~Space Weather Update~ Sun Activity Harbors M Class Solar Flares~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/11/2012 - 06:47

SUNSPOT OF INTEREST: For the second day in a row, sunspot AR1416 has doubled in size: movie. Moreover, it has developed a "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Any such eruptions this weekend would be Earth directed as the sunspot turns to face our planet. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


THE VIEW FROM ABOVE: On Friday, Feb. 10th, NASA released a new set of videos from the International Space Station that officials said was among "the most spectacular night imagery ever taken from space of the United States." After watching the following movie (48 MB), you might find it hard to disagree:





Submitted by Sephora FyreByrd on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 19:56



Hey There My BELOVED Brothers and SyStars!!! One Thynge That I Can SERIOUSLY TELLE YOU Is That All Of The Experinces That WE Have All AGREED TO Are NOT THe Most PLEASANT - MOSTE Of Us Have Beene Throughe Some VERY HORRENDOUS AB-USES Of ALL TYPES - It Can and Often IS EXTREMELY DYFFUCULTE To Even SEE Past All THe Pain, HURT, ANGER, Frustratyon and What-Not That Accompanys The Experience(s)! Many Of US Can and Often DO Carry ALL OF THAT JUNK and BAGGAGE Wythe Us For MANY SUNS - that's linear DAYES, MOONS - againe thyse means linear MONTHS, and Even DECADES!!! Such Is The Case Wythe ME Personally!      


~Pillars of Light~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 15:54
Cuqui Cordero shared Angelique E'lan Lukezech's photo.

WE Found this PIcture on Facebook, we have no clue when this occurrred or in fact its real, we have no validation, we did find it intersting that Blossom Had Shared about the Pillars of Light, this Looks like it to US~ ~~~ ALL our Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff




Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled. But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2~10~12 ~We promised you arrests and we will deliver. This is the next phase of the operation~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 15:32

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2~10~12 Through Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles~

~We promised you arrests and we will deliver. This is the next phase of the operation~


~All is going as Planned, don't Let the Naysayers Deteur You from The Truth~GFP


I hope you hold this to be true. There will be a long series of changes to your world beginning with the arrests of the leaders of the dark cabal, and the changes will be far-reaching and these changes will alter many ways of your current lives. We feel many of you are reading these words, but we also feel there are those of you who doubt, those of you who distrust the veracity of these words. We say to you to go with your instincts, as your intuition will better guide you through these challenging times.


Letter to the Workers of Light ~ Allendale Brilliant Repost~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 15:13

Letter to the Workers of Light ~ Allendale Brilliant Repost~

Allendale to Tots                     Orginal Post  December 18, 2011


Good day Lass. [Good day Allendale]. Might I say you are in a fine energy today. [Thank you, feeling great today!]


So many in a human existence at this time are opening their hearts and activating their dormant DNA strands, the work seen from my vantage point, is very impressive. Please share this message with the masses.


Our Dear Workers of Light,

Please know we, of higher dimensional energy, are supporting your planetary and individual soul growth. Opening your mind and heart so your ego may diminish is your last step of your duality experience. No small task, mind you!!

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