Thank You for Inspiring the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 22:01

God said:

How about an assignment for you today? You will like it. It is this:

Be of good cheer. So simple. Whatever occurs, your assignment is to be of good cheer. No ifs ands or buts. Just be uplifting.

Be true to good cheer. Have the mind set of good cheer. Invite it.

If you stub your toe, be of good cheer. If someone looks at you cross-eyed, be of good cheer. There are no regulations that say you have to be without good cheer. There is no such agreement. Hold up good cheer like a voting placard. You are destined to be on an even keel.

I know you would like to be good-natured. What possible advantage is there in being crabby? Remember, dear ones, one reason you are on Earth is to inspire others. One way or another, you are inspiring others. Note what you are inspiring others to? Hard feelings?

Do not think that being honest requires that you give into bad moods. Be free from reacting. Someone snubs you? What is that to you? You don’t have to like it. You also do not have to be decimated by it. The measure of you is not to be decided by anyone but you. You decide your Life.

It is not for you to be proud of being sensitive. Sensitivity toward others may be a good thing. Sensitivity toward yourself may tend to be putting yourself down, perhaps a form of pouting. Dear Ones, you have had enough sensitive reactions to last you a lifetime. Be of good cheer.

Daily Message ~ Monday April 24, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 09:06

Dear Ones, many of you have been on a consistent journey of releasing for quite some time. You have let go of impressive amounts of old wounds, fears, conditioning, and templating. So why are some of the old themes coming back up yet again? Because you are ready to release the habit of having that issue.

You see, when you have been working on the healing of a specific theme, in some cases for many lifetimes, you become accustomed to having that theme as part of your energetics. You have, in many ways, identified with that core wound, much like a student identifies with a major course of study in university.

Because you are ascending, graduating if you will, from that course of study, you can now let the theme go without the fear of missing something. You can rest assured that the work is done, and trust that through surrender and flow if there is any energetic tweaking to be done it will come into your awareness. There is no longer a need to identify with anything less than your whole, healed, divine self.

Do you see? True healing means accepting that healing has been assimilated. If you broke your ankle, eventually you would allow the cast to come off and would consider the healing complete. You would detach from the story of the broken ankle.

How do you know when you have completed a theme or a healing cycle? When there is no longer a strong emotional charge around the topic. When it comes up and you think, “really, that again?” without the despair or fear of looking at it.

Take Care

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/24/2017 - 09:00

During this time of change/rejuvenation/change, it is best remembered to take care of your human vessel.  It is undergoing many physical and vibrational changes that may cause all kinds of ‘weirdness’.  Be patient, rest well, eat healthy and be kind to/with your emotions.  You are of no use to anyone if your cup is not full. ~ Creator

A Song of My Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 19:03

God said:

Begin to start thinking: What if?

What if you had more of everything, what would it be like?

What if you had less of everything, what would it be like?

What is really bountiful for you, and what is not?

Perhaps this is enough to think of for one day.

There is much you can simply accept. Sometimes people’s first tendency may be to say no.

Have more confidence in yourself, in Your Self.

I made you. I created you. I invited you to Earth to live with Me and all the seeming representations of yourself. I created you from the Clay of Love. I created you for harmony, beloveds. I created you in unison. I sang a Song of Myself, and it was you. I have never stopped singing. There is no interruption to what We have started. We never stopped beginning. We are ever new. We are creating still. The Water Wheel goes around. Life rebounds.

What have I not shared with you? Where cannot We go, and what can We not be? Where is Infinity not?

Do We select or do We include? Oneness is inclusive. Yes, let’s invite all to the Feast of Life. Let’s make everyone welcome. We do not make cliques. If We give one a shiny medal, We give a shiny medal to All. All warrant it.

In One is contained all. We share One Life on Earth. Join in. Congregate happiness. Come forward in Joy. This is how to come forward. Let’s congregate on Earth in the Fulsomeness of Joy.

I made you Joy. Your Name is Joy. I never named you suffering, and, yet, you firmly believe in suffering.

Daily Message ~ Sunday April 23, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 12:50

Dear Ones, going with the flow does not mean abdicating your power or denying your wants and needs in order to get along or please others. That would be giving your power away, and the true meaning of flow would be moving in the ways that best match and empower you. So to be clear the expression “go with the flow” really is saying “go with your flow”.

When you honour your flow, you find others who naturally resonate with the unique interests and energies of that flow, and before you know it you are having a far more satisfying life experience than you ever thought possible.

We are not suggesting you become selfish or obstinate. We are encouraging you to honour your wants, needs, and preferences, as well as honouring the right of others to do the same. When you do things you do not want to do consistently for others, you start to resent them, which erodes your relationships.

When you connect with people over preferences, and encourage others to follow their true desires, you experience freedom and joyful connection, which far better serves your relationships with others, and with yourselves.

And more than anything else, following your flow is following the beckoning of your soul, which allows you to best serve others, as well. It is a system that honours everyone in shining in their truth and authenticity for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Looking Back To Move Forward

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 11:00

My dearest; yes, there will be days when you have to keep saying to yourself, “Just….one…. more…. step” or “just…one…. more…day”, and that is all you can do.  When your healing becomes challenging or feels as if it is going nowhere, it is time to look back to your past and ask yourself why the moving forward is becoming so ‘hard’.  The Universe will always show you what you need to heal from ‘back there’ to begin moving forward again in your now.  Trust the process. ~ Creator

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