A Message from The Earth Allie's~Divine Intervention, The Divine Decree's in Manifestation~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 22:07

~Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The~Company of Heaven~ From Galactic Central. We are the Ground Crew, Medical Team for First Contact and Your Earth Allies. We are here in Service to Humanity's Freedom and For The Graduation Party! Also With You Is US, Mother and Father God, Your Real Parents of Creation, WE Love you Unconditionally, Thank you For Celebrating our Presence Here with YOU! As WE Celebrate You and Your Awakening into True Reality.  ~





 Our Decrees that have been the Set~up for Humanity's Graduation Events, All of these Decrees are Heard Across the Galaxies and all Universes, as well as the StarShips Surrounding Planet Earth=Heart. The Starships are assisting in energizing are Responding Immediately for the manifestation of the Blue Star Nation in accordance with the Divine Plan.


*FOR N.E.W. EYES ONLY!* Sheldan Nidle Webinar 4~26~2012 Notes

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:57

*FOR N.E.W. EYES ONLY!* Sheldan Nidle Webinar 4~26~2012 Notes



- Limited consciousness beings react to the unknown by seeing reality as one thing. Fear is just a false event appearing real. (F.E.A.R.) We are treated and run like puppets. Our society is based upon fears that are imagined and not real.


  - Fall of our Consciousness: Brain was disconnected greatly. Gene sequencing was altered. The body possesses genetic memories for fear passed down through generations (Epi-genetics). Epi-genetics were added to cause you to age and eventually, die. The ultimate fear is to die and be separated from your physical reality.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~26~12 We Have Arrived at Complete Impact

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:42

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~26~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update We Have Arrived at Complete Impact ~



Greetings Love Beings, As We shared! These next 72 hours we are receiving an Intense Amount of Love~ Light Energy. This will Increase Daily, as We Prepare for all the Incoming Events. We are getting reports from around the Planet of Miracles happening, Increased Joy, Laughter, and Unity among families, neighbors and friends. We are Here to Really Lighten things Up.



Submitted by AnaShyNa on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:07



Indeed, silly question: What came first?... Freedom or Truth... or what has been created first: Freedom or Truth?...


Lets elaborate a bit this silly question, and hopefully on the end of this article you will realize the answer by your self’s...


Are we Humans ready for this energy called freedom?... not only Freedom word from dictionary description, but full aspect of  what we are asking here...


Did you consider that there is no partial freedom, or just a bit free, or let me experience this freedom, so I can decide do I really want it?...


FREEDOM PROJECT: Reverend BIlly and The Exorcism of Blythe Masters with Max Keiser

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 18:54




Reverend Billy and the Exorcism of JP Morgan Executive Blythe Masters

This is too funny... I needed some comedy relief after that food stamps chart.  Max Keiser presents the Reverend Billy, from the Church of Stop Re-Hypothecation, performing the excorcism of Blythe Masters. Masters is the JP Morgan executive who created the Credit Default Swap derivative that is currently bankrupting Europe.  Some rough language in this video so consider this far notice to those who might be offended....


~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 18:13

~Earth Allie Maia~

~Transitionary Government Council Meeting Report~



Beautiful day Star-Lights… With a warm heart wrapped around yours, may this message come to you with a week had and continuing within the empowerment in Loving the best of you, the inner-shine  radiating outward to all. 

The council meeting this week held an incredible high vibration of intuitive collective harmonic thinking, transcending a sweet guideline of what is to come and what it is we are here on the surface of this planet to impart as One unified force of Infinite Love’s breath in action.


What is on the menu? 

The descended masters are here to bring new management within a collective government as all contribute their unique qualities to the cosmic soup we are stirring as all heats up on this timeline. 

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