Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 05:46

Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

July 3-July 10, 2011


Beloved Ones,

The accumulated energies of the past month will continue to lift each of you into higher levels of consciousness as you go about your daily activities. There will continue to be an ongoing integration process as the Light encodements and attunements are given to you by your God sanctioned Guides as your physical body is deemed ready. It is important that this proceed at a level of safety, grace and ease. Know that we are ever with you as you walk upon your Path and if you remember to ask us each day, we are more than happy and willing to give you our utmost assistance during these changing times.

~The Seventh Release (Your Faith Will Be Restored)~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 21:42

~The Seventh Release (Your Faith Will Be Restored)~



To you who have come here this day, we wish to thank each and everyone of you for this kindness that you have shown to the one we have chosen as our messenger, so as to make these words available to others.

For we know your pains and your secret fears and bless you this day. We wish each and everyone of you the calmness and certainty of Spirit and the love of one another. For you have allowed yourselves to be mis-led for countless centuries and now have an opportunity to heal the sins of the past. We speak to you this day out of sincerity of intent.

We make an offer of God's Light and Love to whomever will accept this gift. For, we are messengers also of a higher power and have neither the wish or intent to force our gifts upon those whom we come in contact with.


Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 10:04



There is much fear at the moment concerning this comet. Which is unusual because it poses no threat to the earth or our solar system. It is said it will enter our inner solar system At the end of July and the beginning of August. Elenin is going to cross the orbit of the Earth at about 1.5 AU (astromonical unit, one unit being the distance from the Sun to the Earth. 1 AU is 93 Million Miles). The gravitational effect will have somthing like 0.001% the tidle pull of the moon on the earth. So why the big fuss?


It is my resoning that fear is put over these subjects to act as a vail. This fear reduces the density of conciousness resulting in subversity or dissmisment. My purpose here is to lift the vail and show any that have eyes to see the significance of the arrival of this beautiful celestial object.


Some sources state that Elenin has miraculously changed direction which indicates that it is under some intelligent control. Whom may this intelligent controller be? Unfortunatly we have only our intuition to tell us the answer, but mine is constantly nudging at me not to ignore this event and to look at it from my heart and know the truth from the stillness of my being. I earge you to do the same, be soverign and make up your own mind.


Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 06:37

Welcome beloveds, we are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support you at this time across planet earth. Many of you are now aware of how to move through the energies that are now beginning to stabilise across the planet. We guide you strongly not to fall into illusion when it comes to working on yourself and your creation. It can be easy to fall into illusion now the energies have begun to stabilise as many of you will no longer be experiencing the highs and lows of the energy shifts.

~7~2~11~~The Eclipse Drama Continues~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 06:30


~The Eclipse Drama Continues~


~Was last week hard for you? Were at the point where you just couldn't take it any more. You're not alone, we all felt that way. This week closes out the June eclipse cycle, finally. It's not an invitation to be glad it's over and go back to our old habits, though. It's time to integrate the learning and follow a different path. Read on...

One more eclipse in this month's cycle and we will be out of the woods, for now. This has been a crazy energy month, with many ups and downs, delays, old issues we thought were dead and buried coming up for final review, or the Universe giving us not so gentle nudges about our life path, relationships, how we use our energy, intention, our self worth, or the many things that we may have put off for months or years that are now reminding us that there's no time like the present for dealing with them.

~7~2~11! JULY ENEGY UPDATE~The main theme for July is Birth.

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 06:05

~The main theme for July is Birth.~


As I was contemplating the theme for the month, several words came to mind: Breaking, breakthrough, cracking, expansion, explosive, triggered and initiation. None of them felt exactly descriptive of the theme but rather of the process of getting to the theme. When I asked again I received a potent image of an egg cracking and a small chick emerging into the world. The theme of Birth came to me in such a beautiful way it brought tears to my eyes.

~Love Reporter Maureen Moss~ ~YOU ARE THE CREATOR~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 05:59




Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well. This month I'm keeping it simple and straightforward, after a month of eclipses that appeared to complicate, irritate, and once again hurdle us across the boards of emotions. Not for nothing, each created the perfect scenarios for breakdowns and breakthroughs, once again, allowing for another upgrade in consciousness.


Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 12:43



Welcome beloveds, once more we come to guide and support you as the energies shift and move through, around and within you. The new moon energy is one of cleansing and of moving forward, it is akin to spring cleaning your inner world, we are here to support and guide you with what may come up for many of you as you go through this process.

Many of you have struggled with the past few months and the energies that have given rise to much “old” drama and pain resurfacing for you. We guide you this process is ongoing but will begin to get easier and easier as you work through the layers to reach your truth. Many of you have been extremely emotional over the past few days and we guide you to stay with these feelings. Emotion is what you came to planet earth to experience dear ones and it is part of that journey to feel different emotions.

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