Time for a really big Wake up NOW!

Submitted by Devi Cholet on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 17:53

I felt compelled to write a blog today in response to the Guest's blog about facing disappointment right now and asking for assistance.

And to also write some observations that I feel have made this

time a very confusing one for myself and many others.


First of all I would like to say that I felt well prepared as far as my awakening to be able to proceed through this time. I spent much time listening to Ian Lungold and hearing him speak about the changes we could expect from 2008 until this year 2012. And then he left the physical realm quite unexpectedly at the height of all of this. I remember him saying that those of us who were awake would have an easy time navigating through all of the changes that were to come. And this gave me much hope and reassurance, that I would be successful in completing this journey in ascending with humanity and the planet.


Well....easier said than done. As what Ian failed to mention or

most probably had no idea about was the extent to which the dark forces would be able to create a time-line loop in the year of 2008 that would appear to circumvent the nice and neat view of the predictions that the Mayan calender was saying would happen in each of the last of the nine waves. And I really must admit that these last years seem to have been a much bigger challenge for me than any of the asleep and unaware people that surround me in my life circles.


I remember being on such a high for a few years because I thought that my being here and knowing what I know would help so many people. I am a long distance vibrational healer, so I was looking forward to all of the people that I could help to heal and also wake up and be somewhat of a guiding light to. But the last years since 2008, all of the dreams that I had began to fall apart. Leaving me, and many of us, looking like the fool on the hill which certainly no one in their “right mind” would listen to. Oh my, what a surprise!


Well I managed to stick to my convictions, and set up a long distance healing practice, healing the subtle bodies, removing implants, cords and attachments. And also doing what ever came to mind that needed doing on the planet, with removing thought forms, negative energies and balancing energies all around the world.


And because I chose to do all of this for free (taking only donations) I have basically ended up homeless, losing everything in the material sense, including all of my animals who meant so much to me.


I am not writing this to complain about what has happened, but to preface something that is an observation I have. And that is to say that the awakened group of starseeds on the planet are in all sorts of different sets of circumstances. Some have been able to situate themselves in quite lovely settings with a much nicerView” of the world around them from which to watch this whole scenario. Others are in the middle, living as best they can within the system, with one foot in each of the worlds. And then there is another group who was willing or forced to leave the 3D construct behind and “hang on” and I mean “haaaaannnnggg onnnnn” holding on by only their bare wits until something happens, because they could not bear to play the game of the system any longer.


And these ones who have been hanging on for dear life are in

much pain in watching this whole painstaking long and tedious

process unfold which has taken so much longer than of us

thought or imagined. I mean we knew (or thought) of course

that 2012 would be the deadline, and now it seems as though

some are hedging that date as well. Really, though I do not

think that any of us could have imagined that the TRUTH

could be held back all of this time.


And as we have all been working, watching and waiting, we

have also become the ones that our families “move to the other end of the bench from” now so as to distance themselves from getting cooties from all of the crazy ideas we seem to believe in.


I am darn frustrated with all of this and as our “Guest” was saying that he really needed some sort of sign that “something” and I say “anything” is going to happen.


Anyone reading this wanting to respond, I would like to know where you are in the three positions that I catagorize here above.


Are you behind door number 1 – nicely situated in some beautiful spot on the planet?


Are you behind door number 2 – able to hold some assemblage of “normalcy through this time? A successful straddler.


Or are you behind door number 3 – (which really has no door) which has left you living on the edge of all of existence, not knowing how the heck you will make it just to stay sane and alive while watching everyone around you continues to be happy viewing inane television shows, chowing down the chips and living their mind controlled lives, going to work, paying taxes completely ignorant of anything beyond their material lives caring for nothing about the lives of others animals and

our dear planet Earth? 


I mean this really has been torture watching this for the past years, hoping that "anything" would happen!

I say it is time for a really big wake up NOW!

(please write door number 1, 2 or 3 at the beginning of your responses)

Going through a "Rebirth" is what my guides called it....since 2009. I started screaming silently...NO MORE...Please!  Manifesting, visualizing and thought forms brought me out of it... Still in the recovery phase...but life is much brighter financially and spiritually and emotionally.  My reiki got me thorugh alot of hard times :)

william (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 20:00

In reply to by strongwings

It would sure be nice if we had some sort of confirmation about all the nice things that are supposed to happen, that never seem to happen. Missed dates, no changes, delays, etc. really gets old fast, but it's even way beyond that now. I'll never understand why our space brothers/sisters give so much respect to the freaking governments, and even the cabal by letting them slide on and on. JUST DO IT OK. JUST FREAKING DO IT.

We do not need to wait for any confirmation. The time is now. I keep getting that message time and again. The only thing holding you back is your ability to manifest.


That being said, it is not easy to get from 'here' to 'there' without some degree of certainty in your daily life. I get that the door number 3's are in a very trying circumstance.


Myself, i am firmly in numbers 1 and 2. From the outside, someone would say I am a 1. But from the inside, my time constraints, my long hours spent away from family at work, and my inability to have enough time to spend with my psychic development friends, is crushing. I am 'just hanging on' emotionally, and looking forward to a chance to breathe a great big sigh of relief.


Your sharing is an important part for healing of the community at large. Thank you.


Keep bringing up big topics from the heart!


BTW, I saw a craft outside my house, off by the sunset tonight. I felt them, the ones that were inside it. They told me: not to be afraid and that everything will be all right.



I feel a "push" to write, although I would rather stay within myself.  It is a constant feeling within my own heart that I write this, so please, take it as you will.


* Please forgive yourself,  the true sadness resides there.  Religion/ people/the dark forces may make you feel bad for who you are or what you have done, but don't give in to those feelings.  You are perfect, the way the Source wanted you to be


* We are all one, no matter what happens.  There is a lot of love all around, everywhere we look.  We have all come to this planet for these events that are unfolding.  Stay strong and stay in the light


* The "dark" does not care about gold or silver, the dark cares about how to keep control of you, for you are the gold and the jewels spoke about through out the ages


*  Don't look on the outside for change to happen, for it already has. If we can look outside the box, we see so much change occuring at a rapid rate.  The NOW is really here, don't think that mind control is still not happening, with low frequency urging us to re-enter through its gate--


**Love one another with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind.  For you are of the LIGHT and the LIGHT cannot be hidden and the dark cannot survive.  Live in LOVE for within the true aspects of LOVE the hidden will be revealed.


All I know is that I am suffering HARD.  I have never understood the perpetuation of negativity.  Everyday that I do not experience love in the world I suffer eternally.  Somehow I have always known unconditional love and I have ended up homeless.  I have to play my Ocarina to barely make enough money to survive.  I have been waiting for unity for as long as I have lived.  I can only hope that something will happen very, very soon.

I love what you wrote.  I agree  the dark attempts to make us feel badly.  They want us to know who we really are no more, because who we are is gold, and the gold is the only real power. Fear and dark disappear in light.  if we knew how bright our lights were, we would never fear the dark.  Dark disappears as we lift our lights to God i Am in the knowing God i Am is us, is always us, is always here now and forevermore.  In all realms, in past, present, and future, all lines are possible to imagine.  We can let go of imagining the line of fear in 3d is real if we are being who we are.  All we have to do is be.  We have to do nothing but be the love we are in the core of the heart of all love.


  God is with us in all ways.  God is us.  As we create who we really are from the core true heart of us, we begin to imagine a new line of oneness that creates new worlds.  Everywhere we are, and we are everywhere, we create worlds upon worlds as we lift new worlds in one love.  The Earth is everywhere.  The earth, like us, is multidimensional.  In every d we create all possible new worlds as we live the truth of our life as one with all love in this world.


All dimensions are being created continuously and simultaneiously as we create the truth of our being and the knowing that we are really love everywhere.  Who we really are in this dimension impacts where we are in every dimension.  If we create from the space and the knowing who we really are here is God I Am, then the level of love we bring to everywhere we are rises, is always rising, and has already risen a New Earth.  There are so many extra light bodies on the Earth now who are gifting our planet with extra extra Angelic light bodies from beings in all lands of oneness that we have nothing to fear.  3d is done.  We can experience it being done as soon as imagine heaven here already and know love is all there is.  Love is the only true power.


Though fear is not real, it can feel real.  Fear seems real only if we imagine ourselves as believing in fear.  If we believe in no fear, we don't feel the fear.  If we don't accept any of the fear thrown at us, we don't imagine it.  The Cabal want us to look at feare as real, but we know better.  we can look at fear as if it is gone and it is in our awareness already gone.


We are home with I Am I Am.  All in the room of one love are alwlays home with I AM I AM.  All we have to do is call on the extra extra help if we want to disappear the fear.  Our mere intent to receive extra light help is enough to send 1000s of angels our way..


Love and Light to all

door number 2 and 3/4s???? well it was asked where i stand in terms of this perspective and I guess that is what I would consider my stance.   but..... (yep allways a but)  as I was "thinking about catagorizing where I "lay" in "the" system it kind of occured to me that why think of it in that way? what about where we lay in terms of awakeness???? in terms of being in touch of being reunited with the gifts that were bestowed to us?? because to emphasize (sp?) where we lay in THE system gives it more "power" does it not?   other than for moral support reasons for fellow light workers who cares where we lay really... right? That's why we were CHOSEN and CHOSE to do what we are doing?!?!? am i alone in this perspective?

I feel that it is best at least for me to turn all the fear, stress,worry etc. etc about money, rent, no car, not having probably what only our ego's think is not enough, into love and strength.... that's the whole point...... right???? transmuting dark to light?? raising the vibrations?


Am I claiming that this is easy??? not by a longshot... but let me adress the issue of discloser and the potential dissapointment if it were not to happen soon or at a certain date. 

WE and only we can change the situation (earth, society, fear etc.)  we cannot wait for someone else to come swoop in and do it for us.  STAY IN THE POCKET AND KEEP FIGHTING!!!!!!


I thought of loose analogy.  If there were a little league soccer game going on and the parents jumped on the feild and kicked the ball in the goal wouldn't that just not be .... well right?  They can cheer from the sidelines... coach.. give advise and guidance but to blatently step onto the feild and participate would defeat the whole purpose of playing the game.  and also wouldn't it be a major "insult" or let down to the team that got this assistance?? they might be happy they won the game but later they may (hopefully) realize that they couldn't do it or at least stick it out to the very last minute by themselves.  To me there is a tremendous value in toughing it out till the end!!.  HANG IN THERE KIDS!!!  Don't ever give up, loose faith or worry about stuff.  If u do.... that's what they want and ud be giving more power to the other team!!!

we are being watched over and only when at absulute need be big brother will interveen.  Until then stay in the game and try to enjoy the good parts as much as possible. 


Anyways hang in there gang hold your head up you are not alone!!!!!

Libbie Webb (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 19:15

I'm in a beautiful spot where I'm supposed to be, but with people who continue to dwell in the matrix...but, I keep reminding myself I'm where I'm supposed to be.


I know Libbie that I am where I am supposed to be too.  I keep

asking if there is a place where I can move that would be more

comfortable and keep getting that I need to be where I am in

order to facilitate the cleansing and raise the vibrations here.

Can't wait for this duty to be done!


Thanks for your honest reply!

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 19:34

Thank you for sharing such a great article Devi, I feel exactly the same emotions and have been struggling to hang on in this insane world of illusions. I find it intersting that the group of most awake beings are also the ones having the most trouble, here, it makes sense as this world is not really read for us yet but we hang on to the hope and love that it will change very soon.
I do believe that change is now and it's always darkest before dawn, would be nice if it wasnt sooo challenging though...LOL

JK Beauchamp/L… (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 21:11

3 by locality. 2 in spiritually deeling with the 3 starting this sentence. The longer I live here in this town I shall leave unnamed, the more I have come to realize the impact the "goose" done to this section of Earth by the Archons( I'm assuming) the more status of 3 for locality edges into the 2 I can maintain spiritually about half the time. I live in a small community surrounded by HAARP antenna stuck to all the Cell phone towers situated on the peaks of the hills and are aiming at the town.....and me. The Cabal flies single engine planes over my house nightly, over and over after dusk till 2am sometimes HAARPing me with the mobile arrays I now beleive are in thos planes.

 I'm not bitching. I only theretically "woke" up late Febuary/early March this year, yet have been moving Chi long distance goosing storms for 20 years. Thus the HAARP and the inscessant negative energy attacks that at some points force me to move so much energy to counter them for even my own pesonal sanctity that I end up wasting what I need to be expending on the grid and my task with that. Thus the delay of some of my missions with no juice left to complete them in the time constraints given. After further consultation about the number of gooses done by the Archons, I now feel quite strongly that this town is one of those 134 sites as the Acoshic(spelled that wrong probably) records dictate.

 This place I live is beautiful from an environmental stand point. Rolling hills, thick woods all around, a nest of Bald Eagles just down the river. This area is teaming with life now. From an energetic stand point it's pretty thick. I have sent out huge amounts of Chi into the grid here to counter HAARP impact and wriggle loose the "goose".

  I am the only Light worker here in my immeadiate area. That's ok to because I have in 4 months managed to network with many "high" test", big Energy people like my self and though can't "hang" face to face with any of them, they are only a tone away. I'm not claiming any thing better or worse obout the volume of CHi I can shovel, as we are each on our own distinct Ascenssion path and I bring my rather quirky skill sets to the global table.

 Yes I get bogged down and my living environment is comparable to being stuck in a giant negative energy blender, as the months have ticked by, my skill sets have all gained steam at the Light speed this ascenssion process is now happening at for some.

 I am thankful and honored to have been given a chance to bring these slamming energies given by Source into such a dark place. Every time they turn up HAARP or whatever mechanism the neg forces use, I gain strength countering. So have fun with that.

 I am also honored to be lucky enough to have contact with any Light workers at all. In regards to catagory one. I am grateful for these Suols in this joirney as well. The fact that the don't perhaps have to deal with some of the thinge the other two catagories may lack. Good thing All Things Are Connected. Having limited intel from my team and my Higher selves, Thoise with the clearer surrounding are getting intel that I need to do my job both plowing through the Ascenssion process myself but woking on the grid. Some of those crop circles have been key to me getting things done. I am thankful because they shine some Light my way when I am really getting ransacked. Go Team.

  My point ultimatelly is perspective as there are good points and bad points about all 3 catagories of this survey. Aren't we trying to move to a place where I/Us?Them, good/bad, Dark/Light is rendered mute. 13D is up there some where.

 Don't fret my freinds, there are so many distractions afoot to keep us preoccupied and not going with in that some times our own Lights diim. Been there done that. You are no more alone than any of the rest of us from a "looking up" perspective. If you want to see shit it is every where, but so is the beauty. Namaste, and pull it together people that clocks a tickin. Mornin'.


Thanks for your response here.  I agree with you that there are

good points and bad points to all three catagories.  Although

I do think that door number 1 has the most advantages from

being able to view this all with more distance and a degree

of comfort.  My point was not to "judge" any of the positions,

but to meerly point out that some of us are not in the greatest

circumstances to be "detached" in any way that is really easy

or feels very positive.  I know for myself that everyday I need

to reorient my mind to where I am at and to remember constantly

to try my best to stay positive and feel okay.  I know that I feel

the love for everyone, the animals and the planet, so that is not

a problem or issue for me. 



Thanks for letting us know what you are doing during this time!

Just wanted to say thanks also for using your skills to help

facilitate all of this!  Great work!

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 22:59



Thanks for writing this.  I am the guest that wrote the original plea.  I did it out of a sense of frustration and doubt.  I still don't know if I will make it much past August.  I am definitely behind door number 3. 


I can barely stand to be in this world surrounded by the unawake.  I definitely live in two worlds with plan b being the one about chasing paper and trying to survive while plan a is hoping and waiting and lighting the way to a better tomorrow.


I live a monk existence lately and don't even feel like engaging my fellow humans around me or my immediate family.  They already think i'm crazy and keep trying to get me to read the bible and go to thier church.


I just want to get on the lightship and stop playing this duality game.  I am currently unemployed and haven't earned a dime of income hardly since March.  I lost most of my possesions including my dogs but I also lost my attachment to material things.  You can't live in this world for very long without money though and the prospects are bleak in this area.  At least for now I have free room and board but I know my family grows tired of supplying me with this.  It seems a pretty hopeless situation.


Yesterday I was so confident and at the beginning of the week I was so confident that this event would indeed take place.

Dear Guest,


I am glad that you saw what I wrote here as my heart went out

to you in such a deep way.   Some of us have been through so

much during these last years.  And we really need to hear the

pain that our brothers and sisters have been living in. 


My hope is to give you strength during this time and to let

you know that you are not alone.  


This moring as I read through these responses, which are so


beautiful and honest, a tear is ready to roll down my cheek

as I can feel so much love that we have for one another here.


I thank all of you who responded. 


Much Love to you Guest and everyone here!


I can relate to what you're going through Devi. Thanks for sharing this real side that we lightworkers are in. It got crazy this year for me. The circumstances that pushed and shoved made no sense at all. Up to last year and early March this year, it was a 2 sometimes 1 sort of state. All hell broke loose mid Mar. I cried to my Guides, Archangels, Space family or whoever cared to listen. Nothing made sense. It felt like I was tredding on lumber scaffolding under my feet only that beam by beam was being removed without any fore warning.
My cries were real. At times I wanted out- not in a suicidal way but as a plea to my Higher Self that I review and rewrite my contract or grant me an exit point soon.
As a result of all these and the teachings I have gleaned thru some of our channellers, bloggers, online lightworker community barring the disinformation messengers as well as my own Higher Self & Guides, I have accelerated on my journey. I know this cos I 'm a different being now in terms of my actions, thoughts, emotions. Growth has been phenomenal.
The 3s are going thru this for one or all of the foll reasons
1. We signed up for this


I can relate to what you're going through Devi. Thanks for sharing this real side that we lightworkers have found ourselves in. It got crazy this year for me. The circumstances that pushed and shoved me made no sense at all. Up to last year and early March this year, it was a 2 sometimes for the most part. To 3  I went in mid March when all hell broke loose. I cried to my Guides, Archangels, Space family or whoever cared to listen. Nothing made sense. It felt like I was treading on some lumber scaffolding under my feet, only that beam by beam was being removed without any fore warning.
My cries were real. At times I wanted out- not in a suicidal way but as a plea to my Higher Self that I review and rewrite my contract or that they grant me an exit point soon.
As a result of all these and the teachings I have gleaned thru some of our channellers, bloggers, online lightworker community barring the disinformation messengers as well as my own Higher Self & Guides, I have accelerated my journey many-fold. I know this cos I 'm a different being now in terms of my actions, thoughts, emotions. Growth has been phenomenal.
The 3s are going thru this for one or all of the foll reasons

1.   We signed up for this, though I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’d want to go through something like this

2.   Intensification of karma clearing as Ascension dawns

3.   Taking on additional karma, particularly those in our Soul Group for our overall Ascension. What this means is that if there’s a member in our group who’s a little behind, we (the 3s) decided to be their saviour and take on some of their load.

4.   Total flushing and cleansing of all unwanted stuff

5.   Learning our core lessons thoroughly. This means we have not quite mastered this and our Higher Self knows we better complete this biggie. For most, if not all Lightworkers, self-love & self-worth  take centre stage. I’m learning to love myself big time, this year alone!

6.   Trusting in our true Inner Being

Let’s hang in there. It will be over real soon.

Some ways I cope and handle myself are:

1.   Telling myself – This too shall pass

2.   Taking it moment by moment rather than facing the whole day or weeks or months ahead at one go

3.   Honouring myself and looking over my shoulders ever so often to see how far I’ve come

4.   Forgiving everyone. Actually I’m now in a hurry to forgive whoever shows up in whatever form – be it my mother-in-law at the door

5.   Knowing that I’m really A Master, make that Gods & Goddesses with superb powers waiting to manifest.

6.   Instead of pleading and praying, I declare: I AM AN ASCENDED MASTER. I AM PAST ALL KARMA WHICH NO LONGER HAS A HOLD OVER ME. THIS IS MY NOW REALITY. State this reality. Give thanks.

7.   Yes, give thanks, thanks, thanks

8.   Move away from despair & despondency. Do not linger for more than a minute. Put on those glasses that allow you to see through this illusion and right into 5Dness and beyond

9.   I’m practising detachment which really helps. What I do is step into my true Higher Beingness. Then sitting across, I watch my 3 D self. Try it. Takes a little practise but worth it in the long run.

10.                Release , release, release.

11.                Say this aloud and imagine all the pain, unbearable issues being thrown into a large fire –Violet flame, Golden light whatever. Colour and form is your choice. Intent is important.

12.                Learn the important lesson that we all had to learn recently – totally shrug off all timelines & dates. Just know it’s this year. So that means it doesn’t really matter. Taking the maximum time frame from today, that’ll be 5 months (or less!). We can’t go wrong on this, folks.

Enough said. See you in Ascended Masterhood real soon.

Sending all you 3s healing waves, blasts of love & light!

Be well all, for ALL IS WELL!!

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 18:11

Wow door # 3 has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. All I can say all we have done and all we have been through means something, somewhere! Hang on try and feel good and start charging for your services and Peace be yours my friend I understand!


It sure has been a roller coaster for us door number 3's

Think I am going to have "sea" legs for quite some time.

I am really hoping that we will get special time for R&R !!!

Beach time for us all!


Much love to you!


How Long Oh Lord? (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 19:35

Dear Devi,


You expressed your feelings so beautifully and so honestly in your comments, and I believe you spoke for so many of us. 


I think the hardest part for me are all of the numerous and varied reasons given for the delays in the timelines that have been promised.  How many times have we been given hope only to discover that the timeline or event has changed due to reasons that make no sense or frankly make one wonder if God is still in charge.


One of the hardest reasons to accept is when we are told that people are not ready to hear the truth, and that they will respond with too much fear when their worldview is forced to change and they are forced out of their comfort zone.  This should have been added into the equation years ago.  People have been sleeping for decades. All the more reason that mass arrests of the Cabal and Disclosure should have happened many months ago to allow people to absorb and process the information. 


Why didn't the Galactics tell the positive military about the Archons in embodiment and out of embodiment (Cobra's website) 35 years ago so that they could factor this top level of the Illuminati into their plans to rid this planet of these dark ones?


Unawakened people are acting more crazy, not less crazy.  As each day goes by, more and more people die from hunger, are killed by mind-controlled terrorists or pharmaceutical-induced diseases, live in poverty, lose their homes, breath filthy air, can't find a job, are being robbed by other people who can't make ends meet or who need to pay for their addiction(s), are being brainwashed at extremely expensive universities, and are being lied to by shameless politicians.  Is this better than the Truth being revealed?


When I go out into nature to take a meditative walk at a nearby state park, I am continually appalled at the number of gum wrappers, styrofoam cups, toilet paper, fast food containers. etc. along the path that have been carelessly discarded by completely unconscious people.  I now walk with a trash bag in my hand.


I'm not exactly depressed, but I think the best word is "flat."  At least my cats keep me laughing at all of their silliness.


I send all of you Door 3s a huge ocean of Love.  Know that you are not alone.  Here's to our final Victory in the Light!!

Wow, reading your words were like I was talking to myself!

You are seeing this in exactly the same way that I am.

I so agree that all of this should and could easily have been

taken into consideration during this time.  It doesn't take

too much forthought to understand this.  And I also agree

that way too much concern is and has been placed on

worrying about the "fear factor".  I mean really, this is the

one area that people are probably way more awake and

open to than many things... I am talking about sitings or

contact.  Seems like it is getting to feel a little lame on

that topic. 


And Cobra's comment about the positive military not

factoring the the Archons felt lame too.  Factor it in

now for goodness sake.  Once you know about them

then that is all that matters. 


I also would describe myself as feeling flat and the only

thing that brings me really happy feelings is being with

and watching my animals.  Nothing else feels pure and

real to me in almost all human interaction.  


Thank you so much!  I am not alone and on to victory my friend!



I agree with you.We are tired of waiting.I,myself also sometimes am thinking I went crazy.Every day for me is the battle for surviving the next day.I have been waiting since my young years when I had started my spiritual education.I am forced to fight now even for food.The only help are my sweet loving pets.Even my family deserted me because of my financial troubles which started when I entered my fifties.I would like to survive untill the big Event but dont know if it would be possible.I asked for help my spiritual Guides but no answer.And I started to give up...No matter how busy I have looked for any job,the answer is," no.sorry,you are too old for this job".And for the retirement I am "too young".My country is especially unfriendly for women,and for old women- they think I am unuseful....

Blessings to you for your work.

You are the encouragment for people like me,



Fri, 08/03/2012 - 22:39

you asked for a number  I say - 2


Now (1) understand that we ALL encouter challenges. THIS IS HOW WE LEARN.

       (2) Understand that fear drives the Human Race! We, as spirit, came here to learN how to handle Fear, the most Negative energy, AND our EMOTIONS (engery). Do we learn to control them and FEAR or be downed by them? LOVE  is the opposite of FEAR (HATE COMES FROM FEAR). and now that Earth has transited from the Plane of Duality (Love-Fear) into the Plane of Unity - what have we learned? 

       (3) If we want peace we MUST find it first within ourselves!

       (4) If we would love others we must first love ourselves unconditionally! Only then can we love others - or God!

       (5) Understand ALL THINGS change for Creation is like the waves of the Ocean - in constant motion and in constant change.

       (6) The time is now - no more words - only deeds. You now MUST BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE! There is no other way!

There are many of us who have been ready for graduation for

quite some time now.  I know I am and have been.  Just getting

a little sweaty in my cap and gown!


1.  I believe that we can learn through pain or learn through love.  And

I chose learning through love.


2.  Can't say I am afraid of much of anything, except going back through

this process for hundreds of millions of years would not be alot of fun.


3.  I have made peace with myself and all others.


4.  I do love myself completely unconditionally!


5.  I thought the waves would be a little bigger.


6.  I don't know anyone else who lives what they believe more than

I do. 






GuestCarolyn Havens (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 23:18

The years of my 50's were the most trying and early 60's. My saving grace was getting SS and SSI and finding a low income Senior Housing Community.  Because I helped other people most of my life I only qualified for $149.00 SS.  Because of Depression I qualified for SSI. Now my income is $700. a month. I too looked forward to helping others heal. Then my hope deteriorated to where I thought I was one step away from a Care home. I was guided to a small Island in Hawaii and into this Senior Community and received the most personal help I could imagine. I'm 70 yrs now and like you, getting very tired of feeling 'put-off'.  I had no Idea the Illuminati were as powerful as they are. WOW.  I DO believe that the Galactic Federation IS here and doing all they can to help Humanity Ascend into Heaven ON Earth.

  When I was in my 50's I cleaned houses to survive. I was in shelters several times. I just kept telling myself that I am in God;s hands and "This Too Will Pass". I'm still waiting as patiently as possible. I wirk with the energies as best I can and believe that  'something' good is going to come out of all of this.

    Hang in there Precious Angel and be as gentle with yourself as you can.

                                             Blessings and Love, Carolyn

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 03:38

You've explained everything as to how i feel, i am going through door number 3 no job for 5 years, money problems, bills out of control so all in all you tend to let yourself go and all you want is a end to all this nightmare world and go back to who we truly are and back home but i feel i need some reassurance like disclosure to keep my head afloat this big sea of human delusion.

You look like a beautiful angle so something must be going right for you.

So until then take care & hopefully very ,very soon now.

Love peace sister............


Sat, 08/04/2012 - 08:47

"LOVE" is an ideal, a word that is used profusly by the human race. You say you have found yourself through love and that is true IF that word is used properly for there is ALSO TOUGH LOVE which is just as important at times as LOVE. God has been using this on the human race sice you have been here.  How come, you say? Simple. Read your history and you will see that the Humans have HAD to LEARN by tough love. We have been repeatingt the same disasterous "times" we had have by doing the same thing over and over again. Do we ever learn? Hell No! Therefore, tough love kicks in, that if the lesson presented by The Father is ignored it returns EACH TIME more painful than before WHICH IS PRECISELY WHERE WE ARE TODAY IN THIS WORLD. WE HAVE BROUGHT THIS ON OURSELVES!  Will we pay attention this time? I hope so because now is Graduation Time and if we have NOT learned we will not accompany Gaia to the 5th dimension and will stay in this cesspool we have created by our own "avoidance". Gaia is no longer in DUALITY (LEARNING), she has moved into UNITY - and we must move with her or be left behind until we are ready to pay attrention and really grow. It is time for deeds - not words!

Not sure why you think that I would not know this?  Although

really I don't buy the tough love stuff very far.  I think that

the Archons placed this tough love so that they could watch

humanity squirm through this 3D game for the last many years.

I think of real love as "no judgement"  "compassion" "detachment"

"allowing" and "supporting".  We can also define all of these

if you wish. 


And as far as deeds instead of words, just as thoughts are

things, words can be deeds. 


Humans love to "label" things and affix definitions, explanations, idealism, etc. Perhaps it may be the that Humans find it difficult to deal with REALITY. but now that Gaia has evolved from DUALITY TO UNITY - all is changed as REALITY is now staring us right in the face. Do we face REALITY with idealistic dreams or do we finally see  that "all this" was merely a play to help us undrstand the energies we are dealing with and the energeries we WILL be dealing with. When will we learn EMOTION is a quciksilver energy that can drown us in negativity or help us rise about it and control it. When will the Human stop letting someone (or others) from running his/her life? Words are words, DEEDS ARE DEEDS. There comes a time when you have to put your words into DEEDS, and LIVE what you believe. How many people do you know who truly do that quietly and silently? Peace which passes all understanding comes not from God but from onesself. If you have not PEACE within how the hell will you have any "peace" without? If you do not "love" yourself, without judgement, uncondionally, and happily, how then can you "love" any one else? Many talk a good game but few PLAY IT! That IS the difference between "words" and "deeds"

And do not check before making them whether they are indeed

correct or accurate.  It seems as though you have assumed many

things about me and you don't really know me at all.

I am in peace despite anything that has or does happen to me.

My deeds are too many to even count.

My love for myself is unconditional and boundless.

My love for others and all of this planet is boundless.

I am fully my highest self in my physical body.

Enough said.

I did not accuse you, nor attack you in any way. You have no need to be so defensive. I said nothing about you - I referred to humans in general which comes from my own experience of more than 35 years as a psychologist, and a teacher of the non-physical sciences. What you do or not do, what you have achieved or not achieved is your choice and business only - not mine. If you feel i singled you out to pick on, I am sorry that you do for that was not my intent but I cannot be blamed for what you seemed to think I did that brought on this "so there!" reply from you. I will be glad to discuss our apparent differences if you wish. 

I generally do not take anything personally at all.  But since you put this

message on my particular blog, I would have to say that

it certainly would seem as though your were addressing me

with whatever you write in response to it.  Who may I ask

were you addressing if not me? 

Actually, I was making an observation on your blog. I was addressing those who have not gotten their act together and saying that time was running out, that  Graduation Day was here and if one wanted to ascend with Gaia they needed to get their act together. I will avoid your blogs in the future as your asscusations are chldish and without merit.. 

Actually, I was making an observation on your blog. I was addressing those who have not gotten their act together and saying that time was running out, that  Graduation Day was here and if one wanted to ascend with Gaia they needed to get their act together. I will avoid your blogs in the future as your asscusations are chldish and without merit.. 

I do not feel that anyone here needs to be in a position of telling

others how they should or should not be. 

Or what they need to learn. 

Best to avoid my blogs in the future.

From what you said , I asume that this is your website and these are your people. From what I see of your attitude I am glad not to reply to your blog. . 

hillie (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 09:41

Devi, the similarities of experiences are astounding. I also work with subtle energies and put those into my paintings. I had a gallery in the mountains of B.C., on a busy highway. Something kept me from putting a pricetag on my paintings, I was compelled to ask for donations only.Because that felt right..... I have also come to a point where I have nothing left but some clothes, my little dog, a few of my paints and lots of empty paper. All we can do is bide our time, till we are needed. Knowing that we seem to need to hit bottom before we can raise out of the rubble and show them who we really are, keeps me going.  . Subconsciously I have known that this was what I came here for.....but had no direction as to where to go. I think it is only a matter of time and we will know. 

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