Panning for Gold

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 21:24

God said:

Look for the gold. It exists.

When you are digging a gold mine, you don’t dig for tin. You don’t look for plastic either.

Consider Life as though you are digging for gold, or consider Life as though you are panning for gold in a mountain stream or are about to.

Look for the gold, and it will come to you.

This isn’t high intensity mining We are speaking of. Let gold be the stance you come from. It isn’t as if you have a quota you must fulfill. Be easygoing about finding the gold. You are set in the direction of gold. You are certainly not mining for coal. Coal has served a purpose, yet gold is what you look for now and claim.

It can happen that you find gold without looking for it. However, you are more likely to win at cards when you are playing cards than when you’re not.

By now, you’re onto fool’s gold and aren’t so easily taken in as you might once have been. Yet if you are taken in by fool’s gold, you might as well have a good laugh at yourself.

Finding the gold in Life is easier than finding a wife right for you, yet you can find a right wife for you, too. Have some clues as to what you want to fill your Life on Earth with to overflowing.

Of course, there are many kinds of gold awaiting you. There are many kinds of gold for you to share, just as there are many good kinds of horses to run with and to say Giddy-yap to.

In Its Finest Sense

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/17/2017 - 21:35

God said:

In its finest sense, a great thing to be able to say about someone is:

“He really knew how to enjoy Life.” Or, “She really knew how to live Life and to Love it!”

Alas, you may wonder where you fit in on this scale.

I say in its finest sense to make clear I am not speaking of any way of masking Life with opiates or any other escapades away from Life.

Enjoying Life is also more than taking Life in your stride, although Life is that too. Taking Life in your stride means that having a flat tire doesn’t have to impose tension and urgency. Whatever occurs on the surface of Life, this is your very Life to enjoy just the same.

Mud tracked in the house isn’t a catastrophe. Life is meant to be enjoyed with or without mud. Of course, Life is to be taken one day at a time, one moment at a time.

If your meat for supper tonight is more gristle than meat, chew the gristle and enjoy it. Among other things, gristle contains collagen, and chewing gristle is also good exercise for your jaw.

No need to turn the little into big! At the same time, little things can be the joys of your Life. A dandelion. A lollypop. A morning hug. A note. A smile. A question. An answer.

Oh, yes, there is more to Life than meets the eye.

Your Dreams

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/17/2017 - 10:00

When you were younger, you had dreams about who/what you wanted to be when you grew.  In the growing process, those dreams changed.  Some were let go because of a specific direction you chose, other because you felt they were ‘unrealistic’.  Now that you are where you are, what do you think?!  How do you feel about those earlier ideas?  Are they still unreasonable or unattainable?  Today take some time, revisit them and remember, there is always time to embrace your dreams! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 17, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/17/2017 - 08:41

Dear Ones, if you wish to experience change you must open yourselves up to expansion and moving into the not yet known. We understand that can feel scary to you, but the truth is you are not really afraid of change, you are afraid of unconscious creation.

When you are moving into expansion with intention, it is like pre-ordering from a catalogue. There is no need to fear what will arrive when you know what you have ordered!

If you wish to experience more love in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience healing in your life, that is change. If you wish to experience greater joy, that is change. If you wish to experience enlightenment that is change.

Do you see? You simply cannot commit yourself to staying the same and also reap the wonderful gifts that change is trying to bring you. You do not have to do it all at one time. All change comes one now moment at a time, which allows you to step forward, look around, and choose your next step.

It is time to leave the idea that change is your enemy behind and embrace flow and expansion as being the means that takes you to your own preferred, new adventure. ~Archangel Gabriel

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