Gold Mines Exist

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 18:08

God said:

I, God, hear what you might call your thoughts. You seem to think them. I hear you forage for Me. I hear you say:

“Beloved God, I personally have been absent from You. I go my own way under the umbrella of time, God. Am I too busy for You? Hah!

“I have also felt that sometimes You would like me to be more Self-Reliant, less personal, sort of less reliant on You, more independent of You, something like that. Are You wanting me to come of age? Well, God, are You?”

Well, dear One, dear Godling, you are everything to Me. Yes, I want to nestle closely with you, and I want you to be your own Sun in the world. I’m not across from you at the table. We are reciprocal. We sail the Seas together. We are never apart. We do converse. There is no in between Us. It isn’t exactly that you dance solo from Me in the first place.

You feel Me now, don’t you? You feel Me surging through your blood stream, don’t you? I am, in one sense, the only vitamin there is for you to take. Take several doses of Me a day.

Now I see you smile at Me and I hear you say:

“Yes, God, I feel You. I feel Your embrace, and You take me above the world far into what seems like oblivion, a Land of Love where Love is not really noticed, yet there is nothing else but Love and no need for it to be separated and noticed.

“I also feel You, God, as down to Earth. I feel Your hand massaging my heart. Your hand goes in gently. You smooth my Heart. Steadily You squeeze and release. How I love to feel Your Presence, God, your Ever-Present Presence.

Daily Message ~ Monday October 9, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 18:04

Dear Ones, a very effective technique to make new connections in your lives is to meditate and create from the ethers.

Let us suppose you wish to draw more clients for your business. Simply imagine yourself going up into space and then shining brightly, as if you are turning on your service light for all to see. As you stay there and allow your light and offerings to broadcast like an energetic beacon, you will notice other little lights turn on in response, like twinkling stars.

Those are the people who have now connected to you and what you do - the ones who can see you in your truth, resonate with your energy, that you can help and will have appreciation for your efforts. Continue to shine your service light brightly until you see all the new clients turning on their lights of response to you. Now you can rest easy that those connections have been made, that those souls have been made aware of you and what you have to offer, and they will show up in divine timing.

You can use the same technique to find the perfect healer for you, new like-minded friends, any supports you may feel you need on your journey, even a new love relationship. Just shine your light and your truth until you see the connection is made by the light turning on in response to you from another.

Are You Ready?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 09:00

If your crossing-over time were here right now, what would your thoughts be? With a last, brief look over your shoulder, what would you have done more or less of, what changes would you have made? Would you be at peace?


Today, you are invited to change the things you have always been putting off…like releasing resentments and forgiving yourself. (Smiling) The exquisite beauty of your life deserves, at least, that much. ~ Creator

A Rose Knows Its Rosiness for All Eternity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/08/2017 - 20:40

God said:

There is never a said and done. In the world at large, all is set to change on the surface, that is.

Inevitably, regardless of anything else, you are Being. Being is GREAT. You and I are One. We are One Being. We are One Beingness. There is no end to it, Beloveds.

You know everything as surprised as you are or even astonished. You set the menu. This often seems ridiculous because you would recluse yourself, so you think, from all that which comes your way that you may not like one bit, yet you are the one who left the breadcrumbs for Life to follow.

You may be Landed Gentry one moment. The next you are a beggar, or the reverse, or you are so upsy-daisy you seem to live the Life you present to the world, yet, by a long shot, you are far more than your presentation.

You are like a reversible jacket. You can alternate the gold inner lining outside and the brown outer coat inside. The coat is made this way with inner lining and outer surface to be worn at your will. All that occurs and that you appear to be, you designate. You are certain you would not, who does if you don’t?

There was a time when adverse was not a thought or consideration in your quiver. You did not think of adversity or trouble or death and so on. It is as if they had not been invented yet. Riding a Merry-Go-Round in Life held no caution for you. Judging was not yet heard of. Now you may well judge to the nth degree.

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 8, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/08/2017 - 09:00

There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth! Having fun is a high vibrational means of self expression. It is an activity that is light, present, joyful, and filled with gratitude - all enlightened traits! The laughter that comes with fun is also an incredibly efficient means of energetic release and transmutation, which only serves you and the planet.

Having fun is an underdeveloped skill in a great many enlightening human beings. We want you to understand it is safe for you to have fun, and to make it more of a priority in your lives. In fact, when you start to consider the energetic benefits, and how embracing it will bring you into greater balance and satisfaction in your lives while still allowing you to be of service, you will see why we highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/08/2017 - 09:00

In your process of releasing, please remember this; it is your process.  No one can do it for you (although a friend is helpful in holding space) and no one can change anything for you unless you choose to change it yourself.  It is up to you, my darling one.  Love the parts you are releasing, ask that the positives replace them and all will be well. ~ Creator

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