Daily Message ~ Thursday October 26, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/26/2017 - 19:05

Dear Ones, rather than asking another, “What should I do?” we suggest you ask yourself, “What would I like to experience?” or, “How would I like to express myself?” or even better, “What is the right choice for me and my path?”

While the advice of others can sometimes offer you more clarity, remember, people can only give the advice that would be best for them and their own path. Ultimately you must come back into giving yourself permission to be the empowered co-creator of your life expression to find your way to the decisions that best match you, your own unique path, and your own energetics.

It is a beautiful thing to see enlightening human beings making this quantum shift, from abdicating their own power in the desire to please others, to embracing their own divine capability and expertise in the creation of their own life expressions.

So live authentically, follow your dreams, and shine brightly in the ways that only you can do. That is when you contribute the most to the planet and find the expansion and wonder of experience your soul is trying to lead you to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Every Word Has an Effect

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/26/2017 - 18:00

God said:

All your thoughts, all your words, all your dreams – while you are thinking them -- you are creating them before your very eyes. Everything is what it is, yet everything is more than what it may seem to be. You may stay still, yet you seem to move along. You may be wise to the world at the same time as you are without a clue, My Dear Ones.

Words make pictures. Words, whether spoken or not, are also vibrations. To say: Lie down in green pastures means more than the words themselves. There is a form, yet there is that from which a form is made. A form can assemble or dissemble. There is meaning greater regardless whether you catch on or not.

Songs are songs, yet a lullaby is not a march. Music is music, yet a harp and gongs playing the same notes are yet far apart in the paths they take. It can be said that music and you elope.

Even a made-up nonsense name has an effect. Every single word you speak or every single thought you think conjures up something somewhere. Hello! Every word, thought, action produces an effect that goes around the world.

Not for Your Own Glory

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/25/2017 - 19:47

God said:

In Life, there are times when you are to take a back seat, when you don’t have to be the Star of the Show, the Show Stopper, the Scene Stealer.

Sometimes, stay in the background. Sometimes, be quiet. The limelight does not have to be yours.

Sometimes, you don’t have to raise your hand first. You do not have to know the answers. You don’t have to tell the whole story.

Sometimes, be like the gloaming, a quiet time of day between sunset and dusk. It is the hush of a moment. You don’t have to be the amazing bright orange or purple or rose of the setting sun. You can be a quiet pause, not here to awaken the world to your brilliance. This isn’t to be a wild cheering scene. It is a moment when twilight becomes dusk.

Or, it is the moment when night recedes and ushers in the dawn. It isn’t High Noon.

You don’t have to go a hundred miles per hour.

There is no race you have to win.

To Fear Or Not To Fear?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/25/2017 - 10:00

The highs and lows of the waves you have been riding lately may be taking a toll on your physical body.  There will be times when your body wants, may need and could be begging to go into fear because, in the past, that was the safest place for you.  Take a moment to breathe, know that fear never has been and never will be your natural state.  My beloved, know The Universe is with you and all will be well. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 25, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/25/2017 - 08:20

Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to take action to facilitate change. In the new energies even how you approach positive change is evolving.

Creating change in the new energies is shifting into what we call mindful activism. There is far less pushing against what is unwanted with mindful activism, and no shaming of others if they don't take up the cause. There is an understanding that, just like everyone will find their own personal journey to enlightenment, so will they find their own perfect way to contribute and make a difference.

Mindful activism also opens the door for you to facilitate change by flowing with whatever your soul feels guided to. While some will be content to take up one cause, others may lend their love and support in many different ways, entering into surrendered service in motion, being led to however they can most be of help on any given day. Human beings who have surrendered into being of their highest service for the day are incredibly easy to place on the path of those who require their assistance. Sometimes their highest service that day is simply anchoring the energy of love and peace, lending support to the planet energetically.

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