The Disappearance of Silence

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 18:32


Edward Curtin, Guest
Waking Times

Silence is a word pregnant with multiple meanings: for many a threat; for others a nostalgic evocation of a time rendered obsolete by technology; for others a sentence to boredom; and for some, devotees of the ancient arts of contemplation, reading, and writing, a word of profound, even sacred importance.

But silence, like so much else in the present world, including human beings, is on the endangered species list.  Another rare bird – let’s call it the holy spirit of true thought – is slowly disappearing from our midst.  The poison of noise and busyness is polluting more than we think, but surely our ability to think.

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The Art of Letting Go

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 18:31

God said:

There is an expression: "Everything is over." You may say this with sadness. Or perhaps, you say with relief: "Now I wash my hands of that."

Here's the thing: Every experience you have embeds itself in you. So, in one sense, nothing is ever over. You may forget. You certainly move on from the past, yet the experience has made its mark.

Of course, the mark of every experience is how you see it. If you see an experience differently from the way you used to, the mark it leaves is configured differently. So, all the past is as you see it. All you experience in life is your impression of it. You see what you see. There is more than one way to see the same thing. Whether you see a rogue or an angel, it is your perception. Your perception leaves its trademark.

You, the interpreter, interpret. Whatever your interpretation of an incident or all of life may be, this is how you see it, and that is the truth for you. In years to come, you may see differently. You may naturally come to see a mother or father, for example, in a different light. Life has given you greater understanding, and now you have a second impression. It is good to have gained understanding, yet this, is not something you can command. You cannot wrest new understanding from yourself.

You would love the idea of letting go of all that you may have collected. You would love to be done with it. You would love it to be over. You would love it to be gone.

Daily Message ~ Thursday August 11, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 08:15

Dear Ones, you are part of a universe that is designed to continually expand and evolve naturally. Constant struggle is not a natural aspect of growth.

Think of things you see in nature – a sprout breaking through the ground or an egg about to hatch. There will be a build up of energy that will increase until there is just enough pressure to break through to the next level. The energy then settles back into the ease of unimpeded growth.

Just as all things in nature, you work with rhythm. There may be moments of stress, but they will always lead you to release and back to ease. Flow and growth will be the constant, with moments of resistance and stress being sporadic entryways to new, better states of being. If you can remember this, you will find it much easier to stay in forward movement with greater comfort, embracing the positive aspects of all stages of growth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 22:31

There is no one on Earth now who is not feeling the energy shifts that are leading up to humanity’s awakening.  As many have told you, your awakening is inevitable, and even those remaining unaware of their true nature, as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, are aware that enormous change is in the air.  It is impossible not to feel the power of the Tsunami of Love as It sweeps back and forth across the planet empowering the changes that are essential aspects of your awakening process, even if it is not clear to many what it is that they are feeling.

And of course it also shows up all across the world in conflicts that seem insoluble, endless, and utterly insane.  Conflict is insane, and most of humanity now understands that, although they are also unable to see any way to resolve the outstanding issues that are causing conflict all over the globe, without resorting to conflict.  It seems to be a Catch 22 Situation!

Life Enters on Its Own Terms

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 22:30

God said:

Dear Ones, you do recognize that you go up and down according to your mood? You do notice this, don't you? What changes how you feel so quickly but these nondescript moods that wrap you around their little finger. They lead you by the nose. You can be on top of the world one minute and the next, you are a heap on the floor. How your moods fluctuate without a by-your-leave.

Life in the world is ever-changing, yet that doesn't mean you are to be affronted at life as it appears. You were not born on Earth to get up in arms because you feel that something precious has been denied you or taken from you that you are sure shouldn't have been. Turn now to see what has been given unto you. You may not take it in your stride, yet it is for you to accept.

Your heart plummets when your personal life takes a turn you do not like.

Inasmuch as you don't know the answers to all your questions anyway, why attempt to determine that your life or anyone else's life is good or bad, right or wrong? You do not have to feel that you are afflicted with life. You don't know how that which you are certain must be incorrect may benefit you in ways you cannot think of. What makes you think you are assessing life correctly when you give life a low rating?

Dear Ones, you are not the arbiter of the world.

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