"All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of your soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in you. That which you thought you were, you never were at all, for it was a changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the times ... a thing to be born and grow and die. You are not a thing of time or circumstance, you are spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless." - Ernest Holmes
The sage philosopher Ernest Holmes called it spiritual therapeutics; the exercising of our mind with the Power of the Universe in order that in every moment we can create a life that inspires us with purpose and love and joy, ultimately leading to a full expression of our gifts and talents while we are here. As spiritual beings restoring our earthly lives back to the original blueprint "divinity" some may find themselves producing days that are challenging, perhaps chaotic, maybe distressed or a bit uncomfortable.
Not to worry though my friends, playing with Power always involves a test of character and we are playing with mucho, mucho Power right now. Each personal challenge develops spiritual character by stimulating us to new heights of emotional intelligence and mental inheritance. You and I are here to experience exactly what we are dealing with so that we can empower ourselves with the maximum amount of Creator Light during this time of great evolutionary elevation.