SaLuSa 8~July~2011

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/08/2011 - 05:32


  SaLuSa  8~July~2011

There is much of beauty upon the Earth and some is natural, and some man made as Man is inspired by his visions of a higher expression. In fact you still have subconscious memories of times when you were in the higher dimensions. The changes that we have told you about are also familiar to you, and why you accept them without much hesitation. Initially the aim is to plug the gaps that will appear as the old systems break down. That will be an immense improvement to what you have been experiencing, and ensure you have a comfortable run in to the time of Ascension. The real changes will commence with Ascension and continue for a great deal longer. Whatever your choice regarding your future, you will enjoy the benefits of being within the higher dimensions. We have paved the way for you as you prepare yourself for the personal changes you will experience, and finally you will claim your status as a Galactic Being. The difference to what you are now is monumental, and you will have your full consciousness restored.

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