Deep in the One Ocean

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 17:40

God said:

A sense of incompleteness seems to chase you, as if there is something you are missing and may never find what this is. Yes, you have a longing, yet what has flown is emptier than your Heart’s longing. For all you know, you could be longing for a longing.

When you have a tooth missing, your tongue finds the gap.

It can’t be that your soul or part of your soul is missing, yet what is this vagueness that follows you around? You know not its name. You misplace or forget altogether what now seems to be a blank. You would like to send out a search party. Perhaps you lost your address. Could you be a missing person? Can you possibly be missing from yourself. Could you have been crossed out, and no one let you know? Why weren’t you told?

I tell you now to go out into Nature, and I will restore your Soul. You will recall yourself to yourself. You will discover what you are doing here on Earth. No longer will you feel away or apart. Pull off your socks. Let your bare feet touch the grass. Recall fresh air. Inhabit the Universe up close. Right this moment, you are finding yourself. You just haven’t quite gotten the hang of Infinity. You can’t hold Infinity tight. There is no table of contents for Infinity that you can look up. There is more to Life on Earth than meets the eye.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 24, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 17:39

There is great wisdom in staying still if you do not know how to proceed in your life. You may need more information to know how to move forward in a way that truly matches who you are and what you wish to experience. Biding your time is allowing yourself to can get more clarity, either through self examination or through the flow bringing you more details that help you know the right way to proceed.

By staying still until you are sure, you are being non-reactive. You are staying in a space of balance and wisdom, and trusting in your own ability to make wise decisions for yourself when the time is right. It is giving yourself the opportunity to navigate through your heart and what the energies support for you, rather than just making decisions simply to appease the part of you that likes to control things.

Wisdom is waiting for the right wave of energy that will seamlessly take you where you wish to go, that not only feels right but is created from a space of alignment, surrender, faith, flow, and trust. It is loving yourself enough to be the expert on you, and feeling into what is a match to your soul's desires, as the empowered co-creator of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Releasing Entitlement

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 07:00

It is amazing how many humans feel entitled to receive. Whether it be love, services or friendship, there is an expectation of “If I do this for you, you have to do this for me”.  The only energy this sends out to The Universe is a very distinct and complete feeling of lack!  If each of you were to change your thinking to, “I am giving for giving’s sake with no expectation of any type of return” you would be amazed at how quickly The Universe will oblige! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 23, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/23/2018 - 09:48

Forgiving another is not condoning or endorsing a behaviour that was harmful to you. It is an act of love for yourself to energetically untether yourself from an event or time that was hurtful to you. In releasing the connection to the other you create room for healing, which allows you to receive not only the closure you seek but also moves you forward in a more empowered way.

It is loving yourself enough to forever remove yourself from energies that do not honour who you are and how you deserve to be treated and instead move back into the wholeness you've been missing. This is a profound shift onto an entirely different energetic layer that allows you to thrive and evolve despite where you have been and what you have experienced in an expanded and wiser way, which is the ultimate act of taking your freedom and your power back. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/23/2018 - 08:00

One of the most important skills you can learn in your lifetime is the ability to listen.  It is not just hearing the sounds that others make, it is the gift of understanding with your whole being.  Humans communicate in many, many ways…voices are just one piece of the puzzle.  Listen with your heart and soul, truly see what they are saying with their eyes.  Rather than listening with the sole intent of responding, ask The Universe for assistance to understand what they are really saying.  When a person is heard and understood, a change takes place within; a trust in themselves and others begins to build.  With trust comes a peace that each of you is so richly deserving. ~ Creator

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