The Truth of All That Which You Surely Are

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/08/2016 - 19:08

God said:

Do you hear Me loud and clear? Do you hear My Voice over the throngs of other voices that run through your head? Do you hear Me now louder than Life? Do you hear Me, and do you listen to Me with all your heart? You have longed for Me all the days of your life. Whether you are aware of this seeking or not, this is so. This is your story. I am the basis of you, and it is I that you seek.

Time and time again, you have arbitrarily sought less. I have always sought you. I have always sought for you to know your worth. You have found this difficult to do. Hmm, I have to wonder why it is hard for you to accept your worth and even the worth of anyone's Life and the worth of all Life in the World.

You have bought fancy hats, and you have walked in parades, and yet you have veered from your purpose, following after one chase or another. All the same, you went off on tangents and forgot My Name.

Of course, it is not My Name you have to know. It is your name that you have to know, your name in Heaven beyond your known name on Earth. One way or another, you seek your Identity. You may run away from it, yet you are ever seeking to know Who and What you are.

You wonder about the meaning of stars, and you are entranced with one or another movie star. All the while, you have had the knowing somewhere within you that you were chasing fancies. At any cost, you absconded from your True Identity.

Daily Message ~ Thursday December 8, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/08/2016 - 09:35

Many of you deny your feelings and needs for so long that you become completely out of balance and that causes you to become reactive. As you start to honour yourself and your own needs as being as valid as everyone else's, you create a space of greater comfort for yourself.

Because you have become accustomed to becoming reactive as a precursor to change, many of you feel that a strong energetic response is necessary to be heard or to create change. But the true change comes from the moment you have decided that you energetically no longer wish to play in certain energies. Simply put, anger may be a catalyst, but all change is a choice.

You can just as effectively move into change, firmly and mindfully, because all change comes from the decision that there is something preferable. And it is from that calm and empowered new declaration of self that you will create the peace you seek within yourselves, which can only spread out from there. ~Archangel Gabriel

To those who have already donated, THANK YOU and good luck!

Out of the Whirlwind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 20:27

God said:

It would seem as if Life Itself has moods, yet Life just moseys along, doing what Life does. Life is not a snow plow, yet Life does seem to plow along without particular regard to who or what gets in its way.

Life isn't exactly obstinate, nor does Life exactly debate its choice. Whatever befalls, be it tornado or drought, Life seems to be impartial. Nevertheless, no one escapes Life, yet some seem to be more caught up in it while some seem to more observers from out of the whirlwind.

You can speculate and speculate on Life, trying to figure it out, yet Life does what it does. Life plays its cards, as it were, while it zips right along. Life doesn't look back. What can stand in Life's way?

Life has its work to do, and Life doesn't hesitate. Life does as it does and doesn't debate the turns it takes. Sometimes Life is great fun, and you roll down its hills. Sometimes Life seems to be helter-skelter. Life leaves in its wake what it leaves in its wake. Life doesn't diddle-daddle. There is nothing wishy-washy about Life. Life's rudder is set. It acts like the Ocean. Nothing can get in its way. Nothing is strong enough to stop it.

Life seems to have its instructions, and it follows them to the T without detour. Life does not hem and haw. Life seems to gallop. Life doesn't seem to ever be undecided or unsure of itself.

Life runs through the ramparts. Life takes no prisoners, yet Life can leave tumult in its wake.

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