Nudge Life!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/16/2017 - 23:59

God said:

It is well-known that there are times when you don’t want to wake up in the morning. You would just like to stay in your warm cozy bed.

What can We do so that you might like to leap out of bed, throw open the curtains, and look forward to this Gift of Today the way you used to on Christmas morning when Life was new everyday?

What if “Rise and Shine” were to return to you as music to your ears?

Surely, mornings are not for covering your head and groaning: “Oh, no, time to get up.”

In the days when people slept under the stars and woke up to the chirping of birds and the Sun’s rising, mornings were inspired, and it was lovely to get up. All who were still asleep were waiting for the moment to get up and greet the day. Everyone is to go to sleep, and everyone is to get up! Imagine, it was this way all over the world. Didn’t I think of everything? Sleep was blessed, and waking up was blessed.

Going to sleep is a beloved promise I made to you, and waking up also is My blessing to you. Beloveds, roll into bed, and roll out of bed with the same innocence of expectancy of joy. All of Life is Life!

Never was it My desire that you avoid sleep nor avoid getting up.

I ask you what could help you to like to wake up to in the morning and hop out of bed? What can you offer yourself that would spark your heart so that you could meet the day with zest?

Daily Message ~ Friday June 16, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/16/2017 - 09:25

Dear Ones, it is okay to let go of the old conditioning that said struggle is somehow noble or a necessary precursor to your worthiness or success. As creators you can start to use your wisdom and sensitivity to navigate your path through the gentle bumps and nudges that come with subtle energy. That is the way of grace and ease, and is completely available to all of you whenever you are ready to move into a smoother path of conscious creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

Changing The Past

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/16/2017 - 07:00

There may be times where past experiences and scenarios color your world in not-so-positive ways.  When you see/feel this happening, it is time to take a step back and reassess what is really going on.  Is your emotional reaction ‘in the now’ or ‘in the past’?  Is it necessary to respond the same exact way or do you feel you can change it without compromising your boundaries?  If you look closely enough, you will be guided to what is in your highest and best now.  And, lastly, always envelope each situation with Unconditional Love.  Even the most negative situation will have no choice but the change.  (Smiling) ~ Creator

Where Do Lost Thoughts Graze?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 21:38

God said:

You had a thought, and then, the next moment, the thought is missing. It was a revelation you had, and now it’s gone.

Never mind, it is still in your mind somewhere, and it can make its way in the world without your active presence. Lost thoughts continue to exist somewhere with or without you. A thought slips away from you the way a grape might fall from your fingers when you pick grapes from the vine.

This is not an alas. It’s an all right. Grapeness still exists when a grape itself may have fallen to the ground.

All of your thoughts – thoughts that called themselves to your attention -- don’t have to hang on the Vine of Thoughts before you. All thoughts land somewhere. No thought has to hang on a clothesline where you can pin or unpin it later.

Lost thoughts will appear. Someone will have the missing thought you did. All the thoughts that come to do not belong to you. Never did.

The whole world is shared regardless of what you think and your intention may be. Therefore, consider sharing as I do share. Let freedom ring! What a blessing to let go of owning and clamping onto this and that.

Freedom from ownership is a great Bell-Ringer. We can’t call Freedom a possession! If we could call Freedom a possession, then, possession would turn into a grand thing!

It’s not that you dis-possess. Put up no bars. Like Me, welcome all.

Humanity’s awakening is divinely willed and intended, therefore it most certainly will be achieved.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 15:18

Within the illusion the only constant is change.  You all know this, but you do need to remind yourselves that change is part of the illusion, an aspect of time which is the linear coefficient of the illusory concept that you chose to construct and maintain.  Now that the foundations or underpinnings are collapsing changes are occurring ever more rapidly.  And these changes are especially noticeable in relationships, from personal or family ones to intergovernmental ones.  Change is an aspect of evolution and you are all evolving, and your evolution is basically along a spiritual path, even though vast numbers of you appear to have no spiritual interest or awareness, apart perhaps from believing that anything spiritual is unreal, the result of unbalanced emotional needs being pandered to due to a sense of loneliness, unacceptability, and the fear that that engenders.

Those needs are indeed very prevalent among those who are consciously attempting to follow a spiritual path, and may well indicate the initial signs of a growing awareness that there should be, and indeed is, far more to life than the generally accepted three dimensional materialist egoic drive for more of anything and everything that brings pleasure to your human form.  And, deeply asleep and dreaming, as most humans are, that makes perfect sense.  Anything that appears to provide safety, security, and pleasure to the individual is obviously something that is well worth working for.

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 15, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 13:56

Dear Ones, your level of monetary abundance comes from the universe responding to your own energetic emanation, not from the specific job you hold. You have created that job because it matches the level of abundance you resonate with.

This is an important thing to know if you feel like leaving a job that does not honour you. You will always naturally attract to you the level of monetary abundance you are comfortable with, accustomed to, feel like you deserve, or are in a space of acceptance of.

Do you see? It is always a response to the energy you hold. If you wish to move into a greater level of abundance, it must begin within, with you shifting, even if it is in small increments, into a comfort level and allowance of more, which the universe will then respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel

Breathe the Breath of Inspiration

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 13:56

God said:

We do not require formality between Us. It is natural for Us, for you and Me, the One of Us, the One of One, to frolic in the Green Pastures.

Come, the One of Us Whom I will address as We for the sake of all who may be new to this Truth. This way so I can spell it out, and all they may witness this Profound Truth of Oneness that We are privy to and that does not exist between Us. There is no between Us. We are Oneness pure and simple.

For Us (One) to hold hands, to recognize that together as One is exactly Who We are and are meant to be and to revel in. Beloveds, whether your conscious awareness sinks into all Who are My beloved Sons and Daughters or not -- look, in Oneness We are and forever abide regardless of whatever you or anyone may think.

Our Oneness which doesn’t lie between Us but rather soars as the Oneness of Oneness, this Pure Oneness that We are and have ever been – this is Our Everyday Experience. Never has it been otherwise. Our Being Together as One is not isolated or rare or unexpected. It is wonderful, yes!, and it is also Our True Oneness. Our True Oneness is not unheard of and does not come forth as a surprise whatsoever unless you imagine We are apart from each other in the first place.

Of course, if you think you and I are separate and not One, well, you are mistaken. I say not sadly mistaken! I say rather blessedly mistaken! Good this is your error and, therefore, untrue! Good fortune is good fortune even when you don’t see it. Beloveds, you are the Blessed of the Blessed.

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