening their eyes and hearts to  the light. This is needed to give the governments the go ahead for disclosure. Priorities are shifting and truth is in the light now. Giving heart felt love to the leaders and their support staff will give the momentum to the one inevitable timeline of Now.


Push the mass arrests to happen

Submitted by gwendolynsutherland on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:22



if you're like me and so eager to get this show on the road all ready, you'll do anything possible to push it along. i take part in most of the global meditations and conduct  energetic clearing on myself regularly.


because we are the ones with the bodies, we have the most power. and combining focused thought and prayer with the physical actions is where its at. that's the sweet spot. and in light of this, instead of waiting for these alledged mass arrests to happen, i took drake's advice and made some calls and sent some emails. as he said, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. if enough of us call, maybe someone in some sort of position of authority will finally be swayed to take action. either way, the intention ripples that this action will send out cannot hurt matters.


you might want to remain anonymous if you do this and make up names and phone numbers and emails to protect yourself from harm.


below are the three places drake suggested contacting and the script i used.


BLue Star UFO Report 06-19-12 BALTIC SEA UFO Dive VIDEO Footage - Translated (SUBTITLES)

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:16


BALTIC SEA UFO Dive VIDEO Footage - Translated (SUBTITLES)

Such is the mysterious circle out at close range
The circle on the bottom of the Baltic became a world first when it was discovered a year ago - now thickens the mystery.
Express can now publish exclusive pictures from the first dive at the item - at 85 meters depth.- We were there to find answers, but only got even more issues, says Stefan Hogeborn, 47, one of the divers from Ocean X Team, which investigated the circle on the bottom of the Baltic.

"The Union in a Grand and Glorious way"...DIVINE MASCULINE~FEMINININE

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 12:12

~Galactic Love Reporter Happyenrod~




"The Union in a Grand and Glorious way"...DIVINE MASCULINE~FEMINININE




This is such an exciting update..Best news yet!!! Seeing the planet turn and knowing there are people everywhere, above and below this surface of our Mother Starship, Planet Earth, I couldn't stop tears from flowing (again). I am so in love with you ALL...



Hearing DIVINE MOTHERGOD'S sweet, and determined voice, filled with Love for ALL in sharing this most amazing Divine News, soothes my BEing..I LOVE YOU MOTHER!! Thank you for holding and sharing your Divine Light so we may all have Peace, Joy, Light,Thankfulness, Understanding, DEEP and HIGH LOVE TO, AND FOR ALL! I am eternally Thankful for YOU and FatherGod.


Why in the World Would I “Beam Love” to the Dark Cabal?

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 11:46

Why in the World Would I “Beam Love” to the Dark Cabal?


June 16, 2012 | Pat Donworth

“Beam love” to the dark cabal? You’re kidding me. Send love and light to George Bush? Queen Elizabeth? Seriously? Beam compassion to Pope Benedict XVI, aka Josef Ratzinger, the ‘iron fist’ of the Catholic Church’s doctrinal wing? Really?

Beam love to David Rockefeller? The Rothschilds? The Central Bankers? The Wall St CEOs? The guys who rejoice that our mortgages are underwater and we’re paying usurious rates on our credit cards? Send ‘them’ love?! You have SO got to be kidding.

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