You Are Invited

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 17:00

Dear Children with aching hearts, joy is effortless. Joy does not come from insistence. Joy, Joy, extended joy, simply arises before you. Joy comes on its own, or it is not joy.

Joy resounds within you. It just arises. Joy within you sings its song.

Let It Be

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 12:00

During your life, you will have moments when your world will not make sense.  You can think and think and it feels as if an answer will never come.  These are the times, my beautiful child, to just let things be.  Remember, you do not need to have all the answers.  Sometimes you just need to trust. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 17, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 10:00

Dear Ones, love is always the highest choice that is available to you. The more you stay in your alignment with Source, the easier it is to remember that love is your lineage and what is natural to you. The more you come to accept that love is who you are, the more it becomes your go-to response, and reactions that are not of love become less and less.

You are in the process, every day, of remembering the love that you are and allowing it to lead the way, for it is truly your discovery and deepening acceptance of the love that you are that is leading the shift on your planet. It has never been about becoming different, it has always been about coming back Home to your roots and your truth, and that is, and will always be, love.

So do not ever be afraid of letting that love shine, for when you do, you allow the the glory of your own divinity and the energy of Source to flow through you to light the way, and it is not only breathtakingly beautiful to behold, it is being of your highest service to all. ~Archangel Gabriel

One for All, and All for One – This is Joy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 17:25

God said:

When, instead of feeling lightness in your heart, you feel heaviness, here is what to do:

Just be with Me. You are not under obligation to Me. Our relationship doesn't have to be about what you do for Me. With effort or without, you serve. He who smiles serves.

Know that you are devoted. All you have to do is to be. I excuse you from effort. I excuse everyone from effort. Effort is not what loving Me takes. It takes joy. You merit joy. Be joyful. This is what I truly want from you. My Will is for you to feel joy in life. Your assignment is joy and lightheartedness. Joy from you onto the world. Turn on the switch in your heart that sings. Come, I sing with you, Our Voices entwine.

Joy, Joy to you, Joy to God. Joy to the world. Let's add bubbles to your joy. Forever blow bubbles of joy. Good, now you are smiling. If you are not feeling joy, smile first, and joy will come. Now I kiss your forehead, giving you peace. Peace and joy are companions. Be in peace, My beloved sons and daughters.

You are not to do penance. This is not in your best interest nor is it in Mine. Joy is in our best interest. You are not in debt to Me. You do not have a debt to pay off. If you owe Me anything, it is your joy. Your joy is what I ask for.

By this you know I don't mean you have to be frivolous or the life-of-the-party. There are many kinds of joy. Find your joy. Be joyful. Allow yourself a whopping-big heart. No more crimping your heart with overwhelming seriousness.

Let your life on Earth be splendid.

Daily Message ~ Friday December 16, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 10:00

Many of you hold yourself back from your dreams because you can not figure out all the steps that would bring your dream into fruition. Dear Ones, hear us when we say that is our job! Your mind has many great skills but seeing beyond the context of what it already knows is not one of them. Co-creation allows you to move into the realm of endless potential and possibility, far beyond what your mind could see as a viable option.

Your job is to decide what you would like to experience and then surrender into the flow of its creation. We will guide you step by step. All you need to do is watch the signs and synchronicities and follow the magic. All great changes are created one Now moment at a time, and from your heart, which only knows how to respond to the beckoning of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

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