~AAMichael on the Time of Clearing and Disclosure in Bits and Pieces~ Follow the Signs~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 15:51

~AAMichael on the Time of Clearing and Disclosure in Bits and Pieces~ Follow the Signs~

2012 January 11
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow


In my private reading with Archangel Michael yesterday, I asked him about Greg Giles’ prediction of Disclosure and the dependability of Saul’s discussion of the time of clearing. Here are his comments.


Steve: There was a Galactic Federation message through Greg Giles on the 8th of Jan. that said that Disclosure was happening almost any day. Was that an accurate transmission?


Archangel Michael: Yes, it was an accurate transmission. And understand what is happening is that it is coming forth in bits and pieces and in little ways. So look for Disclosure right now not as one big announcement, one big recognition, for many of the politicians are very involved in their own concerns.


AAMichael~ To the Bridge Fund Team~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 15:41

AAMichael~ To the Bridge Fund Team~


2012 January 11
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Depiction of Archangel Michael


I had a reading with Archangel Michael yesterday and will be publishing his comments on Saul’s advice regarding this time of clearing in a following article. But here I’d like to post that portion of his comments about the Bridge Fund that can be shared publicly:

Steve:  Can you give me an update on the Bridge Fund please?


Archangel Michael: The human obstacles that we discussed when last we spoke, of greed and fear of letting go, of breaking through have just about been taken care of so you would have that money very, very shortly. Yes, there was a bureaucratic transfer in your realm that needed to take place.  …


~Transmission from Isis, the highest and most divine parts of you.~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 14:52

~Transmission from Isis, the highest and most divine parts of you.~





Through Petra Margolis


As you are moving into this new year with much new information coming in, I would like to explain that duality within can still prevent you from reaching everything within you.


Look at the above subject of my message.


This is duality, this is where you still find duality.


Each and every part of your being is divine, there is not part that is more divine than the other.


Conversation with MotherGod

Submitted by Lightworker Be… on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 14:13

....this Christmas my father-in-law gave his wife the gift of a book series called, "Conversations With God" written by Neale Walsh. It was a beautiful hard-back copy, had all 3 books in the series within it, he spared no expense! When the 1st book of the series came out years ago, a dear friend read the book and told me it reeeeally changed his life and outlook on the world? I remember thinking to myself then, 15 some odd years ago, that maybe I should get it too? I was having the "usual" challenges with my "walk" as they call it, and I was asking all the same old questions? I never did get it or read it, and now I know why? I just had a conversation with MotherGod myself, in person, face-to-face, using the wonderful world wide web on Skype, and it was free! Oh, the times they are a changing, yeh? lol


I sent an email this morning to FatherMotherGod seeking advice on something we will talk about later on, as I don't want to get away from the reason for writing this, ok? Within minutes I got a reply and offer to have an "Awakening Session" with me to talk about it on Skype? Wow! This was a complete shock, but what an incredible nice surprise? They were right in the middle of working on the morning editions of "The Galactic Press", so politely asked me if maybe a few hours from then would be ok with me? What?! Me?! They were asking ME if I could wait for THEM?! Wow, again! I respectfully told them I would have to check my schedule to see if I could "fit them in" and I would get back to them.....NOT!! I said ABSOLUTELY, and quite frankly I would have waited as long as they could have ever asked for anyway! lol

Message from the Pleiadians 1/11/12 ~Divorce proceedings are soon to begin

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 14:07


Divorce proceedings are soon to begin. Many of you will be separating from the illusion that you have been married to for many long years. In any separation there may be those partners who wish for the split, understanding that their lives will prosper now that the partner who was holding them back will fade into their past, and also those within the marriage who want for the relationship to continue just as it is. Your split from the 3D illusion is no different, and it is the illusion who understands they will be losing out, and it is the illusion that today seeks desperately to lull you back into this dysfunctional relationship. It is the wise soul who understands and recognizes when a relationship no longer bears fruit, and it is the strong that are able to make the split and move on.


There will be those who will remain with their abusive partner who drains them of their youth, their joy, and their exuberance for life. These souls are caught in the clutches of a codependent relationship and will have to continue with the experience until they too have learned all they can from it and move on. You are the ones today who seek a separation, and it is this that you shall receive. A new life and a new relationship awaits you, and again, your partner will match perfectly your energetic frequency. This is how your universe has been designed, and these are the parameters you have agreed upon. You will always find the perfect match for yourself.


~The Alchemical Transformation of the Physical Body during Ascension~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 11:41

~The Alchemical Transformation of the Physical Body during Ascension~




Through Petra Margolis~


As you are reaching new heights within the ascension process I would like to explain a bit more about the Alchemical Process taking place.

The physical body is a carbon based energetic system. Meaning each physical cell is carbon based no matter what its final purpose within the physical is.


This carbon based cell will go through a change during the ascension process.


It will go from carbon based into a diamond frequency based cell.

This is an alchemical process that takes place through pressure within the physical carbon based cell.


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