Reality is a very simple concept that is absolutely perfect in every way.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 07:04

When humanity awakens, as it most surely will, joyful amazement will flood across the planet as the GOOD NEWS fills ALL the media – the mainstream and the alternate channels!  Truly that moment is closer than you dare to think!  Incredible healing has been occurring planet-wide during the first months of 2017 and the results of that healing are about to become very visible.  Humanity’s interest in The News” has for eons been mostly focused on The Bad News,” and that is changing very rapidly now because people are tired of the endless reports of calamities, conflicts, and catastrophes and want good news.  You need good news because it inspires and uplifts you causing your energy signature to rise, filling you with motivational enthusiasm for life, and showing you that you, each individual one of You, has a powerful and extremely important part to play in the collective awakening process that all are presently undergoing.

All Heaven Is Bursting Open

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 19:43

God said:

From the crevices of your heart comes Love, Love Beautiful, Love to beat the band, Love indistinguishable from Joy, Love on Its Own, Love from Where All Love Comes, and that is from Me.

Certainly, you feel this Fulfilling Love as yours, yet All Love is Mine. Inasmuch as you know that I am Full of Treasure and I own Everything. I am not possessive, however, I share, so then All Love is Ours. It is from Ourselves to Ourselves. This is it. This is how it is.

You could be feeling bereft of Love at any given moment, yet what you may feel simply isn’t so. Your mind may be disconnected from Love, yet your mind is simply not the whole story. The Heart is the Whole Story. Our Oneness is the Whole Story.

I insist that We are One. Why would I do that unless this is the God’s Honest Truth? Your arms may keep at bay from you your recognition of this Truth. You might say that this could become true some day, yet it cannot possibly be true yet. Where did this idea of yours come from?

Beloveds, there has to be more that is true than you accept now. It is as though you are automatically primed to deny what is true for as long as it takes you to open your Heart Fully into your Consciousness -- and open your Inner Eye as well.

C’mon, now, why not open yourself fully now? Why in God’s Name not?

All The Good

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 11:00

Amidst the chaos and violence happening, it is important to remember all the good things surrounding you every day.  Depending where you are in the world, the flowers blooming or leaves falling, the joyous moments with family and friends, those lovely stolen moment of solitude where you can relax and connect with The Universe.  Dear child……there truly is more good in the world that you can ever imagine. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday April 22, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 09:40

Dear Ones, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is learning how energies affect you and what gives you relief. The energies flooding your planet are unprecedented and will continue to present you with previously unseen aspects moving forward. These are transformative times!

We cannot recommend enough making an energy journal for yourselves. Keep track of any days that seem to be particularly intense or uncomfortable and watch for any correlating events, such as solar flares, geomagnetic storms, earth changes, and astrological alignments.

If you find something that helps your specific symptoms during that time, jot it down. As the energies continue to shift higher in vibration it can be difficult to remember things, so we highly recommend taking the time to make notes as an act of love for your future self.

Sometimes simply knowing that how you have been feeling is directly related to the energies is all it takes for you to settle down and feel better, as humans do have a tendency to make themselves be wrong for any reactions they have. Knowing there is a reason can be very relieving.

Other things that can be helpful can be grounding, earthing, surrendering, asking ascension guides for assistance, allowing some sun on your bare skin and intending to receive its healing gifts, meditation, and immersing yourself in salt water. You may find other things that help immensely, and that is where your journal will serve you well in the future if you think to take note of what eased you and brought you comfort.

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