SSRIs & Antidepressants Increase Suicidality and Mental Health Issues

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 08:37

Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest
Waking Times

Something of pharmaceutical concern that the holistic/alternative medical community and the alternative press have been alleging for numerous years now, finally is being confirmed by a British Medical Journal paper published January 27, 2016.

Professor Peter C Gotzsche, MD, and several students published “Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports” after reviewing and including 76 trials with 64,381 pages of clinical study reports for 18,526 patients—certainly not a small sampling!

What the researchers concluded from their extensive retrospective study of pharmaceutical trials dealing with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) was that for children and adolescents, the risks for suicidality and aggression doubled. What are some of the pharmaceuticals involved? Antidepressants Prozac® and its knock off-type drugs: Celexa®, Lexapro®, Luvox®, Paxil®, and Zoloft®, plus Effexor®, Remeron®, Serzone®, and Wellbutrin®.

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Green Pastures and Mount Olympus

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 08:31

God said:

Come with Me to the Green Pastures, and We shall lie on Our backs and look up at the blue sky. Perhaps We chew on a blade of grass. We nod, and We say: “This is good.”

We sink to the Center of the Earth at the same time as We are at the peak of Mount Olympus. You may ask: “What is the significance of Mount Olympus?”

In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was the meeting place of the Gods. Figuratively, this is where We meet. And, as We survey the Inner Earth and the Highest Heavens, We say: “This is good.”

In Infinity, there is only Forever which is no time at all. There are no deadlines. There is no having to get something done and then the next thing in a long line to get to in time and roll off the press. There are no mad rushes where I abide.

“Produce,” says the world yet unaware that hustle and bustle are not necessary and that Intent and Vision are the precursors to activity.

Now forget the supposed past, for what is the point of calling the past to you as if the past were enchanted? Of course, the past is a kind of enchantment. The past wishes to lure us back so that the past can be honored and believed in.

My advice is: Once the past has told its story, let it rest.

Healing the Hijacked Mind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 08:26

By Jennifer Deisher
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The hijacking of our brains with fear-based manipulation is the foundation for many of our rooted beliefs and perceptions. The institutions of our society are designed to produce fear, stress and trauma via manufactured systems of power, governance, education, religion and finance (just to name a few) — all of which serve to propagate institutional instead of personal power. And, while we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we are human after all, and our psychology and biology play compelling parts in our behavior and reactions to those manipulative stimuli.

By having an awareness of how the hijacked brain works and learning how to heal and recover these sensitive “fear based” areas, we deepen our awareness of our own evolution.

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Day 5: Be One Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 08:19

Step back and take an objective look at how you would like your life to be. Free your mind to get “out of the box” and consider every thing, no matter how absurd or impossible it may seem. In many cases, the absurd and impossible actions may become the best solution, once you move past fears and limiting beliefs.

Know there are many paths to your final destination. Enjoy the journey along the way. Do not belittle yourself if you make what you or others might judge as “poor” decisions. If one thing doesn’t work, then “pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again.”

The human experience is simply that, a set of experiences. Although it may be difficult to find value in a set of circumstances that has caused you fear or pain, know that there are many benefits to these situations. Remind yourself that you reside in a world of polarity; where there is pain there is joy.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 9, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 07:20

Dear Ones, when you start to see that it is possible to love yourselves and love others, you start living life with a constancy of love rather than seeing it as an either/or proposition. Then all your decisions will be made by looking through the lens of love, which will always lead to the highest results possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

What Eastern Philosophy & Zen Teach Us: The Absurdity Of Seeking Only “High Energy”

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/08/2016 - 18:38

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by Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

During the current Presidential campaign Donald Trump accused Jeb Bush of being “low energy” and the description seems to have stuck, and to have hurt his rival.

As one looks around social media, it also seems that everywhere the notion of high energy is reinforced; many posts memorialize activity and movement, and many times there are photos of experiences that are challenging, dangerous, or adventurous.  The implication seems to be that if you aren’t always doing amazing things you aren’t really living.

This can take its toll on people leading a “normal” life where they have many responsibilities and little or no opportunity to do amazing stuff.  Holding a job, raising a family, or just getting through the day seem like significant achievements.

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