Celebrate The Times......

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 13:03


Celebrate The Times......



There seems to be alot of focus now on nitpicking each other with what are you doing and are you doing enough, which on one hand is a good reminder to make sure we are living our best lives and completing our missions, on the other hand it can deflect away from us celebrating how far we've come and just where we are NOW. More and more is coming out in the mainstream, the veil is being lifted, are we stopping to appreciate that fact? Do you smile more, shine more and walk with a bit more bounce in your step knowing that manifestation of hard work of both terrestrial et's and our star families are coming to a climax?


Are we encouraging people or are we focusing on ourselves? Are we screaming Whooohoooo here we go at the tops of our proverbial lungs or being caught in the matrix of ego, debilitating us from feeling joy, pure unadulterated joy at the events now occuring and about to occur? Which better will help Gaia and humanity? Joy or the game of he said/she said my opinion, your opinion?


Keep in mind no higher vibrations brings us closer to light and love than Joy, Hope, Faith that we are living in the most special of times and the best is yet to come...go on, spread it around, you know you want to. :)


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 23 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 11:32

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 23 February 2012

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called caring. This quality is one that is felt deeply within the heart space as One radiates this to another. Caring involves the ability to think about another’s greatest good without thought of Self, taking joy and pleasure in giving to them that which lights up their eyes with pleasure. This quality constantly puts the well being of One’s loved one’s first, as a demonstration of Love and affection. Caring is about emitting love energy from and through the heart. This quality has sustained more people upon this Planet than can ever be known at this time.


One of the highest attributes of Love, caring is an action oriented quality that requires the physical doing of something to add blessing to the life of another. This quality is reciprocated in kind between grateful hearts. When One Being casts aside the shields of protection long enough to open their hearts to others and allows them to see their inner goodness and beauty, their capacity to give nurturance and support, what is created is an acknowledgement of that inner radiance and Divinity and the other responds from the same higher place. Caring begets caring and opens up the way for the higher frequencies to uplift the Souls of all.

Lisa Gawlas ~ De Light Full Food ~ De Light Full Sex ~ Part 1 ~ 23 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 11:12

Lisa Gawlas ~ De Light Full Food ~ De Light Full Sex ~ Part 1 ~ 23 February 2012

Before I start, I so want to thank the new moon for serving up some hearty food of understanding yesterday.  There is a whole new octave in the air, a whole new vibrancy to the field of Light.  This…. is going to be a very long sharing!! (smile)


The first reading yesterday was given a message so relevant to each and every one of us.  The importance of it cannot be underscored enough.


But first, I notice a huge, significant change in the field.  The “platform” I refer to as the 5th dimension went form being black (unforeseen potentials) to a vibrancy of white like I had never seen before.  It literally reflected light back up to the person I was reading… and the details are becoming so much clearer! Hurray!!


Own Your Mastery 

She was standing  just outside the dome of energy I relate to the 6th dimensional energies/potentials and above.  She was radiant.  On the gold mesh like structure of the dome appeared a full length oval mirror of pure white light in direct alignment with her.  I understood this to be her mirror of entrance into the field.


Kauilapele – David Wilcock, “Financial Tyranny: Defeating The Greatest Cover-Up Of All Time”, LAST VERSION

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 11:02

Kauilapele – David Wilcock, “Financial Tyranny: Defeating The Greatest Cover-Up Of All Time”, LAST VERSION With All Updates; PDF, Complete Web Page, HTML, TXT Versions Available For Download – 23 February 2012

[UPDATED 120223 0023: Whoa... Thanks to JLG who sent a link to a fully indexed pdf of this]


Here is a link to this first part of Financial Tyranny, Sections 1-6. As of 2-9-12, David wrote that this was the final version, with all updates. So…

This web document (all pages) was saved in four forms, and uploaded to my own storage area, for you to download. Here are the links. (NOTE: the date-time format I use is yymmdd_hhmm HST).


Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of Love......Joshua David Stone.....

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:34

Seeing Life Through The Eyes Of Love......Joshua David Stone.....



Seeing Life Through the Eyes of Love
By Dr Joshua David Stone

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The title of this lesson sounds a little like a cliché; however, I tell you my friends, it holds an enormous “Divine Truth” within it. Everyone is searching for Love. Everyone wants Love.


An enormous number of people are searching for romantic love. Almost all people need more self-love, but do not realize it. People are always trying to find more love in friendships as well as family, and with their children or parents. All Spiritually minded people are always trying to generate love and devotion to God and the Ascended Masters, as well as wanting to receive it as well. Love in truth makes the world go around. The entire infinite universe is just a “Play of Love of God!”

Oracle Report ~ Thursday February 23 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:27

Oracle Report ~ Thursday February 23 2012

Oracle Report 

New Moon Phase


We have two main energetic themes developing today. First, we must find time to rest. Take several short time-outs if you don’t have time to for a longer break. Our mental, physical, and emotional bodies are taking big hits. There is a need to “escape from reality” because “reality” is changing rapidly and we need time to adjust. Second, Mars has retrograded back to the position in the sky known as the point of “volcanic eruption.”


Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Realizing Greatness ~ 23 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:19

Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Realizing Greatness ~ 23 February 2012

Realizing Greatness
This is our second go ‘round with Realizing Greatness.  We focused on it last July during a phase of LightBlasts that were about balancing the ego – or getting out of the mental and into the heart and allowing the mind to then serve Love’s Flow.  As you live life from the current of Love, you are aligning with the innate cosmic power that builds worlds.  The atomic structure shows you that the positive proton, when sufficiently supported by the neutral neutron, is the magnetism that brings the negative electron into form and structure begins. 
This same energy applies to the draw of Love.  As you are neutral to circumstances and allowing the flow of Life to in-form your choice (direction) toward Love, you are creating in alignment with the natural laws of form.  As you experience the manifestation of the power of your Love within, you are given the keys to the kingdom and Life yields, for even the formless electron cedes to form in the wake of the positive pull.  The clue of Love in form.  As we enhanced in last week’s Physical Embodiment, we are here to live Love in form.  This week, we take that to a new level of LOVE.
In the mirror of Life,

Denise Le Fay ~ Ascension & Earning Money ~ Transitions ~ 23 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:14

Denise Le Fay ~ Ascension & Earning Money ~ Transitions ~ 23 February 2012



Hello again!!! Hello to Everyone here and boy do I feel you. Thank-you so much for your helpful reply’s to my last comment/question. I do have more questions and would like your guidance again, please. It seems that many of us lightworkers/starseeds/wayshowers etc., have been moved around, suffered all these symptoms and wondered if we were going crazy, have been alienated by those still asleep and overall have felt that we do not belong anywhere and have no idea how to proceed into the future (the last two resonates strongly with me–I do not want to speak for others) , yet HERE WE ARE trying to figure it all out. With all that going on in our lives, for some us now going on 20 years, it seems that most of us have another issue to deal with and no one really talks about it, so I am going to ask you to please enlighten me/us on the topic of financially struggling just to survive. I read a lot of sites and those asking this question, rarely get an answer of any substance.


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