Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/15/2016 - 13:51

Do you sometimes wonder: “What on earth am I on Earth for, what is my purpose, if any?” Well, you are on Earth because you chose to be here to hold the energy field of Love. To strengthen and intensify the Tsunami of Love by your compassionate intent to offer comfort to all in pain, and by your intent to be a powerful healing field for all who are suffering through injury, illness, or emotional distress. Just by being You you are having an enormously positive effect on humanity’s awakening process. Just by your presence you are helping humanity to achieve its collective intent to awaken from the dark nightmare in which it has been immersed for so long. No one but you can do this, and you are highly honored in the spiritual realms where the effects of your presence on Earth at this time are clearly, in fact, brilliantly visible.

Daily Message ~ Sunday May 15, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/15/2016 - 07:05

The universe is always presenting you with ideas and opportunities. Think of the universe holding something up to you and asking, “This?” You, as the creator of your life expression, get to say yes, or to move on. You give your approval through your focus, choice, and appreciation.

Your life is much like a buffet. You will always have a myriad of options you can choose from. You get to decide what you put on your plate and what you leave behind. You certainly don’t have to stay there wailing, “Oh no, there’s tomatoes again! WHY does there have to be tomatoes every time I go to a buffet?!” They are there because some people like them, but it doesn’t mean they ever have to be part of your personal experience if you don’t want them to be.

The universe is not out to vex you, Dear Ones, or test you, or try you. The world is filled with enough options to satisfy the billions of souls on your planet. There is not something innately wrong with you that needs fixing if you keep drawing tomatoes into your experience. Feel free to move beyond whatever is not a match to you, but understand it is a blessing to live in such a diverse world that can serve everyone’s needs. ~Archangel Gabriel

Finding Yourself in Unity Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 20:11

God said:

Infinity exists. The word Infinity is the same as to say that time is non-existent. There is no past, present, or future. There is no time-line, not even a soupçon of time, not even a teaspoonful of time. Everything is simultaneous, even as simultaneous also aligns with time. In life in the world, timing plays a great role.

You are often advised to live in the present. What does this mean really? We can say it means to be focused on Infinity. There is a double-cross here because Infinity is timelessness. Infinity is Vaster than the Vast.

Infinity is certainly more Being than Doing. How many times has this been said?

Yet, there is agreement that it is advisable to live in the moment. Living in the so-called moment can be an Act of Will. I don't suppose that living in the moment is a decision you make. Living in the moment can be a desire and an intention, yet your awareness of "the present" does not happen by dint of a snap of your fingers. You cannot so easily turn yourself off to the past and the future, even as you would wish you could.

Living in what is called the moment takes no focus. You can't focus on being in the present. You are where you happen to be, mildly or full-force all over the place. You are unable to turn the jets of life on and off, any more than you can truthfully turn love on and off at your will. You are where you are.

Where you are right now is not where you have to be or where you will always be. You will sail new seas. You can count on it.

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 14, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 08:10

You’ve got this. Connect with your inner knowingness. Find the clarity you need before you do anything. Go ahead and try if it feels right. Listen to your heart. What would bring you joy? What is the best expression of your truth?

All of these are beautiful ways to encourage others in a manner that honours their free will and acknowledges their divine capability. All of these are beautiful ways to encourage yourself in a manner that honours your free will and acknowledges your divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel

Your Truest Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 07:10

As you move through your days, some things may appear to have no rhyme or reason. People you thought would be in your life ‘forever’ fade away, places are suddenly gone and it may leave you feeling disheartened and empty. Never fear these changes, beautiful child! Changes, however challenging they are in the moment, are a necessary part of being human. They are, and always will be, an invitation to learn and grow. In this learning and growing, you move closer to your truest self. ~ Creator

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