Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 10, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 09:10

Dear Ones, faith and trust are essential elements because they anchor the divine combination of your empowered operating system which consists of surrender, faith, flow and trust. The energies of faith and trust work together to create the experience of acceptance. Acceptance is the foundation of peace, calm, and patience.

Faith is the belief in the existence of a divine energy. Trust is the knowingness that the divinity you believe in loves you and supports you in all ways. We understand that both of these energies can be difficult to fully embrace because of their intangible nature. This is why we encourage you to work with us, to ask for our help, to surrender and allow yourself to be led and loved.

It is through faith and trust that you show your active willingness to move into that partnership with spirit and be able to stay in surrender and flow. You will start to notice more and more magic and miracles in your life and finally start to see the proof of our existence and endless love for you in more tangible ways.

As you start to experiment with the energies of faith, trust, and surrender, you will start to embrace the flow as the unconditional love of Source that it truly is, and move into a deep appreciation of being such a beloved and valued aspect of that divine whole. You will allow the experience of being sustained and nurtured in all ways, and grace and ease will become your preferred way of being and navigating life. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Dance Card of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/09/2016 - 20:42

God said:

Methinks you do think too much. With your thoughts, you may be like a dog chewing a bone. You can't get enough of chewing your thoughts. You ask yourself such questions as:

"Why am I in a slump? Why can't I be happy and stay happy once and for all? Why must I analyze so much all the time? Why do I think I must figure out my life? Why can't I just live my life in joy and not question it? What is it exactly that I believe I must know? Do I have a gene in me that insists I question? Questioning has been a way of life for me to analyze and find fault, hasn't it?

"Couldn't I be a comfort to myself rather than a poser of questions wherein I go round and round and not really get anywhere? Oh, yes, every once in a while I have insights and breakthroughs, and I begin to think that I've arrived, yet the outcome of my being so sure I've arrived is that I seem to be knocked down again sooner or later and find myself in shambles.

"What makes me think I need all the answers? I love to live in rain and in snow. I love to feel alive and beloved no matter what the weather. I long to become a grateful human being in summer and winter. What is this within me that I think I must be well-received all the time everywhere, and be so disappointed when I am not?

"God states that He loves me, loves us all. Can I not then be content?

Why I Gratitude

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/09/2016 - 15:48


For many, many years now, a movement popularized by Oprah, Gratitude has been a buzz word. There is in fact such a buzz around it that it often falls upon deaf ears.

Many of us, including myself, have become desensitized to the concept of gratitude. This is not to say that I am not grateful. I live in complete gratitude each and every day. It has just taken me some time to learn to be grateful toward gratitude.

I would even call myself a gratitude junkie now. When I wake up each morning I thank the day and the sun and my soft cotton sheets. I thank myself for being me. It may sound a bit strange but it comes so naturally to me that I’m no longer trying to be grateful I just am.

Read more... (rebmckown.com)

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 9, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/09/2016 - 08:10

It is true that from the perspective of unity consciousness what you do for another serves the whole. Why then do we advocate self love so much? Because it is through embracing yourself, your divinity, with acceptance and love that you will finally be willing to include yourself in that whole, and accept the love and assistance that has always been there for you. It is what shifts you into giving yourself permission to receive and see yourself as equally worthy and deserving. The universe has always been there for you, it is your own willingness to see yourself as worthy of the experience of that love that has been lacking. Simply put, it is your self love that will open the floodgates of a deeper experience of all love, for it ends your self-imposed separation. ~Archangel Gabriel


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