Transcending Hope and Despair

Submitted by will on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 21:58

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 22:47

Please stop giving people hope.  Just trust that all is occuring as it should.  Spare me the hope that something is going to change Aug 4.  everthing has changed but others fail to see the change.  We are ascending and it does not matter if disclosure happen right this minute or tomorrow.  People be the one and only, spirit of one.  I am living in the now and disclosure happen to me in my meditation.  I saw an alien, when I say alien something that is not familiar to being of this earth.  Why do I need discloure.

Light Warrior

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 23:20



If we were completely living in the "Now", "hope" wouldn't even be part of our vocabulary.  There would be no use for it...


Thanks for this great piece.


~Love and Light~

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 23:23

Hope is an illusion, however it is often a rather useful one. There has always been a lot of desperate people striving simply for survival in this world. Why not go and tell them stop having the desire for a better future and just dwell at the NOW moment instead... 



Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 23:45

Very interesting thoughts on "hope". 

I just had a flash re "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" ... Dante's imagined inscription over the entrance to hell. We've always assumed, been taught, the statement was the equivalent of "no way out of this place of eternal suffering", and I assume it's what Dante was thinking (am no scholar on Dante). But maybe we need to look at the statement as a clue to remedy - as in "hope is not what you need to restore your prospects"! 

That was a 'flash thought', and not what I meant to post. I meant to thank you for a discussion on what we mean by 'hope' and how we frequently use hope to avoid more effective response to problematic situations that might be improved.  I do not argue that some situations cannot be remedied, at least not easily, and acceptance is part of any remedy.

I've noticed curiously recently that I don't like to use the word 'hope' even in causal conversation - don't like to hear myaelf saying "we can always hope" and am uncomfortable when I hear others say it. I think that intuitively I've come to an awarenss about 'hope' much in line with your thoughts.

I am acutely aware, at nearly every moment, what a mess humanity, all life, and the earth itself are in. Rational, logical, thinking strongly suggests to me that we're unlikely to change course in a timely manner. It often seems as if time is up. Nevertheless, there is "something" inside me that compels me to act "as if" I can make a difference in helping humanity find its way - to what I percieve as "humanity's yet undeveloped promise and potential". Similarly, the same internal "mysterious" motivation causes me to act "as if" radical earth-care practices of a single individual will contribute to restoring earth's natural functions that support abundance.

I don't consider myself "hopeful" at all. But I do seem to operate from some kind of optimism that may be more intuitive/instinctive than logical. (I'm retirement age - have 'been there, done that' with "hope" as remedy!)


Sat, 08/04/2012 - 08:23

This was excellent!  As a student of Metaphysics, we are taught that we are all one consciousness.  That every word, thought, and reaction sends a vibration out into the universe and causes a ripple.  Your thought becomes my thought as we all have the innate abilities of telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance and clairaudience - even though most of us are not aware or adept at such things.  Everything in the universe is vibration - your thoughts are vibration - we are all made up of sound vibrations.  Take a look at professor Emoto's study of words on water molecules - (there is alot more Youtube videos on this subject that I will send on that later)


You achieve success and FREEDOM and exactly what you are by letting go of the lower vibrations - fear, greed, want, desire, HOPE, despair


You simply ARE - everything in the universe is divinely perfect which is why they say AS ABOVE, SO BELOW - all is the SAME.


You negatively charge your vibrations with negative thought and physical patterns.  

HOWEVER,  instead...

YOU BECOME whatever your higher self wants to BE in physical form by manifestation. ( THE SECRET)


For example:

I sure hope I get that job!  Nope not going to happen because it is not part of your essence you are not vibrating the truth- hope is negative. ( now in some cases of course you still get the job becasue the universe knows what you need despite yourself :-)  )


Instead, replace this statement with:

I AM perfectly aligned with my higher purpose.  If this postition is aligned with my higher purpose, I accept this job. AND SO IT IS.


You are divinely decreeing that If it is in your higher best interest - IT IS SO


This is in the NOW not the future.


Another example:

I am beautiful, intelligent, creative, prosperous in everything I do.  I am my perfect weight.  The universe supports me in everythying I DO.  AND SO IT IS.


You must divinely DECREE IT IS SO - IN THE NOW


YOU ARE POWERFUL!!! YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY - we all have so much power to be and have exactly what is our divine right - stop wanting stop wishing - YOU ARE YOU HAVE...


GO FOR IT!!! :-) For the universe (your higher God mind) does support your every move in the NOW.


Love and Light,




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