The Value of Life Is in the Joy of It!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 19:54

God said:

When are you in your element? There is something constructive that you like to do. You may not see that this activity has a particular meaning in your life. You don't see it as having any future for you. Never mind. You don't have to think at all from a profit motive. It is enough that an activity is something you like. You don't know what will grow from a seeming nothing. This is following your heart. This is exploring life!

I have said it before, and I will say it again. You are not living for results. Or, for example, start considering that making mayonnaise, for example, is something you like to do. You just like making mayonnaise. You feel good about it. You like the ingredients you put in. You like buying them. You like making the mayonnaise, and you like the taste. You just feel good about making it. You don't have to explain. It is enough that you like to make mayonnaise.

You don't have to go into the mayonnaise business. It is profit enough that you enjoy making mayonnaise, and you and your family and perhaps a few friends enjoy your mayonnaise. You never know what will come from something, nor does something have to come from anything.

Sure, you could wind up a mayonnaise mogul when enough people taste your mayonnaise and want you to make them some. You sure don't have to.

No one knows what will come from anything. Release yourself from the idea that you have to make something more from whatever you are doing.

Daily Message ~ Thursday October 20, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 09:10

Dear Ones, we understand that to give forgiveness after you have been wronged is a very difficult thing to do. You understand that it is beneficial to you to do so, but it can be hard to know just how to do it. We wish to shed some light on the act of forgiveness.

Forgiveness, simply put, is dissolving the energetic cord that keeps you bound to a painful event. It is taking whatever gifts came from the experience and letting the rest go. It is deciding to leave victimhood behind and create a brand new story for yourself. It is choosing to be stronger, healed, and free from the past.

Forgiveness is not saying that what happened to you was ok. It is acknowledging that what happened then was not acceptable but you are choosing not to let the energy of what was unwanted affect the fresh energy of your Now moment. It is the empowered act of assuming responsibility for your own healing and closure.

Forgiveness is a profound act of faith and trust in the universe. It shows that you believe in a fair system of universal checks and balances that respond energetically to what is put out, beyond what you may be aware of from your vantage point. It acknowledges that the experience had purpose, that it somehow served you and the expansion of your soul.

Your Choice, Your Responsibility

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 09:10

Your existence is full of choices, my child, and the most important ones you make have been/are/will be how you act and react to any given situation.  You can choose to believe that the world and everyone in it is ‘out to get you’ or you can step back, look at each moment and see it for what it really is.  Regardless of what happens, you can be sure that your actions/reactions have played a part in it.  One of the most challenging experiences you will have during your life is taking responsibility for these things.  That responsibility is ultimately responsible for how quickly (or slowly) you grow. ~ Creator

Into the Sunshine

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/19/2016 - 22:09

God said:

Come back to where your heart is. Do not leave your heart dangling. People may leave you dangling, yet you are not to do that to your heart. Never obscure your heart. Your heart is a signpost for you.

Follow your heart. If you are a farmer, you feed your goats one way and your chickens another. You take care of all that which belongs to you. You have One Heart.

Now take care of your heart. I speak not of heart valves and such, for the physical is a by-product of your taking instruction from your heart. Honor your heart. Take your heart to heart. Your heart is always steering you. Your heart says, "Go this way. This way leads to happiness."

And happiness is supposed to lead to more happiness.

Here's the rub. You simply don't always know when it is your virtuous heart speaking or some whim you have latched onto that is giving you a song and dance. When are you hearing Truth, and when are you hearing pride wooing you?

Who on Earth knows who is his or her own True Love? Of course, you know that looks aren't everything. Will you only know your own True Love when it's too late? Will you know only in retrospect? Will you be disillusioned? Can a True Love truly exist for you?

You may be sought after, yet where is your heart, and how long will it stay where it is now?

Your heart may be drawn to one career. It seems like a great opportunity. Now you wonder. Was it vanity dangling ego before you once again? When did you ever know who you really were and what you really wanted?

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