Malleable Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/25/2017 - 11:00

As you move through your day, please keep this in mind; your reality is malleable.  If you believe that people lack integrity, are dishonest, will take all they can get if the opportunity arises or are ‘working and angle’, The Universe will provide you every example possible to show you exactly what you believe.
If, however, you believe that others are inherently good, are honest, have integrity, are putting forth the effort of being transparent and showing love as often as they can…The Universe will provide exactly that especially for you.
Your homework for today is to take some time and really think about your thoughts and which direction they take on a moment to moment basis.  You are the only one who can change and The Universe is standing by to help you in any way possible.  Choose wisely. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday September 25, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/25/2017 - 08:51

The universe is continually adjusting to match your intentions and desires. Have you ever had a thought of a small, random thing you would like and had it show up for you out of the blue, as if by magic? The reason it happened so quickly and easily was because there was absolutely no resistance toward it, which allowed it to manifest for you with complete ease and efficiency.

True surrender is the grease to your manifestations. If things are coming together with ease, you know you are in a beautiful, completely non-resistant flow of creation. If it seems things are not coming together with ease, it is because they are in the process of adjusting and taking on form behind the scenes, in ways that are absolutely perfect for you. Surrender with faith, trust, and acceptance for the highest outcome, with the certainty all is being taken care of. Whether you can see it or not, there is always a process in motion that is continually adjusting to serve you and your wants and needs.

Know that you are an empowered creator with a team on hand whose greatest joy is to serve you. Choose your dream and allow the universe to embellish it in ways that are greater than you could ever imagine. You can rest assured the universe launches into action the second you decide what you would like to do next in the playground of experience you call earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

A River of Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 22:06

God said:

You may feel you flounder in a maelstrom of lack on Earth. Despite how you may flounder, I tell you that you live in a maelstrom of Love.

It is Love that is hard for you to accept. This must be so because you want Love to prove itself to you. You want to be assured that you are Loved. You tend to be unassured of your Truth.

The Sea of Life may be deep and yet, you rock the boat. Even for one day, if you could accept the Bounty of Love that you are and that you merit, how different your Life would be. How different you would be. You would not falter.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 11:00

It may seem that everything you work on opens up yet another ‘can of worms’ to heal.  This is not done to ‘torture’ or ‘punish’ you.  What this means is that The Universe truly believes that you are strong enough in yourself to handle the next level of what you need to do.  If you do not feel ready for that step, simply ask for a break, a rest, a breathing space/time.
However, do not delay the inevitable for too long because turning your back on any one issue will encourage The Universe to bring it up again and again until you choose to handle it. (Smiling) ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 24, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 08:22

Your soul is always seeking expansion. This is why you cannot stay in a state of resistance comfortably for any length of time. Do you know what the greatest expander is? Love.

Dear Ones, allow that thought to settle in. If you are afraid of love you may choose separation in a desire to keep yourself safe. But as a being of love, you will be acting contrary to how your soul seeks to express itself, which will create discomfort. You will, in fact, be denying who you are and ultimately experience the pain of resistance and constriction.

It is not love you are afraid of, but rather the absence of love. If you understand that love is a means of expansion, flow, and freedom, and those are the things that bring you deep satisfaction, you will start to see that the solution you seek is to love for the sake of being love itself. And that is when the world will truly shift, when human beings choose love for no other reason than they understand the joy and support it brings through its expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

Rise to Your Own Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/23/2017 - 19:32

God said:

Many of My Beloved Children have the idea that they have been cheated in Life. Granted, in your way of looking, this may be true. You may indeed not have received all that you desire and all that you deserve. This may be so in terms even of the entire relative world.

What I am saying to you is that, true or not, the idea of having been denied, gypped, overlooked, hamstrung, neglected is beside the point. Across the board, this isn’t a helpful premise for you to come from. This idea of being owed is a concept that keeps you mired.

You see this, don’t you? No longer keep yourself chained to believing you are owed something. True or not true, you don’t want to keep even one downward-spiraling thought one second longer.

From the worst of circumstances, Beauty arises. This is also true. There is no end to possibilities, Beloveds. There is no end to the possibilities for you.

What do you think it means to be boundless?

Let go of seeing yourself as neglected. Let go of seeing yourself as vanquished. In case you may never walk again, let’s say, you are here on Earth for more than walking. If you have been seeing yourself as downtrodden, then begin seeing yourself blessed. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Here’s the thing: You are as you see yourself.

See yourself as victimized, then you are. See yourself as a Knight on a White Steed, then your Light will shine through, and you will be a new person.

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