Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time! Yeehaw~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 09:37

Pleiadian Message: It’s GO Time!



This is a channeled message I received from my star brother, Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500, on Sunday, April 1, 2012. No foolin’.

Greetings and hello to all our Earth being family members! This is Peter, once again, from the Pleidian Ring of 500, and my crew and I are orbiting your planet, serving as intel for the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and Ashtar Command. What we do, in a nutshell, is a lot of “real-time research,” if you will. Basically we intercept all kinds of information from various satellites (yes, especially the “top secret” kind, which we decode and decipher for our allies in the skies. Our ship crew is made up of a diverse group. We’re not all Pleiadians. We have Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans aboard as well.


Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 09:19

Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 First Quarter Review

Transitions | March 31 2012

Thanks go to my sister Yasmeen Harper for drawing this image for me that I’ve had in my head for years.

I mentioned in an earlier article about what I felt on the first day of January 2012. I’d said that I awoke on January 1, 2012 all excited to finally be at the year 2012, only to suddenly feel that Team Dark hadseriously increased their countermeasures towards Team Light. I’ve known for a long time that 2012 wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, and I knew Team Dark wasn’t going to graciously step aside and apologize for their monstrous crimes against humanity, but intellectually knowing something vs. having it become a living breathing in-your-face reality are two very different things. So there I was on the morning of New Years Day 2012 feeling what felt like all of Hell had been unleashed on planet Earth! Most of January I was mildly depressed because of this and couldn’t believe that, after all I’ve been through already, after all that you reading this have been through already, that like it or not there’s more negativity from Team Dark this year that we’re having to contend with and push past. Nothing new here really so lets just keep doing what we’ve done all along.


~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun Wind Speed 331

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 09:12

QUIET WEEKEND: With the return of formerly-explosive sunspot AR1429 proving anticlimactic, solar activity is low. No strong flares are likely this weekend.


APRIL 1st ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly discovered near-Earth asteroid 2012 EG5 is flying past Earth today about halfway between Earth and the Moon. There's no danger of a collision. At closest approach on April 1st, the Dreamliner-sized space rock will be about 230,000 km from Earth. This morning in Brisbane, Australia, amateur astronomer Dennis Simmons photographed the incoming asteroid:


"On the eve of Earth Hour, whilst most of Australia was asleep, I was alone in my back garden, searching for the ghostly trail of 2012 EG5," says Simmons. "Alone but not lonely, my Celestron C9.25 and Tak EM200 mount were purring along, tracking 2012 EG5 as it flitted through the camera field only a few hours before its closest encounter. As the clock ticked over into 1st April, the estimated magnitude was approx 14.4 as it fast approached the Earth. This is to be no April’s Fool hoax – it’s for real!"

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