Heather Fraser ~ Mystical Ecstasy

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 09:14

Heather Fraser ~ Mystical Ecstasy

Sacred Scribe

February 18 2012


Mystical Ecstasy ~ The title of this blog post evokes such a powerful energy within my Being.


It’s the essence of an energy I know my Soul has come here, once again, to attempt to attain.


I accept that I have not attained it yet, and that it takes countless lifetimes of earth experience for the Soul to evolve.


It sure feels like it’s this lifetime that Mystical Ecstasy is something I’ll be honored to fully experience, just by the sheer power of the magnetic pull I feel towards it.


In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the ride, savor the beauty, and follow my heart as best I can.

What is Mystical Ecstasy?

Lord Ashtar Sheran: The Emerging of YOU

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 09:06

Lord Ashtar Sheran: The Emerging of YOU


Photo from jeffhurtblog.com



We start at the beginning, and the beginning is you, how you have formed from the mould of your selves to become to perfect representation of Love and its divinity, is that not beautiful DEAR ONES? That you ascend, in your own divine imperfection, to PERFECTION, the perfection that was always there and will always be there, and in that own perfection, you have found peace. I is not an allowance, that you allow yourselves to emerge, and what are you withholding from your selves, dear ones?

What is it you hold back?


Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 07:26



Photo By Will Harader


Alexandra & Paul Walsh~ Roberts


Welcome dear ones. Blessings. There is much to consider in your times of transmutation. But above all, may you consider surrender as a guiding theme through the adjustments that you are all making. It is surrender to receiving as well as surrender to releasing. It is surrender to change as it is surrender to continuation.


It is not possible for you to know or to comprehend what is taking place. For it is a process, a process with a purpose and a methodology, but not with a known system or with a known result in terms of your world.


The form that shall ultimately be taken by these changes is uncertain. However the qualities that shall ultimately prevail in your world through yourselves is with great certainty. A principle of harmony, of thorough comprehensive awareness, and of love is certain. However when you look at your world and at your own lives, the form that those qualities would take are definitely uncertain.

~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 07:17


~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~


Thanks to trunity.net



Hello all,

Here is a topic that keeps coming to me to talk about, and it is about sharing! Not just sharing for which most know as sharing with strings attached or with-conditions, but sharing with-out conditions. The same goes for what most know within the collective as love with conditions instead of knowing and sharing love with-out conditions.


~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 07:08

~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~

"Greeting from the starship Athabantian. My name is Taugth. I am a celestial of the highest order and am androgynous. I am currently stationed aboard this exquisite Andromedan vessel along with several thousand other beings. Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view.


We are here to assist the transformation of this planet and her human residents. We do so out of love, a sense of service, and the knowledge that we are creating something wondrous, for we are not only helping to restore Earth to her former brilliance, but also raising her humans into the 5th Dimension.


~ Breaking the Illusion of Limitation ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 06:48

Thanks to

 BZ Riger and Kay

BZ: Thanks to Kay. Limiting beliefs, illusion,the locks of doubt are all breaking up and falling away. Its a time for going inside to stand in your core, your power, your truth. Use the time to sweep away all the remaining illusions that stand in your way of seeing the truth of who you are and the magnification Nova Gaia we are co-creating together.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Detach from the Drama

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 06:40

~Surround situations with a loving light~


As you expand and heal yourself and become lighter and more sensitive to your environments, you will find that you are more receptive to the emotions of others and therefore feel this energy in a different way. Since humans evolve at different rates, there is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place. When you find yourself in situations that include others sharing their stories with you, infuse the conversation with loving light as they share, just smile and listen.


Offer them not your advise unless expressly asked for, just send them loving light. Most often others share to gain their own clarity. As you become a more compassionate being, open yourself up to more compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything and all that is. This action spreads much light, joy, and freedom and is an energy that empowers others.


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