~Love Reporter John Smallman~ ~Take time out daily for serious and extreme inactivity~ 06~12~2011

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/12/2011 - 05:53

~Take time out daily for serious and extreme inactivity~


Waiting is also part of the illusion – a focusing on some future time or expected event – and it distracts you from this now instant in which life is happening. Everything that happens always happens now; you may expect it tomorrow or next year, but when it happens it is now. If you focus on the past or the future, as you often do, you miss what is happening – NOW! Frequently it seems to you that nothing of note is going on right now, so you think about past events or future expectations as a relief from boredom – nothing of interest stimulating you to participate in this moment – and miss the moment and all the wonders it contains because they occur below the level of your conscious awareness.

~A LOVE Message from Matthew~ ~THROUGH LOVE REPORTER SUZANNE WARD~ - June 11, 2011

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/12/2011 - 05:05

 ~A LOVE Message from Matthew~


- June 11, 2011 -

lthough we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII.

Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested."

A LOVE MESSAGE FROM Ashtar ~ Celebrating Memorial Day as Peace Warriors

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 19:01


~ A LOVE MESSAGE FROM Ashtar ~  Celebrating Memorial Day as Peace Warriors WELCOME HOME ALL BEINGS HOME INTO THE LIGHT~


"Well, greetings everyone!  We are so pleased indeed to be here with you.  We have a vantage point that is a bit higher than it was before at the origination point of these calls.  We are three thousand feet up the mountain, and it is a wondrous, sacred mountain indeed.  And we invite all of you who feel so inclined to connect in with the sacred energies of this mountain called Haleakala.  This has a lot to do with the heartland Lemuria, heart of Lemuria, so it is a most wondrous place indeed.  So we're flying high!  Alrighty!  Now, there is so much happening, as you know, in every moment.  Everything is changing from moment to moment. You heard a bit of a summation by Masters Tara and Rama,* and that is barely scratching the surface, Beloved Ones.


~My First Meeting with Arcturus ~ Part 1/2~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 14:54

~My First Meeting with Arcturus ~ Part 1/2~

By Love Reporter Suzan Carroll

Beloved One,

I am Illuminata Emaculatas. The Immaculate Illumination. I have also been known as IlliaEm — The Elohim of Arcturus. My true name cannot be spoken or written in your language, but close your eyes and ears now as you feel my signature.


Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 14:19


The Divine Plan is for all human life to achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this orbit or the end of this age. This means that man of Earth must immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his/her individual level of consciousness to that state of knowing awareness...

We, in our present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming change in physical frequencies even if we could survive the physical bombardment thrust against us by the evil intent and projection of other men.

Indeed there is a Divine Plan. Do not believe for one moment that the ONLY plan is the plan of the 'elite' or leaders to continue to rule and control humanity. The Plan involves many beings, human and otherwise, from within and without the Earth’s planetary structure. It will open all minds and hearts to at least consider these possibilities....

~Clarity of Intention~ 6~11~11~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 10:40

~Clarity of Intention~



Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

I share this with all of you, as it has clarified for many in my class, "Birthing The Heart and Mind of God," their own clarity of intention for their personal ascension. And, it clearly calls forth many of the Great Masters to assist each. I suggest that this be done using the energy of the powerful Summer Solstice on June 21, 2011, an energy that when used consciously can take an idea or concept and spiral it into an action.

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