2012: Love’s Evolution Is My Resolution

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:16

2012: Love’s Evolution Is My Resolution

There are no manuals to read, no rules to follow, other than the open book, of the heart.



Love’s evolution is my resolution, my revolution, my solution. The time is now.   2012 is upon us. The beginning is here!


I’d like to offer you an invitation, an invocation, a wake up call.   Wake up!  (Zen hand clap) It’s time to come to our senses, and wake up!  Listen – can you hear the alarm bells ringing? Can you hear the cries of Mother Earth?  Can you hear the cries of Her children? Can you smell the stench of an industrial growth addicted civilization rotting from the inside out?



Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:10

I've been thinking this morning about the problem of evil. Of course we know that in English, evil is live backwards; and ignorance begins with ignoring something. As I see it, human society, that's all of us, have been ignoring basic realities for a huge portion of our history. We have become so enmeshed in our idea that we are separate that we literally forgot who we are. Many are now remembering, or, put another way, reconnecting with other parts of ourselves, parts that have been invisible or where the connection is unseen. Inevitably, this move from ignorance will necessarily help us finally get it right, ending evil and enabling creation of a new world together.



~Can We Trust The Galactic Federation of Light?~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 07:33

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Greg Giles~


~Can We Trust The Galactic Federation of Light?~




There is an energy sweeping through our world. You feel it and I feel it. It is a transformational wave; uplifting, assuring, nurturing, illuminating, loving and reconnecting. Without the influence of anyone else, we all know, we just ‘know’, these winds of change are divinely sent, and at this moment in our collective journey, a critical necessity. Our God given powers of intuition and self discernment reawakened, we need not be taken by the hand and instructed that it is time for many to leave behind the illusion of fear, darkness, distrust and separation, and return to the frequency of love, light, trust, and unity. Now is the time for us to reconnect with Source, which is everything and every being throughout God’s magnificent creation, the oneness of all.


~ Path of Wayshowers ~ Focus Root Chakra~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 07:18

~Galactic Love Reporters~

_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna




i~ Path of Wayshowers ~



~ * ~ The download of this information is for you to learn the awakening to enlightenment. Wayshowers are feeling energy surges that tell them to be centered and hold to the Central Strand as closely as possible. The closer in alignment with the center the more joy and bliss is experienced. Be in alignment now as the intensity of the stream grows more and more powerful.


~The manuscript of survival ~ part 68~ God Particle~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 06:56

~The manuscript of survival ~ part 68~


Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North

Chapter 29 Today´s message might be difficult to grasp for some, as we would like to delve into the scientific approach to the upcoming changes on your planet. For now, let us just begin with the fact that although your scientists have been looking hard and long , they have still to find that elusive so-called god-particle they like to refer to as the Higgs boson. Although they seem to have found traces of it already, no hard facts have been found that could describe the set-up of this little but oh so vital component of their own little fabricated theories. Make no mistake, such particles do exist, but they are in no way similar to the ones they are looking for. It is in many ways a quest for the unseen, because to a normal person´s eye, nothing like this can be seen. That is not because of it´s minuscule size, but the fact that they have not yet learned to search for the right amounts of energy.


~Pitfalls on the Way Up~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 06:47

~Pitfalls on the Way Up~


Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow


As we retrace our steps in the process leading up to Ascension, we may find that certain anomalies arise that confuse us. I’m finding one myself that I’d like to describe.

I’m feeling an expansion in myself and with it a return of confidence.

But this return of confidence is also dragging up two leftover and early-learned emotions. Their simultaneous rise is confusing.

The two unwanted conditions are arrogance and jealousy. I would have expected to feel shame as well but the increase in confidence and self-esteem is supplanting and erasing it.


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