Calling in the Light of Ascension, Anchoring the Light in the NOW

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 20:10

~Divine unconditional Love flowing to Earth from the Celestial Realms~

Mediation through Rose - based on the Pleiadian Council of Nines call for collective action.

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential

Music credits

Video Credits
Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~27~12 Everyone's is Assuming their Divine Roles~Get Ready~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 19:19


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~27~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Everyone's is Assuming their Divine Roles~Get Ready~




Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Another Moment, Closer to Your Inevitable Destiny's. Many Are Now Stepping forward into their Divine Roles. AS Each Being, Begins stepping into their Divine Roles in Service to The True Love On this Planet, the Momentum continues to move at maximum Speed. This will bring more and More into the Oneness Energy and The Light will Grow Ever Brighter On Planet Earth=Heart. Just Jump in with US.


Fractal of the Divine Roles Alignment By Earth Allie Will Harader


Letters to the Editor: Conntecting to the Higher Self

Submitted by will on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 16:59

Our of our readers writes:

I know this is a important thing to do but as a human there is no literal chamber to walk into or look at. Is there some way that makes sense to connect to our higher self and find those truths we don't realize we know? Please don't say look into your heart, I'm talking something literal. It doesn't help to write poetry, we need real help with this.

FREEDOM PROJECT: Going Dutch: 'Game over for euro if Netherlands quits'

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 16:15

The caretaker Dutch Prime Minister is still desperate to push through budget cuts and has called on lawmakers to help him. The government collapsed on Monday when Mark Rutter resigned, as it failed to agree on painful measures demanded by Brussels. The political crisis has already been described as a revolt against enforced EU austerity. UK-based journalist and blogger Neil Clark says there's every chance now the Netherlands will abandon the Euro, which he believes would be disastrous for the single currency.

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Submitted by AnaShyNa on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 16:00

On May 5th and 6th 2012, coinciding with the upcoming full moon, a massive global visualization event will occur promoting Love and Liberation for all beings!

Please join us as we send our energy to the upcoming mass arrests of the the global Cabal so that this event will occur in a peaceful and smooth manner.

Visit for full details on this global meditation/visualization. You will find a list of times of the full moon there as well.

Love and Light to all Beings!

Just when you think you have it figured out... you don't!!

Submitted by Stasha beLOVEd on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 15:42

Love Lives in the Clouds- By Stasha Beloved


I have spent many years ...


many lifetimes with this inner feeling of numbness


a dull pain and sadness... that i could never put my finger on.


so i did everything i possibly could to fill this gap...


i tried fame, fortune, materialism, drugs, money and power...


none of these worked.


i tried religion, education, philospohy, medicine, science...


the more i "educated' myself... the more confused i became.


i tried mothering as an occupation... which ended in smothering...


only pushing away that love i wanted my children to feel, by trying too hard


i tried to fill this empty space with love... that did not seem to work either.


no matter how hard i loved,,, the harder my heart broke inside.


i lost myself along the way.


searching for others to fulfill this need... this emptiness, this greed.


holding too tightly to love, because you fear it will never return...


this will not work


it cannot work


sometimes i feel guilty for every single pain humanity has suffered


other times, i feel as though i was tricked... trapped into this 3D box... reality?


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