Visionkeeper – Be Happy – 5 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:50


Visionkeeper – Be Happy – 5 June 2012

(picture by

Appreciating life is such an important part of a happy life, yet how many of us really do it? We wake up in the morning and jump out of bed and off we go to work or school or childcare with little thought of anything else. For starters I bet you didn’t swing your legs over the side of the bed and sit there a moment in thanks to the creator for another day of being alive and breathing. Are we grateful for the food that filled our bellies before leaving the house? Are we grateful for owning the car that drives us to our daily lives rather than having to walk or take the crowded bus? As much as we hate heading off to work everyday have we been able to find room to be grateful for the job we are able to go to everyday? There are so many things we take for granted and don’t give a second thought about, let alone show gratitude for. Each and every moment is a moment for us to be happy and grateful for, each and every moment is our life!

Venus Transit Anchoring the Rose Ray Codes & Ascension Symptoms Planetary Alert

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:47

Tuesday, 5 June, 2012  



The Venus Transit is a rare astrological and astronomical event that is bringing very powerful transformational energies that are affecting your emotional bodies at a very deep level. This is creating increased tension and radical change to transform the attachment to the material world and 3D systems that appeared to keep you safe, secure and controlled. The Venus transit is a gateway portal download of the purest essence of Divine White Light of the sacred divine feminine. 13


Your core essence is coming into holy alignment through the newly anchored Rose Ray Codes of the Mother of Creation chalice and through the source of the central sun and galactic center. These planetary alignments and gateways are recalibrating your frequency to the new earth and unity alliance. 33 The Venus transit and Rose Ray Codes will continue to bring harmonic resonances with Gaia and to enlighten your cells through 2013.


~Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Buffetting at 658~ Venus Transit

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:37

SOLAR WIND: A high-speed strem of solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, setting the stage for possible geomagnetic activity. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


TRANSIT OF VENUS: No one reading this will still be alive the next time Venus crosses the sun in 2117. That makes today special. On June 5th at 3:09 pm PDT, the second planet begins its historic 7-hour transit of the solar disk. Observers on parts of all seven continents (map) will witness something like this:


Photo credit: David Finlay of Sydney, Australia (June 8, 2004).

The timing favors observers in the mid-Pacific where the sun is high overhead during the crossing. In the USA, the transit will be at its best around sunset. Creative photographers will have a field day imaging the swollen red sun "punctured" by the circular disk of Venus.


Emmanuel Dagher – Magnified Manifestiging – June Energy Forecast – New Beginnings

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:33


Emmanuel Dagher – Magnified Manifestiging – June Energy Forecast – New Beginnings – 5 June 2012

Peace & Blessings,

Do you remember that feeling of being a senior on the last day of your high school experience, literally looking at the clock counting down the seconds to when you would be exiting the doors of your school once and for all? There was probably a sense of excitement mixed with an abundance of joy for accomplishing 12+ years of hard work. Although a brand new day was just around the corner, there was probably also a sense of nostalgia for the simple fact that a major chapter in our lives was coming to an end. We knew that everything we had known to be our reality up to that point as it showed up through our environment, friendships, and experiences was about to change forever.

Manuscript of survival: On the road again

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:17


On the road again…



•June 5, 2012 •


Hello dear friends! I just wanted you to know that I am about to go away for a week or so. I do not know if there will be any new messages to post while I am away, as I have been told to leave my computer at home and prepare for some other tasks. I will leave this space open, so if you have posted comments on these pages earlier, you are free to use this blog to connect with each other in the days ahead. I think they will be interesting, to say the least … I wish you all the best for this upcoming period, and I will be back with a new message as soon as The constant companions have something to share with us all. Love and light, Aisha.

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