Daily Message ~ Saturday September 23, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/23/2017 - 12:56

Dear Ones, your souls are most happy when you are allowing expansion to occur. This is why resistance creates so much discomfort. Your soul is not meant to stay in a state of constriction or stagnation. It wishes to experience flow, growth, and freedom.

So what can you do today that supports your expansion? Try something new. Meditate. Drive a different route to work. Take a trip. Learn a new skill. Stop and ask your inner self what they would like to do today and try that. When you open yourself to making small changes you get into a flow. You start cooperating with where your soul wants to lead you.

One of the reasons small children tend to be happy is because they are present and constantly learning, growing, and expanding their worlds. There is a soul deep satisfaction that comes from doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. You can replicate that as an adult by adopting those traits that once came so naturally to you again, as you were born with the innate ability to navigate yourselves with far greater skill than you've ever fully realized. ~Archangel Gabriel


You can even live in a war zone and be at peace.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/22/2017 - 22:30

Humanity is on a roll!  You already know that because I have told you before, but I very much want to reemphasize this point.  Enormous changes are happening right now, as you read or listen to this, all across the planet.  And I am not talking about the political, seismic, or weather events that are well reported on by most of the media, but about spiritual events that are having a very powerful effect on all of humanity in preparation for the awakening.

You must trust in the divine plan and hold your Light on high, as you have been doing, but please further intensify your intent to be only loving in every situation.  As you well know, “Love changes everything,” just as the song says, but you have to engage with It, walk your talk, and be the Love that is your true nature.

Decide now to bypass your egos and your emotional reactions, and approach every interaction with another, no matter who it may be, with Love, and only Love.  You can do it, easily, if you choose to do so, but many are so accustomed to operating from or through their egos that when they come out of their inner space where they have been meditating, relaxing in the field of divine Love, or praying, they simply fall back into their normal ego-driven mode of living.

Like a Leaf on a Tree

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/22/2017 - 22:29

God said:

You have a tendency to see yourself as a heavyweight on Earth, that is, with gravity. You may even see yourself as a boxer in the ring or identify yourself as being thrown to the lions as in olden days in Rome. To be fearful, you have to have something to fear. This is hardly My Dream for you. There is no resemblance.

Fear is heavy, beloveds. Come into the Light and no longer trod. Walk lightly. Dance on air! What you truly are weighs nothing at all. Take a load off your feet. Walk on air, why not? Take Life in your stride. Look High. Feel yourself lightly connected to the Earth as a Leaf on a Tree. Discover that you are not so attached and not so laden with fear. You are not to hold on to fear. Fear is but a shadow.

You are made for Light, not shadow.

No matter what the Season, there is Light, and there is My Will for you. You remain a Diamond in My Heart. I never lose sight of you. I am your Guiding Light. It is not for you to clasp and grasp shadows. There is no bogeyman.

Even if you are in the Army, be at ease, soldier!

No need to duel with Life.

Let your Life be a chariot-ride with Me. Be assured that your Life has Meaning. There is nothing you have to prove. Allow Life to be a Walk in the Park. Be considerate of Life. Let the Moving Force of Life be your Beloved Life. Take a stand via your Light on Earth.

You don’t have to be heavy-handed. Be Light of Heart instead. What else is worthy of a Child of God?

Stand Up!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/22/2017 - 10:00

A new dance has begun; the swirling, twirling energies of the light and dark are asking that your attentions become more focused on the positive, beautiful things of your Earth plane.  It is time to stand up to the hatred, fear and anger being generated with every ounce of Unconditional Love your being can show.  Remember, even though you feel as if you are the only one focused on peace and joy, there are many.  You are not alone!  Stand up and be counted for Love! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Friday September 22, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 09/22/2017 - 08:00

Dear Ones, there are times for movement, and times for rest. These ebbs and flows are part of the heartbeat of the universe, and are designed to give you every last thing you need. If you were all one or the other, you would quickly find yourself out of balance.

There is great predictability in this! Know that after a time of great activity there will be a time for rest. After a period of inactivity change will come. Both are integral aspects of supported forward movement.

Your times of action give you the tangible results of what you are creating. Your ebb times are when the action is happening behind the scenes, where your manifestations are taking form. You are always, always creating, growing, and evolving.

So trust. Trust that the rhythm of the universe will always serve you. Enjoy the gifts of whatever phase you are in, and celebrate how profoundly connected you are to it all. ~Archangel Gabriel


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