~ SaLuSa ~ 10 February 2012 A Great Stirring is and Determination for Freedom~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 07:12

Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa ~ 10 February 2012 A Great Stirring is and Determination for Freedom~


Suddenly there is a great stirring and determination amongst you, to exercise your freedom to achieve what it is you want in the way of changes. Disclosure is something that you have continually pressed for yet as we have previously stated, the truth of our existence is known to many of you who have followed our activities over many, many years. It hardly needs verification in light of all the evidence there is about us, but the authorities cannot release what information they have without official recognition and approval. However, with or without it you are now pressing for opportunities to contact us direct, and it is taking place. We find acceptance of us is at an all time high, and it enables us to deal direct with you. Whilst the cancellation of the Neptune trip was obviously disappointing, it has nevertheless brought about a great surge of interest in us. It has clearly surprised many people that we are prepared to invite you on board our ships, but it is time for such experiences. Your authorities do not like it, as they desire to be in total control of such matters and would prevent any publicity being given to such happenings.


Our Changing Field ~ Being Light in Changing Form!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 07:05

Our Changing Field ~ Being Light in Changing Form!

Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~



I am going to start this sharing with the epiphany I had at the end of part one of Our Changing Field.


I was in a session with a man I have been following thru his meditation growth and when I had seen him a few days ago, I was suprised about what I had seen.  I could see his entire light body speckled thru out the entire area of the “field” as high as the dome all the way to  the ground and left and right.  I really want to say particles or pieces, but neither are correct.  Each speckle of his light was very opalescent and everywhere.


He has become an avid and extraordinary mediator, finding so many aspects of his Light Body thru the direct approach of meditation.  By that I mean, actively seeking himSelf in many nooks and crannies that presented themselves thru the City of Light meditation.

I had no clue what it meant, there was no form for me to understand.  Anytime I had seen him before, there was always some sort of form to read!  He was not an explosion of light made manifest… but without form.


~Space Weather Update~ Quiet No More~ Emergence of New Sunspots WInd Speed 451~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 06:53

AURORA WATCH: NOAA forecasters estimate a 20% chance of minor geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours as Earth glides through a solar wind stream. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for green things above. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


NORTHEASTERN ERUPTION: Solar activity is picking up. During the late hours of Feb. 9th, a dark magnetic filament winding over the sun's northeastern limb rose up and exploded. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action:



The eruption hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) away from the sun: SOHO movie. The expanding cloud is not heading for Earth, but in a day or so it might make contact with Venus, which appears to be in the line of fire.


How much does GOD LOVE US? by Galactic Love Reporter Andrea Sartori

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 03:45


How much does GOD LOVE US? by Galactic Love Reporter Andrea Sartori



To get the answer to that question we simply have to look around... no matter what we choose... GOD LOVES US ALL.

Did we come here to only have a smell on what it is like to be an incarnated being, struggling around for being suddenly so completely asleep into this perfect illusory game, or did we come with a clear intent to fulfill... did we manage to fulfill our intent, or did we not manage to fulfill it...

No matter what!




We've been shown the darkest side of the dark, and we've been shown the brightest side of the Light.

Still, WE are the Ones that Choose what to Be, what to keep on experiencing. No judgment, no blame! Every single decision we make is simply perfect! NOW.


~The Galactic Free Press~2~9~12 Love Update~ First Contact Is a Real Event ~~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 17:21

~The Galactic Free Press~2~9~12 Love Update~ First Contact Is a Real Event ~



~The Stage has been set, and the curtain will be rising~




~AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact. This is a Real Event, and a Multi~Dimensional One that has Been a part of the Divine Plan~ To Accomplish what needs to be accomplished this year on the Planet before the December 2012 Alignment, Humanity needs our assistence and resources.



It matters not what those in the illusion plan, WE are Already Here, and We have Brought The Rest of Humanity's Family with US. WE Have Millions of Starships, including Our Flagship "Eye of Ra, Heart of Light" actually in the Atmosphere of the Planet, some of you will see these as Cloud Ships, most of them are cloaked at the Moment.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2~9~12 ~We have arranged for the arrests of the leading members of the dark cabal

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 15:55

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2~9~12 Through Greg Giles~We have arranged for the arrests of the leading members of the dark cabal



Telepathy is the means in which the ascending members of humanity will communicate in the future. You have the choice whether you wish to communicate verbally or telepathically dependent on whom you are communicating with, but we tell you that you will be speaking with many different types of beings and not all beings are able to verbally communicate with you, and also there are the severe limitations of language barriers. When one communicates by means of telepathy, he or she is able to take advantage of a built-in translator technology wherein you will be able to easily interpret any language in this universe, just as if someone is communicating with you in your native language. Not all human types of beings will speak your native language either of course, as there are also many different languages throughout their worlds as well.

~Steve Beckow~ Loose Ends~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 15:15

Loose Ends

Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

I’m about to board a ferry for Vancouver Island to visit family and after that to Edmonds to visit the Bridge Fund Team.


On the Bridge Fund, we’re still waiting. Just as for NESARA, Disclosure, and even the fall of the Federal Reserve, we continue to wait, doing everything we can and not happy about the wait, but not knowing what else we can do, under the circumstances.

Again we apologize to those who are counting on BF funds and can only assure you that we are ready, have our lists prepared and will swing into action as soon as anything occurs,

Before closing off on the topic of last week, I wanted to say what I hope is the final word.


I am completely and fully responsible for the events of last week.

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