Daily Message ~ Saturday December 10, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/10/2016 - 10:00

We were recently asked, “Why does my ex keep coming back?” We would like to address this topic today.

Sometimes it is as simple as there is still growth that can be achieved through your connection to another that keeps them looping around into your awareness. If you are feeling like you are ready to step out of that dance with them, we recommend quietly taking a moment and feeling into your connection with that person. Ask, “What am I missing?” “What do I need to do to clear this once and for all?” “What last bit of growth or understanding do I need to achieve to move on?” If you don’t get the answers immediately, trust that they will come. You can also ask for assistance from your guides, angels, and masters to help you heal and release this relationship for the highest good of all.

But more often than not, if you feel like you are done with a relationship yet it seems to persist energetically, it is due to soul fragments – little piece of yourself that you gave away to the other during your time together. Call back any pieces of self and see them being brought up into the light and being cleansed and returned, whole, healed, and shining beautifully and integrated back into your energy body. You may then wish to cut any energetic cords that still connect you and release the person with light and love.

Live In Fear?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/10/2016 - 07:00

Doubts, disbeliefs, fears, insecurities, sadness, pain and lack are all pointers. Experiencing them shows you exactly what you need to change. You are given a choice; wrap them around yourself like a blanket, content to live with them forever or release them with love. Free will is yours. ~ Creator


Seek New Roles in Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/09/2016 - 21:30

God said:

No matter what befalls, you choose the part you play. Everyone chooses his or her role.

The title of drama queen gets passed down generation after generation. The title arises from somewhere. And then it leaves, and another chapter takes over. Let the next chapter unfold.

Part of being a drama queen is the belief that this well-known role is foisted upon you, that you somehow, willy-nilly, have no choice.

You are not obliged to appropriate this role even as you may believe you were cast in it. An event occurs. An event, no matter how dramatic, isn’t yours to ignite and stay in. This isn't to say that drama doesn't happen and befall you. It may be that you are thrust into the drama, yet how you play your part is up to you.

How much do you emote? What fillips to the role do you add? To what extreme, and for how long do you cast yourself into this role?

No one is saying that untoward events don't fall upon you. Whatever untoward events reach you, you are the auto-responder. You send out, as it were, an autoimmune response. Of course, what occurs affects you. To what lengths do you carry on? For how long, and to what degree do you bewail what has occurred?

Beloveds, if the worst thing has occurred, it has occurred. You have already experienced deep drama more than once.

If you come to only one conclusion, you may run dramatically all the way off the page.

Daily Message ~ Friday December 9, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/09/2016 - 10:00

If you could look at each other and love each other with the same patience, love, and acceptance as you give small children, you would honour everyone for exactly who they are and where they are on their life journey, and you would become so much easier with each other. Who ever decided love, patience and acceptance was only for the young? At what point did you decide others didn't deserve that and replaced it with judgment? How powerfully would all of your relationships shift it you decided to move back into acceptance and love for others? How powerfully would you shift if you decided to move back into acceptance and love for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel

In Judgement

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/09/2016 - 09:28

When you stand in judgement of another, you put yourself in a very interesting position.  What a human chooses to do with their life is completely up to them.  If you have decided to ‘condemn’ your brother or sister for what they are doing/not doing, you are missing the reason for the connection and possible growth that can be accomplished for both of you.  Remember, dear child, they have as much right to free will as you. ~ Creator


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