The Waiting….

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 12:00

How often have you pushed yourself, a situation, an experience in expectation of a given outcome or to finish it?  And, once it is done, you find yourself wishing that there was more to it.  Sometimes, it can be a very challenging experience to wait for Divine Timing to answer your thoughts/prayers/intentions.  The Universe is asking you to take advantage of the waiting time, knowing that once everything is in place, it will be just as you asked….and more!  Patience may not always be the most pleasant thing, however, the rewards are immeasurable. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday December 19, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 09:00

Dear Ones, if you have an area of your life that is less than ideal to you, and you have developed a lot of negative self talk about that topic, the first step is to simply commit to watching your own chatter about that topic. You might even want to write down the statements you make about that area of your life. Try not to judge the situation or yourself, you are simply gathering information.

Once you have compiled your typical statements around this area of your life, we would like you to ask yourself, as you read each one is, “Is this really true?” Then, if you think it has been true ask, “Is this a truth I would like to perpetuate?” As you read the list of your typical statements, feel the energy. It likely feels very dense and frustrating. Pay attention to your body. You likely feel clenched in your abdominal area. Your body probably feels very tense as you read your list. That feeling you are experiencing is resistance.

Once you are done inspecting your list, we urge you to get a new piece of paper and ask yourself how you can change those old statements to better convey what you would like to create for yourself. When you read a new statement, feel in your body. Do you still feel a lot of resistance? If so, ask for help to release it. Then adjust the wording. Keep releasing and rewriting until you have a new statement that you can read and feel good about. One that helps you feel expanded and clear.

God is within you, period.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 17:26

There is no reason to be in fear.  Fear is of the illusion, unreal, a reaction to uncertainty which just drains your energy, because it focuses on the future, distracting you from living in this now moment which is the only time that exists.  Now is where you need to focus your attention and your feelings, and through doing that be fully aware of your state of presence right now.  Intend to maintain this constant state of present awareness so that you are fully alive and alert, and then you are open to the intuitive nudges, the wise guidance from those watching over you from the spiritual realms.

You are constantly being watched over by those who would assist you immediately if you call on them.  You are never alone or unsupported, but you do need to pay attention in order to access what is offered.  Frequently you have strong expectations of what your guidance should offer you, and so you often miss what is actually being offered.  Relax, allow, receive, and enjoy the guidance that then arises, miraculously!

Spinning in Joy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 17:25

God said:

I heard you genially ask Me this morning:

"Beloved God, what Heavenletter would You like to give us today?"

Here is My answer to you. Here it is rolling off My tongue right now, a new Heavenletter as fresh as a daisy:

It is joy for me to give you a Heavenletter. Enjoy it. I could give you Heavenletters all day and never run out! Infinite are the Words I give you. They are blessings to you. Blessed, blessed, are you. 

I am an Enchanter, so to speak.

I put you under a spell, so to speak.

I put you in a groove. I extend you. You are extended. You sink into My vibration. You catch on to Me. We go places together. How happy We are as We concur on Life. We are a Parade of One.

We reach far over hill and dale.

We pull Our shoulders back.

We walk together, and We are honest. We read the same page. We fly away together which is the same as to say that We consult together. I add a new page to your repertoire.

We are on the same page. We concur.

It is no big deal, Our concurrence.

We prance over the page.

We pledge Our Troth.

We congregate in My Heart.

We have always walked arm in arm. We love to meet. We meet constantly. It is Our joy to meet. Really, what else do We want to do but this, this meeting of Our Hearts? This is Our joy. Our eyes meet. Our hearts touch. We spin in joy. There is nothing like Our Oneness and the joy of it.

We get straight down to it. We get to the Heart of the Matter.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 11:00

Beware, my beloved, of sudden attacks of conscience, great and small acts of compassion, quiet movements of kindness and explosive moments of love!  You need not change who you are, where you are from or your location to view and experience these things, just open your eyes.  You need not become a ‘saint’ to participate……just let your heart be your guide. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday December 18, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 10:00

Any situation in your life can be turned into a meditation or a holy experience, simply by choosing to align with Source and connect with your guides, angels, masters and helpers, and every single time you choose to do this you become a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.

From this perspective, you could transform a traffic jam, a long pause in a waiting room, or any other activity into an opportunity to connect and serve. Such a choice would move you from resistance to acceptance and alignment, which would quickly create comfort and union, both of which are completely beneficial, supportive, and restorative to you.

Do you see how incredibly powerful you are? You can shift energy and experience, simply by your choice. You are all such wondrous, glorious beings! ~Archangel Gabriel

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