Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 1, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/01/2017 - 08:42

Dear Ones, your divinity is always there. It is your alignment and acceptance of your own truth that allows you the experience of it.

That is why your self care practices are so important – they help keep you in the alignment that helps you remember who you really are, and what you know. The more you choose the self love and care that allows you to stay in that space, the more your own unique beauty and contributions will shine, which not only serves you and your soul journey, but also all of humanity.

There is nothing in the world more breathtakingly beautiful than a human being shining the light of their own authenticity as a glorious individuation of Source energy. For those of you who still feel an urgency to hurry up and do something, it is coming from your soul craving to shine, unapologetically, in its own glorious light.

That is the core of the enlightenment process – coming home to the divine light that you are, and then having the courage to let it shine for the entire world to see, and through that action lighting the way for others to find the way to their own divine truth, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 21:08

God said:

Good morning. Rise and shine. This is My Message to you today. Take it to heart.

As you begin your day, so goes your day.

You, be the Sun that rises.

Bring Sunshine into your Life and to the world. The world is you. We can tell the world by how you appear. You are the metronome of the world. You are the decider of the world. You call forth your day and spread your day around the whole world and onto the galaxies.

Feeling Is Freeing!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 10:00

Allow yourself the space to feel, my love!  If you want to cry, cry.  If you choose to be angry, be angry.  Is it shame or guilt that is coming up for you?  Then feel it.  Feeling is the first step to discovering the source so you can release it in the highest and best way.  These things may not always be pretty, but they are necessary for you to grow, change and grow some more.  Embrace them! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 31, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 08:59

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how much more comfortable you are energetically when you are visiting a new place? That is because it naturally leads you to pay attention to your surroundings and become far more engaged in the present moment.

You don't need to go away in order to experience this in your day to day lives. You can start to infuse the same natural presence in your life by simply making little changes to your routine. Take a different route to work. Visit a part of your city you haven't been to before. Try new things. Go outside and really see everything, from the tiniest bug to the vastness of the sky.

Routine can dull your senses and lull you into missing so much wonder around you. By choosing to pay attention and try new things you will step back into the presence and expansion your soul is always craving. You will also find gratitude naturally occurring, which is the key to creating even more of what brings you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The Real God Stirs within You Now

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/30/2017 - 20:18

God said:

Yes and No about going along with where your heart wants to take you. Yes and No. There are times you resist going along with your heart, however. It’s okay! How do you know when your Heart is telling you true or taking you down the garden path? When is your Heart true, and when is it whimsy?

Sometimes you might like to fly off without any responsibility. You want to be free of responsibility at least for a while. You may go with your desires every now and then as a free spirit. Other times you may well have passed opportunity by and thought yourself wise. Once upon a time, you were perhaps sure or, at least, hopeful that there would always be better opportunity waiting for you down the road.

Perhaps the lure of partying egged you on. Nothing wrong with having a good time. Parties are a good thing. So is applying yourself. Years spun past you. Suddenly later seems behind you. Oh, no, where did the non-existent time go?

Maybe you took the easy road, and now you feel what you saw as a good future ahead of you no longer exists. You could have been a great athlete. You could have been a great artist or a good designer, yet you were off somewhere. What you were sure would always happen didn’t. Now you see through a long tunnel of what might have been.

I tell you what -- be glad for the Life you live now.

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