Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 4, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 12:00

If you are not experiencing the amount of love you would like in your life, we would ask you to examine any ways you are holding yourself separate from love.

Do you do everything for yourself? Do you turn down help? Do you make time to connect with Source energy in whichever way feels right to you? Do you practice self care? Do you act lovingly to yourself? Do you believe you deserve love?

Do you think love is something to be afraid of? Do you fear being taken advantage of? Do you think love will hurt you? All of these worries have been the result of conditional love, the idea that love is a commodity to be given or taken away at the whim of another, based on your behaviour and if you are deemed worthy or not. That is control, not love.

Dear Ones, love has never been what has hurt you, it has been the absence of love that has resulted in your pain. Can you release those old attitudes, those old templates, and replace them with the understanding unconditional love is safe, expansive, nurturing, and feels wonderful to both give and receive?

If you have been in the habit of holding yourself outside of love, start being aware of all of the ways love tries to come to you and through you. Start to say yes to love! Little by little let love in, until you learn to trust and enjoy it again.

You Are Born to Be One with Me

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/03/2017 - 23:11

God said:

What I ask of you is exactly what you have been seeking deeply for yourself. Be with Me. Stay with Me. We shall be as One and ask for nothing more. Oneness rules. Oneness takes the stage. Nothing surpasses Oneness. We call it Our Oneness. In Oneness, all is replete. Oneness is the most desirable of all. Next to Oneness, everything else palls.

Want to be energized? Know Oneness. Proclaim Oneness across the Land, and you will know Oneness as Only Oneness can be known. Hail, Beautiful Oneness.

Where shall We go today? How about right here where We are? There is no better Moment. This is it. This is what you are on fire for. This is the True Realization of My/your Dreams. You have all you desire right in the Palm of Our Hand. This is the Moment you were born to. Here is the culmination of all your desires and all My desires. Wish-fulfillment is at hand. When you reach all the way to Oneness, tell Me, what else is there? What else is there to dream of? There is nothing more. There can only be less.

You may have been darting around hither and yon. Come back and connect to Our Oneness. You will know what Oneness is. You will know what Lasting Joy is. Accept no substitute for this Ultimate Experience in Life. This Experience which is not exactly an Experience. Rather, Being is for you. It is meant for you. It is also Mine, and I, God, give it freely to you.

Feel Me. Feel the Beat of My Heart Wedded within the Beat of your Heart, your Heart and My Heart as One. There is nothing like it, this Oneness.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 3, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/03/2017 - 13:50

In older energies you were taught to be on high alert for what was unwanted. This resulted in the automatic judgment of others, which created perpetual rejection and separation between you and others. This was very much a conditioned behaviour, passed down from relatives who were raised in much different times.

Dear Ones, we encourage you to become aware of that old habit and to, with your awareness, change your focus. Why not start to look for the positive aspects of the people you see? Why not look for things that are the same, that connect you, that you can celebrate in each other?

We urge you to retrain your mind to shift from judgment and separation to acceptance and inclusion. Starting to see and acknowledge others as being varied and wonderful individuated aspects of Source energy will allow you to practice acceptance and allowing, and to bring your automatic responses to be in line with the higher vibrating energies you are experiencing now on your planet.

It will allow you to anchor safety, understanding, compassion, and peace, and above all, unconditional love as the uniter of those you come in contact with. It will move you from resistance to acceptance, which will create a greater comfort for you to connect with others.

The Light In Unimaginable Darkness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/03/2017 - 08:00

My dearest, darling one; here you are, faced with more acts of senseless violence against the innocent and peaceful.  I know your heart hurts and I know you may not understand the infinite picture but, one day very soon, you will.
I gave many of you an idea of what would be coming years ago.  The thinning of the veil has made it so some do not understand what they are feeling, hearing and seeing.  It frightens and pushes them to places they may not have otherwise gone.  This is where your work begins, my love.  Send as much love as you can!  You may be far away from where these acts occurred or are occurring, but they will still feel your love and purity of heart.  Find one moment of joy in your memories and send that as well.
It may seem as if the darkness is ‘winning’, but that is far from the truth.  It knows it is fighting a losing battle and is doing all it must to hold onto whatever power it has left.  Release your pain and anguish over these situations, send it to be transformed to Love and Light….to come back to you, to be sent out again and so forth.  Then the power of you, as an individual, will be felt and known throughout your world.  Join together and be the peace your Earth plane is needing in this moment. ~ Creator


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