~The Alignment~ Shasta Eclipse~ Blue and Violet Energies and Codes~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 11:01

~This is The Video Will Took, as We Stood in the Center During the Eclipse. Blue and Violet Energies. These Are the Same Colors Lisa Gawlas Saw in her reading with us, when the Planet was Handed To US. Enjoy!!! Commentary from Willow!

We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


WE See Magic Unfolding here, What do you See and Feel?




~ Mother Earth=Heart=MotherGod say's "Its Now"~


All Decree's are In Complete Manifestation of All Love Is. Time is Up! Eternity has Begun~


My Children of Planet Earth=Heart and Yes You are My Children in which you cannot run from ME. The Moment has come through this Eclipse, Everything changes. You Will Begin Hearing Me in Your Thoughts, as We are Connected and One with the Creator who is Father God. We Have Successfully Given the Codes and Went through the reboot. Reconection to US is Complete. Mother Earth=Mother God Father Sun=Father God. This is the Truth Unfolding. We Love You Unconditionally!!

Ben Fulford ~ Full Update Humanity must be set free ~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:37

Ben Fulford ~ Full Update Humanity must be set free ~

~Time For China To Stop Supporting Fascist US Regime ~ 21 May 2012


We would like to start this week’s report with a special message to Chinese President Hu Jintao: The Chinese people asked the creator to grant the peaceful rise of China to the center of the world stage. You were told this would happen but that you had to promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. You have now presided over one of the greatest periods in China’s long and glorious history. However, you were not able to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. We ask you to please not stand in the way of people who wish to accomplish these goals. Specifically, we would like you to stop subsidizing the illegal fascist Obama corporate government with Chinese money. In 2011 alone you supplied them with $295 billion in Chinese subsidies. Please stop doing this. Thank you.

And now for the news:



Submitted by Dan on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:19


Hello everyone. Yesterday as you know, extroardinary events took place, like the Pleiadian alignment, new energy spreading upon the earth, that is still occuring today and an Eclipse. The grid got rebooted as well. Oh the great things that we are experiencing right at this very moment. It is a new Earth. The Galactic Family Of Light known as the Pleadians will be seen clearly soon. So clearly, they will be infront of you talking, Literally! Everyone is spreading Love, Finally! And everyone is going into Ascension. Soon (maybe in a week!) We will realize how magnificant we are. We will experience DNA activation and learn how to levitate ourselves and objects. We will learn Telepathy as well and MUCH MORE! It will happen VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY soon. Like i said... Maybe even in a week. This....... Is a NEW EARTH...... An Awakening, A new Generation......

Galactic Federation of Light Message ~ Ascension

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:12


This word means so many different things to so many individuals. We are here to properly clarify the true meaning of the word ascension.

Ascension is not a process to be feared, it is a natural occurrence, that the planet Gaia has been undertaking for the past 5 of your years, without many of you even knowing about it. The attention of many of you is now being brought to the ascension process, as the timing now has become crucial.


~Space Weather Update~ All is Quiet~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:00

INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVE: An interpanetary shock wave possibly associated with the M5-class solar flare of May 17th swept past Earth on May 20th around 0200 UT. The shock's arrival caused geomagnetic activity around the poles, and several outbreaks of high-latitude auroras. Images: #1, #2.


FANTASTIC ECLIPSE: The Moon passed in front of the sun on Sunday, May 20th, producing a deep solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. Sunlight dimmed, the air cooled, ordinary sunbeams turned into fat crescents and rings of light. Here is a sample view from Lake Waconia, Minnesota:


"I drove to the lake, and a couple of fishermen were kind enough to drop their lines in the glitter path of the eclipse," says photographer Tyler Burg. "It was a fantastic composition!"


This is not a fairy tale...

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 09:17

We have begun the climb.  We are ascending.  A journey requires action, movement and a plan.  We are intentionally moving to another level of being.  This has not been done before.


This is not being given to you.  This is something you are doing. Do you understand the difference?  You would not be here if you had not completed a great deal of hard work.


Your progress is not measured by how many hearts you share in comments or the number of meditations you do for peace.  Your progress is measured by you alone.  It is time to put your game face on.


You now know some of what you’ve been dealing with.  Physical and non-physical, these others have been living off of your negative energy and oppression.  You’ve stated definitively it is time for them to go.  They may have heard you, but they are not gone.  There is much at stake. We cannot let up.


Ascension is a personal process.  It is all and only about you.  You will determine how this works.  It is not a given, it is a choice.


Your habits are what is holding you back now; habits of distraction, inaction, settling, resignation and depression.  Happiness is a decision, not a gift.  Joyful is something that you are.  It is not something that you are given.


When we are joyful and positive regardless of what swirls around us – we will have moved beyond density.  The dark cannot sustain its shadow in a field of light.  We are that field.


The manuscript of survival – part 141

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 08:45


The manuscript of survival – part 141




•May 21, 2012 • 


Let us begin this missive by commending you all for a job well done. You have no idea how important the events you have just been through were, but we wager that for many of you, today will seem to be a brand new day in more ways than one. You see, this last tuning have installed a new frequency in you all, and you are now playing a very different tune from the one you were able to produce only yesterday. 

Each advance builds upon the last. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 08:40


  Press here for  Spanish  or Portuguese.


We offer our sincere congratulations for your magnificent success in your meditations and visionings during yesterday’s event.  We urge you to make special efforts to remain grounded now as this wonderful energy continues to make itself felt.

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