Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Manifestation

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 10:17

New opportunities are available now

What do you desires? You have asked your angels to help you and we are working with you now to create the opportunities you desire. Look for them, for they are there in your feelings, your dreams and your visions. This is the perfect time to focus on whatever you want to create, be it material things, health and healing, answers and guidance.

We are The One~ GLR~ Kris~Won

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 10:12


We would like to take advantage of this opportunity given to us to write a few lines to you, to publicly express our profound gratitude to our Stellar Brethren.

Hello, friends from the surface!


Once again, I am contacting you within the framework of a close communication between the underwater world and the surface world.


Those of my race are brimming with happiness and an indescribable joy for the way the new ocean and sea water situation has developed. And we owe all of this to our beloved brethren from outer space, who, with the help of their amphibious ships and impressive technology have worked very hard - almost without a rest, I would say - in order to help all the inhabitants of our dear blue planet, especially those of us who have the ocean as our natural habitat.

Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 5 2012 Change and Growth

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 10:02

Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 5 2012

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

Today’s picture is a new, spring leaf because the energy brings opportunities to open up other possibilities. In other words, things that transpire today will lead to or develop into something in the future. You might want to take note of what transpires for you today and compare it later in the year (October).


Today is about change and growth, keeping ourselves open and flexible to other people, and clearing obstacles. Currently there is a process underway that is changing us at a cellular level. This change is helping us become insulated – protected – from the massive bombardment of stellar influences that are participating in the breakdown of old structures and systems. To fully maximize this process, stay as open and receptive as possible to whatever develops for you today.

WE ARE The Rainbow Bridge of Shambhala

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 09:47

WE ARE The Rainbow Bridge of Shambhala


Anyone feeling absolutely slammed in the muscle tissue with April’s energies?


I woke up yesterday and felt like a cripple.  My neck muscles were close to immobile, the entire length of my back just freakin hurt.  I woke up several times during my attempt at sleep, I felt like I was sleeping on a bed of acorns.  I won’t even talk (complain) about waking up consistently every flipping day at 3:00am.  With this whole day light savings time, I was hoping to be sleeping til 6am not waking up 2 hours earlier ever since we moved the clocks ahead!!

Ok, now that I am done venting… *sigh*  Let’s get to WHY we are feeling battered when we (ummm I) thought we would be in for some really smooth sailing this month.


During the month of March I had seen (thru several readings) April being a month we get to wear our new energy clothes.  I would watch people slip out of their old skin and the entire field of April dress the body in a new super high resonance of skin.  From my view… it looked like sleeping into your jammies… comfortable even!!

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