The Greater Joy You Are

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 21:38

God said:

It is like you walk on the Great Sea and a little individual Sea all at once when the Truth is that you are the Eternal Sea.

You are the Unbounded Infinite, and you are a drop of water who imagines that a drop of water is all that you are. Or, you imagine yourself as Everything and Nothing at all and all at once when you are ever truly Infinite.

The Truth is you are all-important. The Truth is you are everything I say, yet you see yourself as insignificant in a little land. As it happens, the Great Soul of you exceeds worldly Significance. You may play hop scotch around the edges of the playground that exist only on the perimeter of the Real You.

I am all for play. Enjoy. Yet there is greater Joy within you than you hardly dare squint at. Or you look at this Greater Joy as you might look at a Fairy Tale. You don’t yet quite dare to grasp the greater fields within you to explore, for these greater fields are not yet metered. You see them as uncharted while you perform a charade. In actuality, you are well-versed deeply in the Silence far more than the charades you enter into.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 8, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 17:35

Magic, simply put, is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you.

The first steps of living a more magical life is being open to the idea that the unknown can bring you much goodness and wonder, and allowing the universe free rein to show you what else is possible. It is being willing to accept energies beyond what you can see or imagine from your vantage point. It is playing in the etheric and receiving in the physical.

Magic is absolutely available to each and every one of you, in fact, your guides, helpers, and your highest self want you to move into playing in that realm of full potential.

Did you know you are magical beings in our eyes? You continue to surprise and delight us in your discoveries and expansion all the time. Allow us to match your magic, in a dance of co-creation, that is delightful for everyone to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 07:00

The Universe communicates with you every day.  Some days, it is as clear as a bell, other days it is subtle and still others will leave you scratching your head.  Each one of these beautiful moments is a learning experience for you, a way for you to expand your abilities of listening and growing into what you are to become.  Even if you do not fully understand, give yourself some time and the answer will be there in a way that you best understand. ~ Creator

Open the Eyes of the Universe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 21:41

God said:

Of course, it does matter how you feel and what you say. Your desire to be heard, really heard, is great. What matters more is Who you are and what you consider yourself to be. What worth do you set on yourself?

There is nothing you have to be but Who you are. Words go only so far. Words are a lot, yet they are not everything. You are everything. The world view is nothing next to Who you are. You may demerit yourself.

In Truth, you are a different matter altogether from what someone may suppose. You are supposed to be you, not someone else’s estimate of you. To say you are worth gold doesn’t begin to state your value. You, the concept of you as you are purported to be in the world, may be a falsehood perpetrated upon you. Do not believe for one minute the world’s estimate of you, nor the world’s estimate of itself.

No one sees you clearly enough. Doubt is an epidemic in the world passed on from one to another. No one begins to know your worth. No one begins to know your legacy, not even your mother, and least of all you. Nor do so-called others, even those with the most bravado, know who they are.

I know what I wrought, and I know your worth. What am I worth? You are worth the same. No matter what the Earth ascribes to you, you are Heaven-borne and distributed on Earth as a Lighted Star.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 7, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 21:41

Dear Ones, if you don’t create a space of comfort for yourself you will naturally be in a space of complete resistance to your reality. What causes you to feel the most resistance in your life? How can you change it? If it is something you cannot change right now, can you shift your viewpoint of it?

Sometimes just a change of focus can move you from resistance into acceptance. Simply switching “I have to” to “I get to” can instantly move you into seeing what blessings already abound in your life. For example, replacing “I have to drive the children to school today” to “I get to drive the children to school today” instantly moves you into a space of enjoying the extra time with them and having appreciation for their presence, their health, your ability to drive, and the fact that you have working transportation with which to do so.

We understand that there are times where you may be required to do things that are not your preference. We are not suggesting that you deny your feelings. All feelings are valid and should be honoured for their feedback, and should be explored to see if they are trying to lead you to empowered change. But there are many instances where you can move from resistance into acceptance by shifting your focus, and from there you can experience far more comfort, flow, and appreciation in your now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

All Of You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 10:00

When you feel as if you are stuck in the mundane, please remember the uniqueness of you.  There has never been anyone like you…ever.  Others may have been similar but, you are you and have never been duplicated.  All you have experienced, all that you are and all you will ever be is beautiful, right and very much needed on your Earth plane in this moment! ~ Creator

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